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White Progressives Are Polarizing America (1 Viewer)

It was about international diplomacy. It is a big world out there with many issues to be dealt with. Our elections are our responsibility. The question you are referring to was inappropriate and had more to do with partisanship than the purpose of Helsinki.

Marxism is not a diversion. If you understand the teachings of Karl Marx and the emerging platform of the Democratic Party (and would be willing to be honest about it) - we are talking about Progressives, hence a factor.

What you incorrectly call Marxism are really Social programs that are a part of FDR's 2nd Bill of Rights. Conspiring with a foreign adversary to fix an election is treason. So is being compromised by a foreign power and lying about it. Helsinki was a display of just that offense. That you cannot grasp that is also not American. Americans love their country over all else and a President that sides with our adversary against America is a traitor . Trumpists have chosen Trump over American values and the rule of law. You might as well admit that to yourself. When Trump is gone you will have nothing.
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My friend, this IS the push-back. After the past 10 years of wingtard bull****, (especially the last two,) you expected less?

Did you think these folks would just let bygones be bygones? After what the GOP did to Obama and their darling Hillary?

The proverbial chickens are coming home to roost! For it is written, "Ye shall reap what ye sow."

Hippy's call it karma.

Adapt and improvise.

Blah blah blah blah.....

Where were you when liberals were making a assassination movies about Bush?


God almighty, you never look past the end of your own nose....do you!

Yup....................those darn racist Republicans!

I think it's mostly driven by the academic bourgeois, to be honest, reinforced by increasingly tyrannical college administrations. Once intellectual freedom is stifled on campuses, left wing extremism results through the promotion of unchecked ideology. We have seen this repeat over and over in the 20th century, particularly in Russia. On some campuses, Professors live in fear of teaching proper course material because there could be leftist backlash. It's getting out of hand. This time around, it happens to be occurring among so-called feminist and gender ideologists. The irony is that most first and second wave feminists denounce these people, but it doesn't matter.

It's a symptom of the rise of fundamentalism in the United States. The rightists are no better.

Fortunately, I think moderates are still winning out, based on election results. It's not like either side has had a huge landslide in recent elections. As long as that remains relatively static, I think we're OK.

It may be that the media is overexemplifying the extremism and making it seem more widespread than it is. For most Americans, it's just business as usual in their day to day lives. What this tell us is that the government-corporate infrastructure is to blame for the misrepresentation of popular opinion. All for profit, mostly.
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My question is this: Is there a point that will prompt push-back?

There's always a point where the push-back prompts a push-back against the push-back.
Inflating what's happening right now however in an effort to attempt further push would just result in a further push-back of truly monumental proportions in the near future.

Example: Referring to mainstream progressives in a manner reminiscent of 1950's Birch Society Red Scare fanatics, i.e. labeling mainstream progressives as extremists, communists, etc.

That would fall under that category of "demonizing his opposition and doing his best to inflame his base" you referred to.
Yes, there is a move afoot in the Democratic Party to move the party back a little bit more to the Left, but it is Center-Left, NOT COMMUNISM or pure full steam ahead socialism.
It is nothing more than a cyclical effort to put the Democratic Party back on Center-Left footing instead of "neoliberal Republican-Lite" which it has been for the last twenty to twenty-five years.

If anyone cares about my opinion, I'm seeing a move more toward FDR.
It doesn't do anyone any good to paint that as a move toward Stalin or Mao Tse-Tung or even Eugene V. Debs.

But I expect that Republicans will be ratcheting up that hyperbole even more than they are right now, by several orders of magnitude. I seriously doubt anything will stop that. I'm expecting full scale hair on fire hysteria in the next six months.
Your comment on infanticide illustrates my point. Thanks

Wait--you disagree that this topic is polarizing?

You know what? Never mind. If people aren't willing to admit that there is plenty of fault to go all the way around, there really isn't much discussion to be had.

No, AOC, Sanders, etc. are well removed from FDR.

As to conspiring with a foreign government to fix an election - sounds like the old "Russian collusion" gambit that has been discarded in exchange for sex with porn stars and NYC Taxi medallions. Even Mueller seems to have given up on that one. Time to move on.

Mueller's report is not out but that does not preclude every example of criminal behavior by a President being judged by the rule of law. You do understand that America survives because we follow the rule of law don't you? Did you miss that part in school? If we allow a President to thwart the rule of law by ANY means there is no more America. You see the problem you have? How many felonies do you think Trump might be guilty of? You seem to be admitting to one at least.
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lol at you not understanding the long racial history of whites referring to blacks as chimps or monkey's.

And say what you want about Democrats, but Obama didn't go around for six years claiming that Bush was a foreign born Muslim with a fake birth certificate. That was what your boy Trump did to Obama, the same Trump dumb ass Republicans voted for in the primaries, and then general election.
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Might it be possibly that some supported Romney over Obama because they shared his ideology - and the same with Trump over Hillary. Or must there be "scumbags' involved?

What ideology did Trump and Romney have? Because both of them were/are flip flopping frauds who's "positions" were all over the place. Trump is even worse, a guy who spent his entire life switching back and forth between Republicans and Democrats. Trump has no ideology, and never will. He's the ultimate opportunist.
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I grew up during the race riots in my neighborhood.

Get a clue.

Your point is valid with a big "IF". We have not yet seen anything to confirm not following the rule of law by President Trump by any rational definition. Remember, much of the hoopla has been about actions long before he was President as well as the actions of associates long before he was President.

What is it you see me admitting to?

All pols can be accused of flip flopping to one degree or another if you chose to.

As to Romney - true not a Goldwater Conservative but definitely not a Progressive Movement follower. Hence, preferable to Obama.

As to Trump - you are confusing Political Party with ideology. And, he to was a fine opposite number to Hillary continuing the Progressive advance by Obama. In deciding on a candidate one would never vote if they needed 100%. You take the best you can get from the choices offered.

Richard Spencer was the hail Trump guy. Plenty of trumpists voted for him as a whitelash.

Except he doesnt. Lol you think Hillary was anything like a marxist?

The Democrat party was the original party of slavery, discrimination, Jim Crow laws, KKK, Segregation, etc..They even taught the NAzi;s how to use law to legally create second class citizens that could then be controlled. To hide these historical facts, representatives from the original party of slavey are now acting as though they are seeking justice for those they oppressed, by blaming others. This is way a cover the crimes of the ole DNC.

The analogy is group of thieves become activists for protecting civilians who were victims of thieves. They blame everyone but themselves for these victims. The common sense people, who can see the scam, get defensive that the thieves do not place themselves in the proper roles as the dominant bullies. They resist the changes that are being proposed by the thieves. This is spun by the thieves as meaning that the new victims of the new con, hate the victims of the old con. This pits two innocents against each other, with the thieves watching in the background.

We need to revisit the Democrat party from 1830 to 1950. This was an evil bunch that never paid its due.
Richard Spencer was the hail Trump guy. Plenty of trumpists voted for him as a whitelash.

I don't know what a "hail Trump guy" is. If you mean one who agrees with the Prrsident's vision of America, I guess that includes me.

As to "whitelash" - could be. And then there was the "blacklash" for Obama and the "womanlash" for Hillary. Some do vote in strange ways.
Except he doesnt. Lol you think Hillary was anything like a marxist?

Of course he does. That's what got the Dems upsaet with his statements to NATO.

Hillary - no, an opportunist and I believe she would have been ObamaII. Hence, a continuation of the "long march".

I don't think the repub machine can crank up the hyperbole any further - they've had the amp at 11 for years now. Turn on Fox or wingnut radio and it's non-stop hyperventilating about "deep state", "coup" and "socialism" among other things. The Limbaughization of the right is complete.

I moved into a reddish area from a purple one in 2015, which was just in time to witness them all (well almost all) jumping the shark of Trumpism.

I'm sure you didn't miss all the recent threads where righties are pimping nutter attacks on MAGA people.
That's part and parcel of the "11" setting but more important, it's justification for the final step: "call to war".
I'm sure you didn't miss all the recent threads where righties are pimping nutter attacks on MAGA people.
That's part and parcel of the "11" setting but more important, it's justification for the final step: "call to war".

Nope, didn't miss any of it.

The "war" tone in the right wing media didn't begin with Trump but he's amplified it like a champ. The nut job in Silver Spring, MD heard the call to arms.
Nope, didn't miss any of it.

The "war" tone in the right wing media didn't begin with Trump but he's amplified it like a champ. The nut job in Silver Spring, MD heard the call to arms.

Yeah, and by the way, Silver Spring, MD is very close to Bethesda, MD...where I grew up until early 1977.

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