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White Progressives Are Polarizing America (1 Viewer)

“When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.”
― James Waterman Wise

He is also quoted as "Praising the Soviet Union as the 'political and human center of mankind'”.

You must remember that "Trumpers" are people who were offered two options and saw President Trump as the better of the two. "White" or otherwise is only a factor to the racists of the left.
Trump and McConnell were the point of the push back. It's why the republicans lost the house. Articles that lean towards criticizing the left and their polarization would be more helpful if the right realized this so called push back comes from reacting to the right's extreme views of how america should be run. I've never in all my years seen a polarization like the party of trump. They're not even republicans any longer they're just a group of people who hate liberals or anything about the left. Wait till the elections draw closer and see how many times we hear the word socialism. The right bangs it into the heads of their base so they can keep the reigns of power while raping america with their capitalism is great motto. The right cries about big government, demonizes the federal government and the red states get more money and help from the federal government they say they hate. It all started with reagan telling his base government is bad and the cause of your problem not the solution. Over the decades the right has heard this so much they believe it.

They are not only "not Republicans anymore", they are no longer Americans. Trumpism requires that you put Trump before all else and they are OK with that.
They are not only "not Republicans anymore", they are no longer Americans. Trumpism requires that you put Trump before all else and they are OK with that.

What a strange place we have arrived at when slowing the Marixism of the Progressive Movement and returning to the normal American way of individual freedom and Capitalism makes us "no longer Americans".
This piece by David French discusses a Gallup study on shifting Democratic ideology and data suggesting that left-wing polarization is "primarily driven by a “progressive activist” class that is disproportionately white, disproportionately college-educated, and disproportionately secular," and
argues that:

And ironically enough, a large part of this angry white activism is conducted on behalf of a black and brown population that is more moderate and more religious than their woke white champions. At a time when being a “white savior” is seen as a mark of insensitivity — denying the power and autonomy of nonwhite Americans — white savioring is practically the mission statement of woke Twitter.

Nothing I say should be construed to minimize the polarization inherent particularly in Republican populism and a Trumpian political strategy that so often depends on demonizing his opposition and doing his best to inflame his base (I’ve written about the perils of Trumpism at exhaustive length). But those who care about the health of the American republic cannot and must not ignore the fact that our most powerful cultural cohort just keeps radicalizing. And they’re radicalizing in the least tolerant way. American politics are dangerously polarized, and white progressives share a large part of the blame. White Progressives Shifting Democratic Party to Left and Polarizing America | National Review

My question is this: Is there a point that will prompt push-back?

Then again, maybe the polarization is driven by the Right constantly harping about how evil and immoral the Left is. I, for one, have had enough of it. It’s not surprising when people push back.
This piece by David French discusses a Gallup study on shifting Democratic ideology and data suggesting that left-wing polarization is "primarily driven by a “progressive activist” class that is disproportionately white, disproportionately college-educated, and disproportionately secular," and
argues that: National Review My question is this: Is there a point that will prompt push-back?

Silly silly twaddle from a senior at the National Review to soothe the 'poor' disproportionally white, disproportionally high school graduate, disproportionally evangelical.... :roll:

The point in which the poor downtrodden lower educated white man drops his Bible and 'pushes back'.....

ahhhh What is 1865 in the defeated South, Alex.... :peace
“When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.”
― James Waterman Wise

He is also quoted as "Praising the Soviet Union as the 'political and human center of mankind'”. You must remember that "Trumpers" are people who were offered two options and saw President Trump as the better of the two. "White" or otherwise is only a factor to the racists of the left.

But then again the Senior from the National Review made "White" a bullet point of HIS right wing argument... :peace
But then again the Senior from the National Review made "White" a bullet point of HIS right wing argument... :peace

Yes, he said "white Progressives". A reference to the racism of the left. Remember, it is Progressives that cannot deal with "people". They must think in terms of whites, blacks, browns, gays, male/female, immigrant, etc. Therein lies the division we see.
“When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.”
― James Waterman Wise

He is also quoted as "Praising the Soviet Union as the 'political and human center of mankind'”.

You must remember that "Trumpers" are people who were offered two options and saw President Trump as the better of the two. "White" or otherwise is only a factor to the racists of the left.

Ask the dickie spencer crowd.
What a strange place we have arrived at when slowing the Marixism of the Progressive Movement and returning to the normal American way of individual freedom and Capitalism makes us "no longer Americans".

You know that Trumpism is not about any of that. It is about denying the truth, undermining the rule of law and and even lying to help Trump. That is what makes you no longer American. Putting country first is what Americans do.
Yes, he said "white Progressives". A reference to the racism of the left. Remember, it is Progressives that cannot deal with "people". They must think in terms of whites, blacks, browns, gays, male/female, immigrant, etc. Therein lies the division we see.

Only place i see that is on mtv slactivist shows. Otherwise, i believe the left has a better understanding of racial issues because there is a much more broad historical context and social context that comes into play to describe social phenomena. I see many righties ignore historical and environmental contexts.
You know that Trumpism is not about any of that. It is about denying the truth, undermining the rule of law and and even lying to help Trump. That is what makes you no longer American. Putting country first is what Americans do.

It is rather unnerving how many view attacking Trump as attacking America.
Yes, he said "white Progressives". A reference to the racism of the left. Remember, it is Progressives that cannot deal with "people". They must think in terms of whites, blacks, browns, gays, male/female, immigrant, etc. Therein lies the division we see.

ray ray ray… he used White far more than that... don't tRump us... :peace
The right and far right are doing a good job of attacking each and every possible 2020 democratic candidate. Proof of that is everywhere on Facebook.
Then again, maybe the polarization is driven by the Right constantly harping about how evil and immoral the Left is. I, for one, have had enough of it. It’s not surprising when people push back.

I think whose fault it is misses French's point, that polarization itself is destructive. He acknowledges that "Republican populism" is polarizing but says also that white progressives are polarizing, that they just keep radicalizing and "in the least tolerant way."

It's not either/or; it's and/and. All the "You started it!" "Did NOT!" "Did too!" stuff is counterproductive. And what is the point of denying that progressive polarization anyway? Do you really think that most Americans, for example, think that infanticide is okay? This is very polarizing.
Silly silly twaddle from a senior at the National Review to soothe the 'poor' disproportionally white, disproportionally high school graduate, disproportionally evangelical.... :roll:

The point in which the poor downtrodden lower educated white man drops his Bible and 'pushes back'.....

ahhhh What is 1865 in the defeated South, Alex.... :peace

Gee, I don't know, but I'll guess "What is stupid, lazy, embarrassing stereotyping?"
I think whose fault it is misses French's point, that polarization itself is destructive. He acknowledges that "Republican populism" is polarizing but says also that white progressives are polarizing, that they just keep radicalizing and "in the least tolerant way."

It's not either/or; it's and/and. All the "You started it!" "Did NOT!" "Did too!" stuff is counterproductive. And what is the point of denying that progressive polarization anyway? Do you really think that most Americans, for example, think that infanticide is okay? This is very polarizing.

I dont think it would be whataboutery to note that the trumpists are the ones doing the most polarizing to the point where even long time conservatives feel very unwelcome in the republican party. Hell michael steel had to put up with some idiot magat getting all insensed that a black guy was running the party then deal with some kiddo concern troll on radio.
Right wing media has been making millions off obscene polarization for decades starting with a fat blowhard getting syndication in the late 80s. He created an industry of right wing copycats that has taken over all the discourse on the right that was once fairly balanced and sophisticated. With the creation of Fox News, it went into hyper-drive. Blaming the left after 30 years of this crap is really absurd.
I think whose fault it is misses French's point, that polarization itself is destructive. He acknowledges that "Republican populism" is polarizing but says also that white progressives are polarizing, that they just keep radicalizing and "in the least tolerant way."

It's not either/or; it's and/and. All the "You started it!" "Did NOT!" "Did too!" stuff is counterproductive. And what is the point of denying that progressive polarization anyway? Do you really think that most Americans, for example, think that infanticide is okay? This is very polarizing.
Your comment on infanticide illustrates my point. Thanks
Ask the dickie spencer crowd.

I don't know who that is so I can hardly ask him but I do know that when I went into the voting booth, there were only two viable candidates. And as I have shown, race, gender, preferences, etc. are the obsessions of the left, hardly we who supported Trump over Hillary. Those things were not a factor to us in opting for Trump nor are they factors in continuing a preference for his agenda over that offered by the Dems.
ray ray ray… he used White far more than that... don't tRump us... :peace

Of course. It was in keeping with his point that I pointed out about the "identity politics" of the left. I'm not sue of your point - are you denying the "identity politics" that is dividing us?
Only place i see that is on mtv slactivist shows. Otherwise, i believe the left has a better understanding of racial issues because there is a much more broad historical context and social context that comes into play to describe social phenomena. I see many righties ignore historical and environmental contexts.

You may have a point. We of a more Conservative mindset tend to think of poeple as people. We do not assign attributes to them based on history - or race - or gender - or preference - or national origin - or religion.
You know that Trumpism is not about any of that. It is about denying the truth, undermining the rule of law and and even lying to help Trump. That is what makes you no longer American. Putting country first is what Americans do.

I can't read his mind. However, considering the choice of Trump vs Hillary the choice was clear to those who did not want to continue the slide towards Marxism (and to those who did). And the way things are shaping up, 2020 is going to be the same - in spades.

As to "Putting America first", that is exactly what Trump does - and out cones the Hitler comparisons.
This piece by David French discusses a Gallup study on shifting Democratic ideology and data suggesting that left-wing polarization is "primarily driven by a “progressive activist” class that is disproportionately white, disproportionately college-educated, and disproportionately secular," and
argues that:

And ironically enough, a large part of this angry white activism is conducted on behalf of a black and brown population that is more moderate and more religious than their woke white champions. At a time when being a “white savior” is seen as a mark of insensitivity — denying the power and autonomy of nonwhite Americans — white savioring is practically the mission statement of woke Twitter.

Nothing I say should be construed to minimize the polarization inherent particularly in Republican populism and a Trumpian political strategy that so often depends on demonizing his opposition and doing his best to inflame his base (I’ve written about the perils of Trumpism at exhaustive length). But those who care about the health of the American republic cannot and must not ignore the fact that our most powerful cultural cohort just keeps radicalizing. And they’re radicalizing in the least tolerant way. American politics are dangerously polarized, and white progressives share a large part of the blame. White Progressives Shifting Democratic Party to Left and Polarizing America | National Review

My question is this: Is there a point that will prompt push-back?

Push-back already hit French:
Subsequent activities and attacks by the alt-right
French and his wife and family were the subject of online attacks when he criticized President Donald Trump and the alt-right. French was bombarded with hateful tweets—including an image of his child in a gas chamber.[17] When it was revealed French has a black daughter adopted from Ethiopia, French and his wife were referred to as "Cuckservatives" by the alt-right.[18]

French has been a consistent opponent of Donald Trump since his emergence in the 2016 presidential election. As a result of Trump's growing influence over the GOP, in September 2018 French tweeted that he no longer considers himself a Republican.[19]

David A. French - Wikipedia

I'm sure there are bad people on both sides. Both sides seem intent on the crazy fringe, but it's the repubs that have already gone over the edge, as French got in trouble for noticing.
I can't read his mind. However, considering the choice of Trump vs Hillary the choice was clear to those who did not want to continue the slide towards Marxism (and to those who did). And the way things are shaping up, 2020 is going to be the same - in spades.

As to "Putting America first", that is exactly what Trump does - and out cones the Hitler comparisons.

You actually think Trump's performance in Helsinki was "putting America first"? That goes back to what I said originally. Anyone who saw that and still sticks to that false meme is not really an American anymore. The political diversion about "marxism" is irrelevant to this discussion. This is a about an amoral President who will say and do anything to protect and glorify himself and himself alone.

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