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White Progressives Are Polarizing America (1 Viewer)

Many right-wing bigots brought this on themselves. Maybe they should have thought twice before posting pictures of Obama's face on a watermelon, or Michelle Obama as a chimp in a dress and heels, or being OK with babies being locked in cages.

That, in my opinion, is the polarization of America.

It has real life consequences, because we see people's bigtory clearly on social media now. I hear people saying they are careful who they bring around their kids, because of the racism people share and promote on social media, and people don't want their kids exposed to that stuff.
LMAO im glad this retarded article was at least posted in the partasin section where it belongs thats good.

I stop reading right here:

it doesnt get more stupid than that but at least its funny!

I remember the Hillary and Trump campaign. Right wingers kept harping on the super predator stuff. Not because they cared, but they just thought it looked anti progressive. Many black groups were calling her out in open houses. Yes, she lost a lot of support. But the right wing was invested in exploiting and dividing the left, so it's B.S. of the author to act like it's all one sided.

Do leftist call Bill a bigot? I personally don't hear that the Clinton's are bigots. Another false meme. But some people did feel betrayed by them, and it depressed voter support.

In the end, we got President Trump, and leftists don't call the Clinton's progressive. They are not called bigots. The author just sounds pro establishment and out of touch. No different from most other personalities in the main stream, and I don't like MSM.

He is just sad the left didn't make Clinton the president. He doesn't get it.
I am pushing back on Trump supporters and how Trump impacts me personally, and as far as I have seen from you, personally you have nothing to say to me one on one. Yes. America is polarized. White people are upset and divded, but you're not at risk like other people. I am tired of being ignored, but I go on despite it, and I am not happy with democrats either. They are a failure, and GOP elected Trump. But dont worry your head off, because it is obvious you're safe in America.

That might sound crass of me, but you're really just complaining about division and incivility promoted by white leftists

I'm not complaining about anything. I posted a small part of David French's argument that both Trump's base and white progressives are polarizing, and I agree with him that the polarization is increasingly dangerous. I'm very sorry you missed that point and that you need to focus on your own grievances.
I'm not complaining about anything. I posted a small part of David French's argument that both Trump's base and white progressives are polarizing, and I agree with him that the polarization is increasingly dangerous. I'm very sorry you missed that point and that you need to focus on your own grievances.

It's not a legitimate comparison. First off, white progressives have trouble electing a dog catcher. Meanwhile, Right Wing Racists actually elected a president.
I'm not complaining about anything. I posted a small part of David French's argument that both Trump's base and white progressives are polarizing, and I agree with him that the polarization is increasingly dangerous. I'm very sorry you missed that point and that you need to focus on your own grievances.

You don't change my mind about you personally at all, because it's obvious you don't about about my situation because it's no Obama or a Democrat targeting me. You told me in another thread that I am part of the problem, and I don't know what problem you're having in America or wirh me, nor do I understand why you shy away from having a conversation about it constantly, but you're really damn good at dismissing me and my grievances. You also don't seem to understand or care about the polarization to a large degree, like I said, you're completely safe in America, so this comes to you gripping. Why should I respect your grievances when you have no reespect and empathy for mine? If you actually cared about polarization, you would act differently
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You don't change my mind about you personally at all, because it's obvious you don't about about my situation because it's no Obama or a Democrat targeting me. You told me in another thread that I am part of the problem, and I don't know what problem you're having in America or wirh me, nor do I understand why you shy away from having a conversation about it constantly, but you're really damn good at dismissing me and my grievances. You also don't seem to understand or care about the polarization to a large degree, like I said, you're completely safe in America, so this comes to you gripping. Why should I respect your grievances when you have no reespect and empathy for mine? If you actually cared about polarization, you would act differently

I've never discussed or whined about any grievances, and what I am talking about isn't about you. Or me. I realize that you are the center of your own life and should be, but you seem to see the world through your own prism.
White "conservatives" voted for and currently support a president who's entire political career started because he claimed the first black/bi-racial president was a foreign born muslim with a fake birth certificate. But yeah, it's the EVIL "white progressives" responsible for the divide.
In the last few months, we have seen white nationalist terror attacks and plans to bomb and people from political candidates, journalists, and Soros. They are sick terrorists. We just stopped a really crazy one, and many of these people want a civil war. Trump said of them were good people in Charlottesville, and attacked Antifa, but only their side murdered and injured.

White nationalists are far more dangerous than Trump will admit, and they are hoping and arming for a civil war.

That kind of stuff makes me happy there is antifa, because, at least, they are being fought as they fight. It's sad America is at this point, but you're right. The left is going so left, because the right is going so far.

Trump calls people and jornalistist enemies. He chants to lock his political opponents up. He talks like a dictator, and white nationalist wouldn't care if he took over the American government and got rid of all democrats in office.

When Nazis fought in the streets of Germany against the Communists, they didn't understand the Nazi plans of toltarianism. Nobody in the Weimar Republic knew how dangerous they were, or Hitler. But we know who Nazis are, and these people are heiling Hitler.

Its a tragedy in America when the GOP, Trump, and Trump supporters cant recognize these scumbags for who they are, or their goals for what they are. But they stand to silence and trample the rights of people who don't agree with them, and kill people in power who want to stop them.

Antifa basically exists because Neo Nazi's were cheering for Trump and causing mayhem and violence, and scum like David Duke were vocally supporting him. I don't remember Antifa being around during the 2008 election, or even the 2012 election. They appeared during the time of the rise of Trump and the far/alt right. Coincidence? I think not. Antifa is trash, but they are inevitable backlash to the far right being in power.
In the last few months, we have seen white nationalist terror attacks and plans to bomb and people from political candidates, journalists, and Soros. They are sick terrorists. We just stopped a really crazy one, and many of these people want a civil war. Trump said of them were good people in Charlottesville, and attacked Antifa, but only their side murdered and injured.

White nationalists are far more dangerous than Trump will admit, and they are hoping and arming for a civil war.

That kind of stuff makes me happy there is antifa, because, at least, they are being fought as they fight. It's sad America is at this point, but you're right. The left is going so left, because the right is going so far.

Trump calls people and jornalistist enemies. He chants to lock his political opponents up. He talks like a dictator, and white nationalist wouldn't care if he took over the American government and got rid of all democrats in office.

When Nazis fought in the streets of Germany against the Communists, they didn't understand the Nazi plans of toltarianism. Nobody in the Weimar Republic knew how dangerous they were, or Hitler. But we know who Nazis are, and these people are heiling Hitler.

Its a tragedy in America when the GOP, Trump, and Trump supporters cant recognize these scumbags for who they are, or their goals for what they are. But they stand to silence and trample the rights of people who don't agree with them, and kill people in power who want to stop them.

I'd venture to say most Republican voters and politicians wouldn't mind this either.
Has to be expected because WHITE Republican party shifted VERY FAR to the right...

There was going to be push back.. Especially considering the Moderate Republicans turned out to be cowards and allowed the GOP to shift far right and allowed an awful person like Trump to become the GOP's leader..

It was only a matter of time before the Dems moved further to the left.

So no, most of the blame for the division is with the GOP and the GOP Moderates who cared more about party and appointing judges than they did in the country.

The "GOP moderates" are frauds who should have stopped Trump years ago as far back as 2011 when he was going around spouting birther conspiracy theories. But nope, they ignored it, and even condoned it. Romney for instance happily took Trump's endorsement in 2012, praised him, and even later made a birther joke at one of his rallies. Then four years later when Trump was winning the GOP primaries, suddenly Romney and other Republican scumbags were "concerned" about Trump destroying their party. The GOP establishment is rife with hypocritical frauds like Romney, all of them arguably as bad (or worse) than Trump, simply because they (along with right wing media) created the environment for someone like Trump to thrive in. And only when Trump was starting to make them look bad and hi-jack their party, did they only show "concern", and begged their voters to NOT vote for him in the primaries. But now? Damn near all of them are full fledged Trump toadies. Trump completely owns the GOP, for now at least.
Do you consider John McCain or Mitt Romney to be far ..sorry "very far" right?

Romney pandered to the far right in the primaries. He then reverted back to the moderate he's always been in the general. His "self deportation" nonsense was pure pandering to right wing whacko's like Coulter (which is why he was the GOP candidate she supported back in 2012 primaries)
The far shift to the right started in 2010.. So McCain wouldn't count.. Romney isn't far right, but if you think back to 2016 1 of the reasons for Trump was many in the GOP thought Romney was too moderate, and that's why he lost to Obama, so many of the far right stayed home and didn't vote in 2012.

So anyway let me ask you... Do you consider Trump to be far right? We are talking about the Dem's shift left now, do you think Trump's diversionary style is a reason for the push-back in the Dem party?

Or is all the division and polarization in politics today all the Dems fault?

Disagree here. The far right may have not liked Romney much, but they most certainly came out and voted for him in 2012, because they sure as hell didn't want another four years of Obama, who they were convinced was the anti-christ. Romney lost because the Obama Coalition outnumbered the Republican base. Hillary failed to garner the strong coalition Obama did two times...hence Trump squeaking by with a narrow victory.
White "conservatives" voted for and currently support a president who's entire political career started because he claimed the first black/bi-racial president was a foreign born muslim with a fake birth certificate. But yeah, it's the EVIL "white progressives" responsible for the divide.

I've never discussed or whined about any grievances, and what I am talking about isn't about you. Or me. I realize that you are the center of your own life and should be, but you seem to see the world through your own prism.

The article in your OP is intellectually dishonest. See the quote I responded to in post 138 to see why.

Why did you post your op without pointing that out?
Antifa basically exists because Neo Nazi's were cheering for Trump and causing mayhem and violence, and scum like David Duke were vocally supporting him. I don't remember Antifa being around during the 2008 election, or even the 2012 election. They appeared during the time of the rise of Trump and the far/alt right. Coincidence? I think not. Antifa is trash, but they are inevitable backlash to the far right being in power.

Huey long predicted antifa back in the '30s - "Sure, We’ll Have Fascism in This Country, and We’ll Call It Anti-Fascism".
Might it be possibly that some supported Romney over Obama because they shared his ideology - and the same with Trump over Hillary. Or must there be "scumbags' involved?
This piece by David French discusses a Gallup study on shifting Democratic ideology and data suggesting that left-wing polarization is "primarily driven by a “progressive activist” class that is disproportionately white, disproportionately college-educated, and disproportionately secular," and
argues that:

And ironically enough, a large part of this angry white activism is conducted on behalf of a black and brown population that is more moderate and more religious than their woke white champions. At a time when being a “white savior” is seen as a mark of insensitivity — denying the power and autonomy of nonwhite Americans — white savioring is practically the mission statement of woke Twitter.

Nothing I say should be construed to minimize the polarization inherent particularly in Republican populism and a Trumpian political strategy that so often depends on demonizing his opposition and doing his best to inflame his base (I’ve written about the perils of Trumpism at exhaustive length). But those who care about the health of the American republic cannot and must not ignore the fact that our most powerful cultural cohort just keeps radicalizing. And they’re radicalizing in the least tolerant way. American politics are dangerously polarized, and white progressives share a large part of the blame. White Progressives Shifting Democratic Party to Left and Polarizing America | National Review

My question is this: Is there a point that will prompt push-back?

Trump and McConnell were the point of the push back. It's why the republicans lost the house. Articles that lean towards criticizing the left and their polarization would be more helpful if the right realized this so called push back comes from reacting to the right's extreme views of how america should be run. I've never in all my years seen a polarization like the party of trump. They're not even republicans any longer they're just a group of people who hate liberals or anything about the left. Wait till the elections draw closer and see how many times we hear the word socialism. The right bangs it into the heads of their base so they can keep the reigns of power while raping america with their capitalism is great motto. The right cries about big government, demonizes the federal government and the red states get more money and help from the federal government they say they hate. It all started with reagan telling his base government is bad and the cause of your problem not the solution. Over the decades the right has heard this so much they believe it.
Trump and McConnell were the point of the push back. It's why the republicans lost the house. Articles that lean towards criticizing the left and their polarization would be more helpful if the right realized this so called push back comes from reacting to the right's extreme views of how america should be run. I've never in all my years seen a polarization like the party of trump. They're not even republicans any longer they're just a group of people who hate liberals or anything about the left. Wait till the elections draw closer and see how many times we hear the word socialism. The right bangs it into the heads of their base so they can keep the reigns of power while raping america with their capitalism is great motto. The right cries about big government, demonizes the federal government and the red states get more money and help from the federal government they say they hate. It all started with reagan telling his base government is bad and the cause of your problem not the solution. Over the decades the right has heard this so much they believe it.

Thanks for the balanced and reasonable response. I was particularly moved by the "raping of America." Lotta nuance here.
Trump is a white progressive ?
Thanks for the balanced and reasonable response. I was particularly moved by the "raping of America." Lotta nuance here.

There is no nuance about ten percent of the folks in america owning ninety percent of the money. I stand by my raping of america statement.
This piece by David French discusses a Gallup study on shifting Democratic ideology and data suggesting that left-wing polarization is "primarily driven by a “progressive activist” class that is disproportionately white, disproportionately college-educated, and disproportionately secular," and
argues that:

And ironically enough, a large part of this angry white activism is conducted on behalf of a black and brown population that is more moderate and more religious than their woke white champions. At a time when being a “white savior” is seen as a mark of insensitivity — denying the power and autonomy of nonwhite Americans — white savioring is practically the mission statement of woke Twitter.

Nothing I say should be construed to minimize the polarization inherent particularly in Republican populism and a Trumpian political strategy that so often depends on demonizing his opposition and doing his best to inflame his base (I’ve written about the perils of Trumpism at exhaustive length). But those who care about the health of the American republic cannot and must not ignore the fact that our most powerful cultural cohort just keeps radicalizing. And they’re radicalizing in the least tolerant way. American politics are dangerously polarized, and white progressives share a large part of the blame. White Progressives Shifting Democratic Party to Left and Polarizing America | National Review

My question is this: Is there a point that will prompt push-back?

It's an awful editorial that we can talk around.

The left is becoming too extreme, this is valid. It's like watchin' the rise of the Tea Baggers. Luckily we don't have a major network organizing the movement because this left push can be just as damaging to the country as the teabagger, who morphed into Trumpets has been.
So, we had our first black president and now the polarization is the fault of white libs.

This piece by David French discusses a Gallup study on shifting Democratic ideology and data suggesting that left-wing polarization is "primarily driven by a “progressive activist” class that is disproportionately white, disproportionately college-educated, and disproportionately secular," and
argues that:

And ironically enough, a large part of this angry white activism is conducted on behalf of a black and brown population that is more moderate and more religious than their woke white champions. At a time when being a “white savior” is seen as a mark of insensitivity — denying the power and autonomy of nonwhite Americans — white savioring is practically the mission statement of woke Twitter.

Nothing I say should be construed to minimize the polarization inherent particularly in Republican populism and a Trumpian political strategy that so often depends on demonizing his opposition and doing his best to inflame his base (I’ve written about the perils of Trumpism at exhaustive length). But those who care about the health of the American republic cannot and must not ignore the fact that our most powerful cultural cohort just keeps radicalizing. And they’re radicalizing in the least tolerant way. American politics are dangerously polarized, and white progressives share a large part of the blame. White Progressives Shifting Democratic Party to Left and Polarizing America | National Review

My question is this: Is there a point that will prompt push-back?

What a joke. The polarization occurring in the United States is due, mostly, to white folks seething at the browning of America (Cite: YouTube). The issues plaguing the country isn't about left or right, it's about white folks screaming at each other, running each other over with vehicles, dehumanizing each other (calling one side NPCs), and the inability to feel empathy and compassion toward one another (and toward people of color). There is no right and left, there are only white folks who are ruining the country at every road bend.
What a joke. The polarization occurring in the United States is due, mostly, to white folks seething at the browning of America (Cite: YouTube). The issues plaguing the country isn't about left or right, it's about white folks screaming at each other, running each other over with vehicles, dehumanizing each other (calling one side NPCs), and the inability to feel empathy and compassion toward one another (and toward people of color). There is no right and left, there are only white folks who are ruining the country at every road bend.

What a crock of racially charged :bs
What a joke. The polarization occurring in the United States is due, mostly, to white folks seething at the browning of America (Cite: YouTube). The issues plaguing the country isn't about left or right, it's about white folks screaming at each other, running each other over with vehicles, dehumanizing each other (calling one side NPCs), and the inability to feel empathy and compassion toward one another (and toward people of color). There is no right and left, there are only white folks who are ruining the country at every road bend.

Not all white people are Trumpers, but a hell of a lot are. And, they give the rest of us a bad name. That is for sure.

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