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White (Male) Power (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 30, 2012
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According to recent polls, Trump is edged by every electorate element except white males who clearly are in favor for him.

If every white male, with a handful of oreos and coconuts, voted for Trump will he win the presidency from the numbers?
According to recent polls, Trump is edged by every electorate element except white males who clearly are in favor for him.

If every white male, with a handful of oreos and coconuts, voted for Trump will he win the presidency from the numbers?


You use denigrating racist terminology to dismiss anyone who isn't "white" that intends to vote for Trump, and presume that no women would possibly vote for him...and then expect to not be challenged for doing the things people accuse him of doing? :doh

I would caution you not to put too much faith in polls, which proved wrong during his GOP run for the candidacy.

I also caution you not to disparage people of color and women who will be voting for him come election time.

Just because people don't agree with your viewpoint doesn't mean you can treat them with any less respect than you demand for yourself. :prof
According to recent polls, Trump is edged by every electorate element except white males who clearly are in favor for him.

If every white male, with a handful of oreos and coconuts, voted for Trump will he win the presidency from the numbers?

I loved oreos as a child.
According to recent polls, Trump is edged by every electorate element except white males who clearly are in favor for him.

If every white male, with a handful of oreos and coconuts, voted for Trump will he win the presidency from the numbers?

Making this about race, and using racially disparaging terms for nonwhite Trump voters, is not a very productive (or civil) way to go about discussing this matter.
who has the highest logic in the world/? who invents the best?? who predicts the best? asians have high IQ's also BUT its more with memory which makes them copy very good.... but its logic that invents and predicts and that wins the wars and advances humanity... it is logic that is harder to fool so voters that are white men are the most wise.. TRUMP is the same as teddy roosevelt.. who limits monopolies and THE CURRENT RICH... all liberal elites gets their money by bringing in unwise to fool easier... but that in the long term brings down a nation .. big oil type republicans like bush and cruz are also anti growth because they will buy off politicians to stop inventions and competiveness that pushes the nation forward..... white men have the REAL POWER and they will have to secede if hillary wins and set up THE CONSERVATIVE STATES OF AMERICA... all the south and texas and all the way up the middle to montana and alberta province of canada the most conservative in canada will secede from canada and join the conservatives... the liberals have no power to stop this... this is men against women.. higher IQ's against lower IQ's healthy and strong against weak and sick... this is a world wide change to stop liberalism
According to recent polls, Trump is edged by every electorate element except white males who clearly are in favor for him.

If every white male, with a handful of oreos and coconuts, voted for Trump will he win the presidency from the numbers?

Criticizing white men has been fashionable for decades. But without them, you wouldn't be in the United States, and you wouldn't be on the internet... which just might have been a good thing :mrgreen:
It was white men christianity that brought the world out of the misery of the stone age.. they are the inventors.. are the predictors are th prophets and they will always control the earth because of that highest logic
It was white men christianity that brought the world out of the misery of the stone age.. they are the inventors.. are the predictors are th prophets and they will always control the earth because of that highest logic
While I do not totally agree nor disagree with all you have said here... I would say there has historically been competition in the areas of logic and invention. As an example, Arabic numerals are much better than Roman, the Chinese invented the printing press and gun powder way before the West. Like Rome they ceased to innovate, they stopped, started looking more inward as if they had all the solutions and did not have to continue to develop culturally and technologically.

Rome was beset by Invasions/migrations by Barbarian tribes, something we should be conscious of today. Overtaxing, overspending and government corruption from within led to many economic problems just as they were being attacked from outside, their once strong military had grown weak due to an inability to attract qualified Romans thus required enlisting outsiders to do much of their soldiering... of course leading to the training of those that would take them down...they had also lost many of their traditional values, values that had made them strong and the envy of the world. Another thing of which we need be very conscious.

Lastly, they split in two, something that you are promulgating in effect. The Eastern portion lasted longer and that is something to consider. I, too, am fed up with the liberalism that I see taking us away from our own traditional values, diluting the American spirit and strength, allowing everything and no longer standing for much of anything. In my lifetime I have seen us at our greatest strength and now see how quickly our true existence can be threatened from those from outside as well as from within. Some of this grievous wounding of the American spirit comes from well intention-ed but severely naive folk, some of it is downright agenda driven and insidious. The cultural termites have been at this for at least a hundred years...

So, if it actually does come down to secession, and I, too, have considered fairly deeply and think secession not a particularly bad thing at all, I advocate the Gandhi and Dr. MLKing, jr method, non violent passive resistance and just plain civil disobedience. Just en masse refuse to obey federal dicatates, especially the more offensive and stupid ones, not pay federal taxes, etc...There is no use in bloodshed, proven by a lost Civil War and by a won Civil Rights Movement. I agree much of the South retains a reverence for our heritage and the true Constitution, so if it comes, and it just may if we want to keep the culture, I hope we do it smart.

Having been in the belly, one of them anyhow, of the beast being a Conservative in the public education realm, I have discussed/debated there, here and elsewhere with liberals and its often like we live on different planets, almost a men are from Mars women are from Venus kind of thing... there is so little overlap where we actually agree oftentimes, even if we see the same things as being a problem of sorts. Some of these arguments are just unsolvable... and perhaps it best we have a peaceful divorce.
I loved oreos as a child.
Ah yes, the good old days when Oreo's used pork fat to make the white filling.

Now days they just use old boring powdered sugar, vanilla extract, water, granulated sugar and vegetable shortening.

Bring back the pork, bring back the pork.
Ah yes, the good old days when Oreo's used pork fat to make the white filling.

Now days they just use old boring powdered sugar, vanilla extract, water, granulated sugar and vegetable shortening.

Bring back the pork, bring back the pork.

It was just so right the way it would melt across your tongue. :)
According to recent polls, Trump is edged by every electorate element except white males who clearly are in favor for him.

If every white male, with a handful of oreos and coconuts, voted for Trump will he win the presidency from the numbers?

Using racism to complain about racism. Charming.
LOOK to see who voted for uk to exit the euro union wanting mass immigration of third world CREATORS.... I would say it was white males voting more for the exit and who did the stock market say is the winner?? yep its UK and the white male vote


friday stock market had UK losing 3.15%... france 6.2%.. germany 6.8%

today monday has it Uk losing 2.5%.... france 3.4% and germany 3.5%

what we see is the money is betting on that the immigration issue harms and UK stopping the immigration issue is harmed less and germany bringing the immigration issue the most harmed the most
It was white men christianity that brought the world out of the misery of the stone age.. they are the inventors.. are the predictors are th prophets and they will always control the earth because of that highest logic

Ow, my poor brain...

First off, Europe got to the civilization party pretty ****ing late. The earliest known city was in the Middle East, as were the earliest societies. In fact, Europe remained tribal long after the Middle East, large parts of Asia, and North Africa had developed thriving societies.

Second, Europe got to the CHRISTIANITY party pretty ****ing late, too! Much like with civilization, Christianity originated in the Middle East, and stayed more or less a fringe group until it was adopted by a dying emperor of a decaying Roman Empire. Which, I might add, was seated in one of the most diverse and cosmopolitan parts of Europe: Italy.
LOOK to see who voted for uk to exit the euro union wanting mass immigration of third world CREATORS.... I would say it was white males voting more for the exit and who did the stock market say is the winner?? yep its UK and the white male vote


friday stock market had UK losing 3.15%... france 6.2%.. germany 6.8%

today monday has it Uk losing 2.5%.... france 3.4% and germany 3.5%

what we see is the money is betting on that the immigration issue harms and UK stopping the immigration issue is harmed less and germany bringing the immigration issue the most harmed the most

Like I said in the other thread: losing less =/= winning.

Second, Europe got to the CHRISTIANITY party pretty ****ing late, too! Much like with civilization, Christianity originated in the Middle East, and stayed more or less a fringe group until it was adopted by a dying emperor of a decaying Roman Empire. Which, I might add, was seated in one of the most diverse and cosmopolitan parts of Europe: Italy.

Not that it takes much away from your point, but this paragraph needs lots of fact checking. It is a real stretch to call Christianity a "fringe group" in the Roman Empire before Constantine. There were lots of Christians, through alternating periods of tolerance and persecution. Constantine was only baptized on his deathbed, but he adopted Christianity long before he was "dying". Also, Constantine presided over an important resurgence in the empire; it was hardly decaying. Finally, the seat of Constantine's empire was in Byzantium (Constantinople), not Italy, even though Eastern and Western empires were (temporarily) reunited during his reign.
look at history it was christianity that the whites with their highest logic intellect chose and it is their nations that has progressed the most
Not that it takes much away from your point, but this paragraph needs lots of fact checking. It is a real stretch to call Christianity a "fringe group" in the Roman Empire before Constantine. There were lots of Christians, through alternating periods of tolerance and persecution. Constantine was only baptized on his deathbed, but he adopted Christianity long before he was "dying". Also, Constantine presided over an important resurgence in the empire; it was hardly decaying. Finally, the seat of Constantine's empire was in Byzantium (Constantinople), not Italy, even though Eastern and Western empires were (temporarily) reunited during his reign.

I will admit, the late Roman empire(s) is a weak area in my knowledge. For example, I was completely unaware that the empires had reunited at any point after the separation.

I referred to the Christians as a fringe group because while yes, they were a sizeable minority, they were at the mercy of any given Emperor's whims until after they became the state religion.

Thank you for the corrections. I will try to keep these in mind next time I'm discussing this time period.
look at history it was christianity that the whites with their highest logic intellect chose and it is their nations that has progressed the most

Yeah, after spending centuries as a bunch of backwards, unwashed peasants. The only reason Europe came out of the medieval times was because the plague killed off enough people to let a middle class form. Oh, and because the Crusades brought back a lot of long-lost Greek and Roman knowledge.

As for us choosing Christianity with our "highest logic intellect," we didn't. Much of Europe was converted by swordpoint, and the most religiously diverse areas were in some of the best conditions. Spain, for example, had many Muslims and Jews during one of their higher points in intellectual superiority.
According to recent polls, Trump is edged by every electorate element except white males who clearly are in favor for him.

Actually his favorables are upside down among white males.

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