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White libs, race traitors & multiculturalists (1 Viewer)


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Jul 23, 2005
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Racial consciousness and solidarity is the only thing that saves whites in prison, and it's the only thing that will save us in the so-called free world.

The Defintion of 'Decadence': "An animal, species, or individual that loses its instincts, when it chooses, when it prefers what is harmful to it."

White liberals are typical of the self-loathing, guilt-ridden, ignorant fools who insult their own ancestors by referring to all of white history as a bloodthirsty process of genocide and dispossession. Their advocacy for supposedly higher ideals is totally disingenous, given the fact that their argument, in effect justifying the present dispossession and violence towards whites, pivots around a core of basic, mean-spirited themes of revenge and karmic 'repercussion'.

If they (the white liberals) think their ideal for a perfect society in an world populated by imperfect people is even remotely attainable, they'd better shoot themselves now, because reality is going to kick them in the face one of these days.

Their words reek of delusion and a heavily sheltered upbringing, and they likely allowed themsevles to be brainwashed by the media into thinking Whitey, and yes, that includes them, is always, always at fault, that Whitey's invention or massive contribution to everything that is positive and progressive in the world is questionable or insignificant, that 'racism' or having a preference for your own kind of people is somehow unnatural, and in fact, if applied to White relationships, is totally evil.

Do you think that black Zimbabweans and South Africans really care about whether the White person they are mugging or killing is a liberal or conservative?Do Mugabe's thugs stop and ask White farmers about their political opinions or attitudes towards race relations prior to stealing the land and machinery that previously made Zimbabwe one of the most agriculturally self-sufficient and productive
countries in Africa?

But man, their God ain't gonna save them. Their God didn't save 'His' own nuns from being raped in the Congo in the 1960s and He wont save White people or Western Civilization either. Or maybe He just wants to see us suffer a little for now. If so, he's not my God.

If their God existed, we wouldn't have politicians destroying our countries through Third World immigration. If their God cared about you and me and everyone we are related to, everyone we share a history with, everyone who resembles us, we wouldn't be so weak and deluded. We wouldn't be on the run everywhere from South Africa to Southern California to London to the Pacific Far East of Russia, the suburbs of Sydney, the farms of Zimbabwe, the streets of almost every city in the Western World.

If their God loved us, He would bless with us leaders who had foresight, positivity, loyalty and heart. Why are virtually all White politicians multiculturalist sell-outs? Why has our culture been appropriated by everything meaningles and facile? Why have we as a race lost our identity, our solidarity, our sense of purpose?

My God does not reward weakness, pity or guilt. My God is the God of Nietzsche and all strong Western people. My God does not demand that the most creative, inventive, powerful people in history be exterminated from the face of the earth.

My God does not formulate a future in which Whites will play no role other than that of crime victims or scapegoats. My God does not allow the most useless, parasitic, stupid, backward human beings to
breed like flies, overpopulate the world and destroy its resources. And yes, White-liberal-environmentalists; The BILLIONS of Africans, Latin Americans, Asians and Arabs overpopulating the world (ironically thanks to White Medical Technology) are the far greater threat to the environment. Not that the West, particularly White capitalists (who have always and will probably continue to always sell out the ordinary White person) are blameless. And of course Communist Eastern Europe played a role too. But again, the anti-White criticism from an environmentalist perspective is increasingly groundless, given the fact that just as is the case with every other exhumed historical issue, Whites are the only people recognising their historical imperfections and working ,often too hard, to make up for past misdeeds.

This is in contrast to the ridiculous idolisation of pre-western culture, and the tribalism, primitivism and cultural relativism of those liberals who expound or condone such mis-philosophy. My consciousness, unlike the worshipping of a 'diversity' which does not and never will exist, is a progressive, not retrogade philosophy. My racial consciousness is based on a fearless acknowledgemnet of reality, and a recognition that race does matter. Sure, 'separate but equal' you could say, even though every place on Earth dominated by Blacks, Arabs, mestizos and mulattos is a near or absolute hell-hole, and probably always will be, regardless of its historical relationship with the White man.

There are many people out there whose attitudes resemble the touching but utterly, unforgivably self-destructive idealistic nihilism of the White Liberals. But there are many also like me, and as things get worse, our numbers will increase. Of that you can be sure. This century, this millenium, this universe will belong to us. Don't ever make the mistake of surrendering your destiny to your enemies.
I wait for my fellow man to catch up with me.
Welcome to DP.

Do you have a particular thesis you'd like to debate?

Or would you rather just have an exchange of wide ranging rants supported solely by supposition?
Hmm. Where to begin?

What's all this talk about racial consciousness? Don't you believe in equality before the law?

Sorry, but I want to make sure that your not some kind of white supremisist. You sort of sound like one. Please don't advocate race wars.

Now if I totally misinterpreted, please offer a clarification.
What's all this fuss I hear about Eagle rights?
JustineCredible said:
What's all this fuss I hear about Eagle rights?

I don't think you & I have agreed on or debated anything in the last month...

But Damn, That was funny!

Thanks for making me smile....
Chew on this for a while... the black pop. in America is less than 17%. The black jail pop. in America is 80%. Something is very wrong with that.
tr1414 said:
Chew on this for a while... the black pop. in America is less than 17%. The black jail pop. in America is 80%. Something is very wrong with that.
Yeah, we agree there. Although, I have to wonder if we're agreeing about it on the same reasons.
Connecticutter said:
Hmm. Where to begin?

What's all this talk about racial consciousness? Don't you believe in equality before the law?

Sorry, but I want to make sure that your not some kind of white supremisist. You sort of sound like one. Please don't advocate race wars.

Now if I totally misinterpreted, please offer a clarification.
I came away with the same opinion? What was the point, actually? It did seem to spew a lot of hate for anything non-White and did suggest that one should love "their" race over other races as if that made some sort of sense.

Hopefully the poster will calmly clarify the meaning of his long post?
Hopefully the poster will calmly clarify the meaning of his long post?

He's a Nazi, read his profile. Clarify is a dirty word in his world.

Funny, you speak of your God so much, but didn't he kill himself when the Americans and Soviets closed in?

This is the basement, so I think I can let out my hatred freely here.
This is in contrast to the ridiculous idolisation of pre-western culture, and the tribalism, primitivism and cultural relativism of those liberals who expound or condone such mis-philosophy. My consciousness, unlike the worshipping of a 'diversity' which does not and never will exist, is a progressive, not retrogade philosophy. My racial consciousness is based on a fearless acknowledgemnet of reality, and a recognition that race does matter. Sure, 'separate but equal' you could say, even though every place on Earth dominated by Blacks, Arabs, mestizos and mulattos is a near or absolute hell-hole, and probably always will be, regardless of its historical relationship with the White man.

700-800 years ago, Christian, White Europe was the "shithole". whats your point...
Rob1978, I haven't said this to anyone on this board yet. I haven't said it to anyone I've met with any seriousness. Rob1978, I hate you.

Go take your Nazi views into a cave, and hope I never ****ing find you. I don't want your racism, or your intolerance. You think white people are better. I think you're a ignorant pile of ****.

Rob1978 said:
...that 'racism' or having a preference for your own kind of people is somehow unnatural, and in fact, if applied to White relationships, is totally evil.

You think I should like white people more because they're my race? No, that doesn't play into the equation at all. You're a Nazi Propiganda spewing ****. I hate Nazis. I ****ing hate them.

If you're not a Nazi, and are just posting this to pull at our collective leg...well...you got me. I hope that's what it is.
ncallaway said:
Go take your Nazi views into a cave, and hope I never ****ing find you. I don't want your racism, or your intolerance. You think white people are better. I think you're a ignorant pile of ****.


That's what I wanted to say in my earlier post, but I wanted to try to see if I could get this guy to say more and show his true colors. Now that he hasn't responded, we can assume that he has moved on to a white supremicist message board or somthing.

Check the profile. I can't believe that debatePolitics actually has an option for "nazi party."
You think I should like white people more because they're my race?
I don't think he's saying that. What he's saying is that when White folk express their fondness of their heritage or kind, well then your a racist. Take for example if there was a magazine entitled White Man, Just for Whites or Good ol' Boy. There would be riots in the streets. Instead there aremagazines for black men, black women, ebony and don't forget Black Entertainment Television, or the black emmy's. One does not have to be a racist to be sick and tired of this.So long as this sort of color blindness is going on whites will hate blacks and blacks will hate whites. Maybe just maybe different races were not meant to coincide. Oh ya, all the mexicans and asians I know hate blacks. Maybe their nazi's too?
Good point.... but there's so much more.... if a white is killed by a black, you hear very little if anything about it, if a black is killed by a white, it's on the front page of every newspaper..... could it be the LIBERAL media? Well, the liberals are killing this country..... we have to beat them every Nov.
Rob1978 said:
There are many people out there whose attitudes resemble the touching but utterly, unforgivably self-destructive idealistic nihilism of the White Liberals. But there are many also like me, and as things get worse, our numbers will increase. Of that you can be sure. This century, this millenium, this universe will belong to us. Don't ever make the mistake of surrendering your destiny to your enemies.
I wait for my fellow man to catch up with me

He refers to people of other color as "enemies" and declares that this millenium and universe "belong to us". This is typical white supremist propiganda.

The fact that he uses the word "race traitors" in the title should be a clue.

The fact that he declares his party affiliation as american nazi in his public profile should be a little hint.

Open your eyes. He is a white supremist, a racist, and a nazi ****.
He refers to people of other color as "enemies" and declares that this millenium and universe "belong to us". This is typical white supremist propiganda.
You know it may be harder for some people to live with people of other color. My first experience with this was in a town named Jinju. I was walkin down the street with a Korean gal and she was spit on three times for probably being with me. You'll probably guess that I'm not korean.
The problem is if he condones violence!
I got bored of the initial post... phew what a wordy rant!

Here in jolly ol' blighty people of colour (LOL, dontcha hate that term) have been pouring in for a long time... which I think is great (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/4138616.stm) However, there are problems.

London, to those of you who haven't been, is divided into sections and they are VERY distinct.

Brixton/Peckham are black. Jamaican predominantly and increasingly Nigerian. I've been mugged in Brixton three times back in the days when I wore shorts to go to school and most recently in 1997 when I was attacked in my car by four black guys. They clubbed me and my passenger with sticks, knocked us both out, dragged us from the vehicle and stole my cassette player.

Made me laugh because the damn thing only played and didn't have FFW or reverse!

But I don't hate blacks.

BOth the afore mentioned areas are poverty stricken in the main and have a high concentration of drugs use. But to say blacks are bad people is a generalisation and an innaccurate one at that.

There was arecent report suggesting that black boys in the UK have become an underclass... they under-achieve at school and generally have a pretty miserable time of it because of a variety of socio-political issues.

In Tooting and the southern parts of Wimbledon the Asians have moved in in great numbers. The "Pakis" as the RW like to call 'em.

The problem with this particular group of immigrants is that while they were embraced by the government they were never helped to integrate. They just don't.

My best friend lives on a street in Tooting and is almost entirely surrounded by Asian families... Bangladeshis, Indians, Pakistanis and so on.

The UK government was way off when it invited these people in because a framework was never set up to help them 'get in' to the established population.

Now they are struggling to integrate because of the stigma that has been attached to them over the past 20 or so years.

But again, I don't hate them.

I could go on to list the other ethnic minorities who are treated like second-class citizens in the UK just because of the colour of their skin and their alien cultures.

My belief has always been that for a society to trust immigrants and therefor not harbour racist views, is to bring them in slowly.

Asking the ordinary joe bloggs to accept a family next door who barely speak ENglish, support the Indian cricket team and pray to a God poor ol' Joe has never even heard of is a tad naieve. Actually, I'll go further, it's ****ing stupid and frankly irresponsible.

Racism is a condition of ignorance that has propagated in England, London particularly, because the views of the government are not reflected by the ordinary folk. Couple that with a system of state-sponsored segregation - ie. put them all in estates in one area, thus alienating the indiginous folk, has created a boiling pot.

Joe doesn't ask why, he just points and says: "**** you, go home you nigger/paki.." whatever.

But racists deserve some lurve too. They are ignorant, granted but the governments have asked too much.

Multi-culturalism does work but it needs to be thought out properly. Conditions need to be properly planned and executed before immigrants are just planted next door to ordinary white folk with a strong sense of patriotism.

In short, understand your racists and why they are so... (wankers that they are!) and lay the blame at the doorstep of the successive governments who just wanted more people in the country to do the jobs us whities hate.

That said, I do believe that the ethnic groups need to try harder to integrate.

I once dated an Indian lass... Her father found out and hit the roof. He beat her and spat in my face when I went to her house to see how she was.

That's not on and breeds contempt.

It's a two-way street and we all need to work a little bit harder.

Phew, my fingers are aching now...

Rob1978, is just someone who copied a bunch of hate off a web site, posted it, and ran away.

Why even bother ourselves with such sickness?

Not worth our time. He's a coward.
So what say y'all, lock up the thread and throw away the key?
So what say y'all, lock up the thread and throw away the key?
Yep let's ignore racism and hope it goes away.
herrwolf said:
Yep let's ignore racism and hope it goes away.
No, let's ignore the troll who started this thread who never came back after he posted it.
That's a joke right?

This place should be embracing the right to express views no matter what the topic.

Down with autocracy.

Leave the thread alone.
Connecticutter said:
Hmm. Where to begin?

What's all this talk about racial consciousness? Don't you believe in equality before the law?

Sorry, but I want to make sure that your not some kind of white supremisist. You sort of sound like one. Please don't advocate race wars.

Now if I totally misinterpreted, please offer a clarification.

The law may recognise the artificial concept of "equality" but nature by contrast is hierarchical which must be very inconvenient for the multiculturalists amongst us.
The imposition of "equal rights" is in no way evidence or an indicator of "equality".Such a notion is ridiculous and no end of legislating will make it appear any more rational.
It is interesting that in knee jerk fashion you associate racial consciousness with "white supremacy" and "race wars".The "education system" has done it work of indoctrination well in your case.
tiktok said:
That's a joke right?

This place should be embracing the right to express views no matter what the topic.

Down with autocracy.

Leave the thread alone.
OK, but as you see, from the post from Aryan Imperium, it only begets more of this, well, crap.
OK, but as you see, from the post from Aryan Imperium, it only begets more of this, well, crap
Crap to you, stimilating to others, not to mention someone's belief. If these people can't use a forum to express their views than you should't either! If racial eqaulity is your goal you wont ever get it in this world! How about the racial issue of very dark black americans as opposed to lighter skinned black americans? What do they call that? Colorism or something?

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