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White House Tax Plan Would Ask More of Millionaires (2 Viewers)

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Obama economic results in 2011, .4% GDP and 1% GDP growth in 2011, 25+ million unemployed or under employed Americans in 2011, 4 trillion added to the debt in less than 3 years, and a downgrade of the U.S. credit rating. Rising Misery index 7.83 to 12.67. 38-41% JAR and well over 50-55% disapproval ratings.

Like I said.....you don't read....you just cherry pick and post. Sorry Con.....but your hypocrisy speaks louder than your words.
He is playing within the rules on his personal taxes. That is only reasonable and again not hypocrisy. He is stating the rules should be changed, even though that would be not in his best interest.

it would be in his best interest. the uber rich benefit when there are high death taxes and income taxes. especially those who slurp the dem party. anyone who believes that he is that altruistic is foolish.

and he has the power-unlike 99% of taxpayers to restructure his compensation to pay as little tax as possible

what is funny is watching so many of the bash the rich losers (you are not one of them) cyber-fellate this man without having an clue as what motivates that clown
Like I said.....you don't read....you just cherry pick and post. Sorry Con.....but your hypocrisy speaks louder than your words.

Waiting for the data to support your claims, I have given you the Obama official results, prove them wrong. Why you continue to believe anything Obama says tells me a lot about you.
If he was talking about ordinary income and tax rates he was a liar. If he was talking about capital gains only then he was telling something that may be close to the truth but we have no idea since we don't know what his secretary makes. Capital gains tax is 15%
How in the hell do you know Warren Buffet is a liar? Does he make all of his income from capital gains?
Waiting for the data to support your claims, I have given you the Obama official results, prove them wrong. Why you continue to believe anything Obama says tells me a lot about you.

Really Con? Really? Do you understand the position that you are putting yourself in? Why would anyone put any credibility into anything that you post, when it is clear to everyone here that you posted an article that you never even read....simply because you read the headline and thought it would support your position. Perhaps this is an anomaly...but I have to think that it isn't, because if it was you would have simply admitted your mistake and moved on....instead you've done nothing but attempt to spin and deflect.

If you post without knowing the content....then why should anyone take your posts seriously?
it would be in his best interest. the uber rich benefit when there are high death taxes and income taxes. especially those who slurp the dem party. anyone who believes that he is that altruistic is foolish.

and he has the power-unlike 99% of taxpayers to restructure his compensation to pay as little tax as possible

what is funny is watching so many of the bash the rich losers (you are not one of them) cyber-fellate this man without having an clue as what motivates that clown
Dead people are not taxed. Why? Because they're dead.:roll:
How in the hell do you know Warren Buffet is a liar? Does he make all of his income from capital gains?

According to reports, his salary is 100K.
How in the hell do you know Warren Buffet is a liar? Does he make all of his income from capital gains?

You said he was talking ordinary. Don't you know what you posted? If he is talking Ordinary income then yes he is lying.
Really Con? Really? Do you understand the position that you are putting yourself in? Why would anyone put any credibility into anything that you post, when it is clear to everyone here that you posted an article that you never even read....simply because you read the headline and thought it would support your position. Perhaps this is an anomaly...but I have to think that it isn't, because if it was you would have simply admitted your mistake and moved on....instead you've done nothing but attempt to spin and deflect.

If you post without knowing the content....then why should anyone take your posts seriously?

You say a lot of words but never back them with data. My data comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Bureau of Economic Analysis, and Treasury sites, all non partisan and all with actual data. You have offered nothing but rhetoric. I am more than willing to learn about the errors you claim I am making so I welcome you putting that data into context. It is 2011 now, you do realize that right?
Obama economic results in 2011, .4% GDP and 1% GDP growth in 2011, 25+ million unemployed or under employed Americans in 2011, 4 trillion added to the debt in less than 3 years, and a downgrade of the U.S. credit rating. Rising Misery index 7.83 to 12.67. 38-41% JAR and well over 50-55% disapproval ratings.
Gee, I haven't seen that in a while. Is this the 499[SUP]th[/SUP] or 500[SUP]th[/SUP] time you have posted a version of this?
it would be in his best interest. the uber rich benefit when there are high death taxes and income taxes. especially those who slurp the dem party. anyone who believes that he is that altruistic is foolish.

and he has the power-unlike 99% of taxpayers to restructure his compensation to pay as little tax as possible

what is funny is watching so many of the bash the rich losers (you are not one of them) cyber-fellate this man without having an clue as what motivates that clown

So, in amongst all the rhetoric, you manage to not actually address my point, and you still have not shown where Buffett mentioned his secretary.

Oh, and to claim it is to Buffett's benefit to have to pay more taxes is hilarious.
Obama economic results in 2011, .4% GDP and 1% GDP growth in 2011, 25+ million unemployed or under employed Americans in 2011, 4 trillion added to the debt in less than 3 years, and a downgrade of the U.S. credit rating. Rising Misery index 7.83 to 12.67. 38-41% JAR and well over 50-55% disapproval ratings.

This is what is called an evasion. If you want to talk about what Obama said, should you not read what he said? Some one was even nice enough to link those words.
So, in amongst all the rhetoric, you manage to not actually address my point, and you still have not shown where Buffett mentioned his secretary.

Oh, and to claim it is to Buffett's benefit to have to pay more taxes is hilarious.

Why does John Kerry want higher taxes? because he thinks paying more taxes is a tradeoff he is willing to make to gain more power.
You say a lot of words but never back them with data. My data comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Bureau of Economic Analysis, and Treasury sites, all non partisan and all with actual data. You have offered nothing but rhetoric. I am more than willing to learn about the errors you claim I am making so I welcome you putting that data into context. It is 2011 now, you do realize that right?
These numbers come from BLS data. Notice all those jobs lost before the Bush recession was officially over in June 2009.

Private sector jobs gains/losses

2008 Gains/
2009 Gains/
2010 Gains/
2011 Gains/
According to reports, his salary is 100K.

which is about one thousand times less than the salary of similarly situated executives
What they earned is doubly taxed. its an abomination

They are dead. There is a transaction. The transaction is taxed. This is normal. Or are you going to claim that paying a sales tax is an abomination since you already paid taxes on that money? What is an abomination is the need to use stupidly over the top rhetoric with every post.
Why does John Kerry want higher taxes? because he thinks paying more taxes is a tradeoff he is willing to make to gain more power.

So you actually think Buffett expects more power for this? Based on what?
Why does John Kerry want higher taxes? because he thinks paying more taxes is a tradeoff he is willing to make to gain more power.

Because he knows he can just hide the boat in the Bahama's.
They are dead. There is a transaction. The transaction is taxed. This is normal. Or are you going to claim that paying a sales tax is an abomination since you already paid taxes on that money? What is an abomination is the need to use stupidly over the top rhetoric with every post.

Libs go to such great length to defend this abomination. iF the death tax is so great why is it applied only to those of us who already pay a massive amount of the income tax. its nothing more than a surcharge on the wealthy that is based on class envy
The money transferred hands, so you are wrong. "Death Tax" is a term invented by Frank Luntz.

that still doesn't justify a tax that only applies to those who pay the most income tax

if its so great why don't your dem masters try to expand it? because any politician who proposes it applies to more people will lose an election or might even eat a bullet
So you actually think Buffett expects more power for this? Based on what?

Having his dem buddies in power.

He also benefits from the dem financial situation
According to reports, his salary is 100K.
His salary from Berkshire Hathaway? You've seen his tax return and you know that's all the normal income he has?
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