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White House Demands Protection For Unborn Children After Celebrating Supreme Court... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 20, 2012
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Just this side of senility.
Political Leaning
... Ruling On Abortion

White House Demands Protection For Unborn Children After Celebrating Supreme Court Ruling On Abortion - Breitbart

You can't make this stuff up folks...

First he says this:
“We are pleased by today’s decision,” White House Deputy Press Secretary Eric Schultz told reporters during the daily briefing. He praised the decision for ruling that health and safety mandates for abortion clinics in Texas were unconstitutional, a key victory for pro-abortion activists. “We think it’s an important one in that it underscores the reproductive freedom of women across the country,” Schulz continued. “We believe that government should not intrude on these most private family matters, and that women should be able to make their own choices about their body and health care.”

Then he says this:

“This is a public health emergency and so I don’t know — it shouldn’t be a Democratic cause to help protect women and unborn children from birth defects,” he said. “This should be something that actually enjoys bipartisan support in Congress. This one shouldn’t be complicated.”

Same freaking news conference.

I mean Jesus...pick a side and stick to it, will ya?
Re: White House Demands Protection For Unborn Children After Celebrating Supreme Cour

So protect the unborn from birth defects, but don't protect them from being killed?

Seems legit.
Re: White House Demands Protection For Unborn Children After Celebrating Supreme Cour

So protect the unborn from birth defects, but don't protect them from being killed?

Seems legit.

I'm sure a twisted mind could rationalize that. Sane people? Probably less so.
Re: White House Demands Protection For Unborn Children After Celebrating Supreme Cour

Not sure if you're playing stupid or if its genuine.

Which part of it do you find 'stupid'? The blatant hypocrisy or the blatant hypocrisy?
Re: White House Demands Protection For Unborn Children After Celebrating Supreme Cour

Which part of it do you find 'stupid'? The blatant hypocrisy or the blatant hypocrisy?

Failing to even acknowledge that while there may be a very heated debated on a womans right to choose vs. the unborns right to life (regardless of which side of the issue you fall on), it's a completely different issue than a virus that's spreading at an alarming rate and causes birth defects.

That would be the (almost unbelievably) stupid part.
Re: White House Demands Protection For Unborn Children After Celebrating Supreme Cour

Failing to even acknowledge that while there may be a very heated debated on a womans right to choose vs. the unborns right to life (regardless of which side of the issue you fall on), it's a completely different issue than a virus that's spreading at an alarming rate and causes birth defects.

That would be the (almost unbelievably) stupid part.

The press secretary of the president just applauded the killing of 'unborn children' AND condemned the killing of 'unborn children' in nearly the same breath. And you find that anyone seeing hypocrisy in this as 'stupid'?

What he should have done is point the people afflicted with the second issue, towards a clinic which deals with the first. Would that make more sense to you.
Re: White House Demands Protection For Unborn Children After Celebrating Supreme Cour

... Ruling On Abortion

White House Demands Protection For Unborn Children After Celebrating Supreme Court Ruling On Abortion - Breitbart

You can't make this stuff up folks...

First he says this:

Then he says this:

Same freaking news conference.

I mean Jesus...pick a side and stick to it, will ya?

When they say "help protect women and unborn children from birth defects".... they mean kill the children. That's what they mean by protecting unborn children from birth defects. Cut them into pieces instead.
Re: White House Demands Protection For Unborn Children After Celebrating Supreme Cour

When they say "help protect women and unborn children from birth defects".... they mean kill the children. That's what they mean by protecting unborn children from birth defects. Cut them into pieces instead.

the vast majority of abortions in this country do not involve any "cutting"
Re: White House Demands Protection For Unborn Children After Celebrating Supreme Cour

The press secretary of the president just applauded the killing of 'unborn children' AND condemned the killing of 'unborn children' in nearly the same breath. And you find that anyone seeing hypocrisy in this as 'stupid'?

What he should have done is point the people afflicted with the second issue, towards a clinic which deals with the first. Would that make more sense to you.

I get it, you think abortion is murder. Not every one does. There's a whole section of the forums dedicated to the topic, it's that controversial. Taking your interpretation and running with it is just plain disingenuous when you know that interpretation is not even close to universal.

Zika infects indiscriminately, including pregnant women who just want to have healthy babies.

Do I have to hold your hand and walk you through it?
Re: White House Demands Protection For Unborn Children After Celebrating Supreme Cour

the vast majority of abortions in this country do not involve any "cutting"

And when do birth defects become obvious.
Re: White House Demands Protection For Unborn Children After Celebrating Supreme Cour

And when do birth defects become obvious.

irrelevant since nothing in this thread was ever about aborting due to birth defects until you introduced the topic.
Re: White House Demands Protection For Unborn Children After Celebrating Supreme Cour

irrelevant since nothing in this thread was ever about aborting due to birth defects until you introduced the topic.

Because that is how what they are saying isn't hypocritical. They celebrate abortions, and argue that they want to protect unborn children from birth defects, because aborting those children is how they intend to "protect" them.

Yes. It is that ****ed up.
Re: White House Demands Protection For Unborn Children After Celebrating Supreme Cour

I get it, you think abortion is murder. Not every one does. There's a whole section of the forums dedicated to the topic, it's that controversial. Taking your interpretation and running with it is just plain disingenuous when you know that interpretation is not even close to universal.

Zika infects indiscriminately, including pregnant women who just want to have healthy babies.

Do I have to hold your hand and walk you through it?

Nothing could be further from the truth. I am a staunch abortion advocate. I believe women who want abortions should have them on demand. However, you can not have your dead baby and eat it too. If you are a proponent of abortion, then your crocodile tears over Zika and the threat to 'unborn children', are bull**** of the highest order. If you CHEER the freedom to choose to kill the unborn (their words not mine) in one breath and lament it in another, you are as full of **** as a Christmas turkey.

When I see hypocrisy on this level, I will call it out...every time.
Re: White House Demands Protection For Unborn Children After Celebrating Supreme Cour

The press secretary of the president just applauded the killing of 'unborn children' AND condemned the killing of 'unborn children' in nearly the same breath. And you find that anyone seeing hypocrisy in this as 'stupid'?

What he should have done is point the people afflicted with the second issue, towards a clinic which deals with the first. Would that make more sense to you.

Pro-choice people are not actually putting any value on the unborn when they decide to protect it from birth defects from diseases. What pro choice people care about before viability is the woman, so everything they do is about her and her choices.

Once you see that all they care about is the woman it becomes quite easy to see through any argument they make about the unborn. If they mention the unborn and their desire to protect it you can be assured that it goes back to the woman and her choice. The unborn to them is a parasite, and if it is unwanted, it's a tumor, a cancer, and a rapist.
Last edited:
Re: White House Demands Protection For Unborn Children After Celebrating Supreme Cour

irrelevant since nothing in this thread was ever about aborting due to birth defects until you introduced the topic.

Actually it has everything to do with the topic. The abortion rates are increasing due to the virus, which pro-choice people consider as something that undermines the woman's choice.
Re: White House Demands Protection For Unborn Children After Celebrating Supreme Cour

Because that is how what they are saying isn't hypocritical. They celebrate abortions, and argue that they want to protect unborn children from birth defects, because aborting those children is how they intend to "protect" them.

Yes. It is that ****ed up.

Pregnant woman contracts Zika. 3 things could happen:

Fetus dies in utero
child is born with microcephaly
child is aborted because it will be born with microcephaly

Birth defects do not make an abortion mandatory. If you care about the unborn, stopping Zika from spreading should at least be a priority. "Protecting from Birth Defects" means preventing them. Not strapping down any pregnant woman who tests positive and hacking her baby out with a meat cleaver.

But the logic being put forward here is apparently this:
If you are pro choice then you should be helping spread Zika as much and as quickly as possible, because that will result in more abortions, which is apparently the whole point of being pro choice.

We can then build the massive "fetal slurry" plants we've been dreaming about, knowing that a fresh supply of aborted fetuses is now guaranteed. Fetal slurry can be used as fertilizer, feed for livestock, or engine coolant. But alas, we've been figured out by those gosh darned social conservatives.
Re: White House Demands Protection For Unborn Children After Celebrating Supreme Cour

Which part of it do you find 'stupid'? The blatant hypocrisy or the blatant hypocrisy?

It's not hypocrisy to them. They see nothing wrong with holding two seemingly conflicting points of view. It's the Copenhagen interpretation of abortion.
When they want to terminate the pregnancy, it's a ZEF that is not only a threat to the mother's health but to her Constitutional Rights.
When they want to continue the pregnancy, the ZEF function collapses and it becomes an unborn child deserving of our protection.

Why do you hate women and science.
You should be ashamed.

[sarcasm off]
Re: White House Demands Protection For Unborn Children After Celebrating Supreme Cour

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Oh? You should pick a position.

The press secretary of the president just applauded the killing of 'unborn children' AND condemned the killing of 'unborn children' in nearly the same breath.

I am a staunch abortion advocate. I believe women who want abortions should have them on demand. However, you can not have your dead baby and eat it too. If you are a proponent of abortion, then your crocodile tears over Zika and the threat to 'unborn children', are bull**** of the highest order. If you CHEER the freedom to choose to kill the unborn (their words not mine) in one breath and lament it in another, you are as full of **** as a Christmas turkey.

When I see hypocrisy on this level, I will call it out...every time.

Thats like saying you can't be against animal cruelty without being vegan.

Zika infects women who want healthy babies. How can anyone be pro life and not make fighting Zika a priority? Do you want more microcephalic children in the world? Or is dead from Zika better somehow than dead from abortion? You're argument can be flipped back on you that easily.
Re: White House Demands Protection For Unborn Children After Celebrating Supreme Cour

Oh? You should pick a position.

Thats like saying you can't be against animal cruelty without being vegan.

Zika infects women who want healthy babies. How can anyone be pro life and not make fighting Zika a priority? Do you want more microcephalic children in the world? Or is dead from Zika better somehow than dead from abortion? You're argument can be flipped back on you that easily.

You can't be against animal cruelty without being vegan...unless you're a hypocrite. So it's the 'want' that you're concerned with? So the death an unwanted 'unborn' child isn't a big deal....right? But the death or disfigurement of a 'wanted' one is?

Tell me, how does all that twisting and contorting make your back feel? I mean, those sort of moral gymnastics have GOT to hurt.
Re: White House Demands Protection For Unborn Children After Celebrating Supreme Cour

... Ruling On Abortion

White House Demands Protection For Unborn Children After Celebrating Supreme Court Ruling On Abortion - Breitbart

You can't make this stuff up folks...

First he says this:

Then he says this:

Same freaking news conference.

I mean Jesus...pick a side and stick to it, will ya?

I'm pro-choice. I'm also pro anything science can possibly do to prevent birth defects. Why the hell should I pick a side????
Re: White House Demands Protection For Unborn Children After Celebrating Supreme Cour

Oh? You should pick a position.

Thats like saying you can't be against animal cruelty without being vegan.

Zika infects women who want healthy babies. How can anyone be pro life and not make fighting Zika a priority? Do you want more microcephalic children in the world? Or is dead from Zika better somehow than dead from abortion? You're argument can be flipped back on you that easily.

See, it's really all about the woman. Pro-choice people are not putting any value on the unborn whenever they support a position to protect the unborn. It's exactly the same reasoning you will see pro-choice people use when they punish someone other than the mother for killing the unborn. If the woman didn't consent to their unborn child being killed then they consider the death of the unborn a violation of her choice, so instead of just punishing the person guilty for whatever crimes that were done to the mother they also include charges for murder for the unborn.

Pro-life people get confused over this because they don't know that origin of everything is her choice. Violations of choice due to disease or the actions of others will almost always result in pro-choice people deciding to protect the unborn, but actions done by the mother are usually considered fine if done before viability.
Re: White House Demands Protection For Unborn Children After Celebrating Supreme Cour

You can't be against animal cruelty without being vegan...unless you're a hypocrite. So it's the 'want' that you're concerned with? So the death an unwanted 'unborn' child isn't a big deal....right? But the death or disfigurement of a 'wanted' one is?

Well, seeing as how most people are not vegan, and most people are against animal cruelty, I guess we're just a fundamentally hypocritical race. Nature itself would be hypocritical by that logic.

No one suggested abortion wasn't a big deal. And I'm honest enough to forgo suggesting that pro lifers think that the right to choose isn't a big deal.

But this is a preventable viral disease that kills or deforms the unborn. It is an issue that can stand on its own and isn't related to abortion in any way, other than involving the unborn. There is no choice involved with Zika (as pertains to pro choice vs pro life), there are no rights that are questioned or ignored, according to the logic used by either side of the issue. It should be a bipartisan no brainer, unless you wanted to try and use the issue to score political points, or if you were too busy trying to defund PP and shut down the clinics to address a potential public health threat.

And honestly, the mental gymnastics accusation? After the OP you posted? The abortion debate is about the right to life vs the right to control ones own body, everything I've posted has been straight forward from there. You've suggested several times that the goal of pro choicers is to kill babies. Zika is a threat to public health, and the local government should be taking steps to fight it and prevent it's spreading.
Re: White House Demands Protection For Unborn Children After Celebrating Supreme Cour

I'm pro-choice. I'm also pro anything science can possibly do to prevent birth defects. Why the hell should I pick a side????

How fortunate, since the second can be cured by the first.

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