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Whistlestopper sub-forum? (1 Viewer)


Hooter Babe
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Sep 19, 2008
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Northern California
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I'm an ex-Whistlestopper, and finally decided out of curiosity to see what happened to the place, even though I pretty much stopped posting there a couple of years back. Through the miracle of Google, I discovered that most of the old WS posters ended up here! I read through a 6 page thread filled with names I instantly remembered... some fondly, even!... and wanted to reconnect.

I may not be remembered by most WS'ers, but if any do, I hear there is a WS sub-forum here. I'd like to join, if possible. How would I go about it, please?

Wow. I guess I got my answer. Either WS'ers don't remember me... or worse, they do. :(

Oh, well. It was worth a shot.
Thanks! Apparently it's a closed forum. I have PM'd the creator of the forum asking to be given access.
What's it for, anyway?

This is the first time I've heard the term "Whistlestopper" - Inform me.
What's it for, anyway?

This is the first time I've heard the term "Whistlestopper" - Inform me.

It was probably the lamest forum ever to grace the internet. there was two sets of rules, one for the in crowd (left wing) and another for the out crowd.... If they weren't yelling at you they were boring you to death.....
It is not very active I think most WS's looking for the WS feeling post more at

That WS feeling? You mean the feeling like being Josef K in Kafka's "The Trial"? That feeling?
It is not very active I think most WS's looking for the WS feeling post more at

Politics Forum

Oh. I've been there, and wasn't terribly impressed. Besides, the "WS" feeling is why I left that forum in the first place, so I sure don't want it back! I'd just noticed that last December there was a WS thread here where many of those I liked who had been pushed out of the WS forum by it's double standards had gathered here, and was hoping to reconnect with them.

Thanks for the information! You've been very helpful.
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