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While people are still loing their mind over Kavanaugh.... (1 Viewer)


Less like the tiger...more like the lion.
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Feb 1, 2010
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#Ibelieveher, huh?


"Bill and Hillary Clinton are going on tour.The Clintons announced on Monday that they would headline a series of live events together -- billed "An Evening with The Clintons" -- across the country in the final weeks of 2018 and into 2019.
The tour will provide the Democratic stalwarts with a notable platform weeks after the consequential 2018 midterm elections and deep into 2019, when a number of Democrats will be jockeying for positions in the fight to be the party's standard bearer against President Donald Trump in 2020."

And y'all wonder why the whole #Ibelieveher thing is such a tragic ****ing joke.
#Ibelieveher, huh?


"Bill and Hillary Clinton are going on tour.The Clintons announced on Monday that they would headline a series of live events together -- billed "An Evening with The Clintons" -- across the country in the final weeks of 2018 and into 2019.
The tour will provide the Democratic stalwarts with a notable platform weeks after the consequential 2018 midterm elections and deep into 2019, when a number of Democrats will be jockeying for positions in the fight to be the party's standard bearer against President Donald Trump in 2020."

And y'all wonder why the whole #Ibelieveher thing is such a tragic ****ing joke.

If the Left has learned anything they will give the Clintons the Snub.

Considering that I heard that Pelosi is joining the tour dont expect it.
The Clintons' coffers must be getting light...time to go on tour!

It is not about that, as premier representatives of the FAILED INTELLIGENTSIA! they have a duty to do what they can to put down the Rebellion.

However my main interest is watching what kind of turn out they get, it will tell us a lot about how close the left is to reforms.
#Ibelieveher, huh?


"Bill and Hillary Clinton are going on tour.The Clintons announced on Monday that they would headline a series of live events together -- billed "An Evening with The Clintons" -- across the country in the final weeks of 2018 and into 2019.
The tour will provide the Democratic stalwarts with a notable platform weeks after the consequential 2018 midterm elections and deep into 2019, when a number of Democrats will be jockeying for positions in the fight to be the party's standard bearer against President Donald Trump in 2020."

And y'all wonder why the whole #Ibelieveher thing is such a tragic ****ing joke.

Why is it a ****ing joke? None of us care about the Clintons. The Clintons don't have cache with any progressives and their involvement in someone's campaign is often a demerit not a boost.
Why is it a ****ing joke? None of us care about the Clintons. The Clintons don't have cache with any progressives and their involvement in someone's campaign is often a demerit not a boost.

The problem with this theory of yours is that not only are they still here but they are front and center, and with Pelosi.

With as badly as they performed this goes to prove that the Left Elite are still clueless.

It is all up to the Little People now....

The Clintons' coffers must be getting light...time to go on tour!

Didn't Haiti just have another earthquake. They cleaned up big time during the last one, no doubt they'll
try to get their greedy hands on this one too. I think earthquakes are more made to order for the the Clinton
Global Initiative than some silly tour. If the want to make the tour even more boring they ought to bring
chelsea along, doesn't she have political ambitions also!
The problem with this theory of yours is that not only are they still here but they are front and center, and with Pelosi.

With as badly as they performed this goes to prove that the Left Elite are still clueless.

It is all up to the Little People now....


Don't forget that the left is still on the "believe the accusers" tour after the Kavanaugh confirmation, and Bill Clinton represents a gigantic fly in that ointment.

#Ibelieveher, huh?


"Bill and Hillary Clinton are going on tour.The Clintons announced on Monday that they would headline a series of live events together -- billed "An Evening with The Clintons" -- across the country in the final weeks of 2018 and into 2019.
The tour will provide the Democratic stalwarts with a notable platform weeks after the consequential 2018 midterm elections and deep into 2019, when a number of Democrats will be jockeying for positions in the fight to be the party's standard bearer against President Donald Trump in 2020."

And y'all wonder why the whole #Ibelieveher thing is such a tragic ****ing joke.

I bet Ariana Grande won't be there.
Don't forget that the left is still on the "believe the accusers" tour after the Kavanaugh confirmation, and Bill Clinton represents a gigantic fly in that ointment.

What they usually say is "Believe the survivors", the so-called survivors being actually accusers, because according to these assholes we must assume that the accused men are guilty, and act accordingly.

The Constitution must be ignored, as it gets in the way of UTOPIA.

That really is how abusive they are.
Why is it a ****ing joke? None of us care about the Clintons. The Clintons don't have cache with any progressives and their involvement in someone's campaign is often a demerit not a boost.

Its a joke because leftists will be flocking to see them...the same twats that **** themselves over allegations of a teenager groping another teenager and freaking out that the victim wasnt 'believed' will be throwing stacks of cash at an accused rapist and his wife who spent 4 decades attacking his victims.

You cna go ahead and pretend to not care about the Clintons all you like...but half the country voted for her...and will again if she is the democrat nominee.
#Ibelieveher, huh?


"Bill and Hillary Clinton are going on tour.The Clintons announced on Monday that they would headline a series of live events together -- billed "An Evening with The Clintons" -- across the country in the final weeks of 2018 and into 2019.
The tour will provide the Democratic stalwarts with a notable platform weeks after the consequential 2018 midterm elections and deep into 2019, when a number of Democrats will be jockeying for positions in the fight to be the party's standard bearer against President Donald Trump in 2020."

And y'all wonder why the whole #Ibelieveher thing is such a tragic ****ing joke.

A night with the Clintons?! Is that when you get raped and then accidentally suicided?
Its a joke because leftists will be flocking to see them...the same twats that **** themselves over allegations of a teenager groping another teenager and freaking out that the victim wasnt 'believed' will be throwing stacks of cash at an accused rapist and his wife who spent 4 decades attacking his victims.

You cna go ahead and pretend to not care about the Clintons all you like...but half the country voted for her...and will again if she is the democrat nominee.

so true...no lefty will admit to voting for Hillary yet they will attend this with chubbys in hand.
Don't forget that the left is still on the "believe the accusers" tour after the Kavanaugh confirmation, and Bill Clinton represents a gigantic fly in that ointment.


Just how does a leftist, #metoo "I believe her" woman justify giving Bill Clinton an audience? I can't fathom the level of cognitive dissonance.
#Ibelieveher, huh?


"Bill and Hillary Clinton are going on tour.The Clintons announced on Monday that they would headline a series of live events together -- billed "An Evening with The Clintons" -- across the country in the final weeks of 2018 and into 2019.
The tour will provide the Democratic stalwarts with a notable platform weeks after the consequential 2018 midterm elections and deep into 2019, when a number of Democrats will be jockeying for positions in the fight to be the party's standard bearer against President Donald Trump in 2020."

And y'all wonder why the whole #Ibelieveher thing is such a tragic ****ing joke.

Demagogues will give speeches, Q&A will be staged and the Clintons will be paid. How very Clintonesque. :rolls:
I wonder, if the "blue wave" becomes the "blown wave", will the ticket price go up or down ??
lefties b like....kavanaugh is a rapist, we have 0 evidence but we know hes a gang rapist...oh loookey bill and hillary are on tour, how much front row seats! We are there!
These nasty people have no shame. Why isn't Juanita Broaderick's claim of Slick Willy raping her 36+ years ago being investigated? If the left cared about women they would be demanding an investigation into these allegations, along with the allegations of Keith Ellison.....but they really only feign caring about Ford's supposed assault. No shame for the wicked.
#Ibelieveher, huh?


"Bill and Hillary Clinton are going on tour.The Clintons announced on Monday that they would headline a series of live events together -- billed "An Evening with The Clintons" -- across the country in the final weeks of 2018 and into 2019.
The tour will provide the Democratic stalwarts with a notable platform weeks after the consequential 2018 midterm elections and deep into 2019, when a number of Democrats will be jockeying for positions in the fight to be the party's standard bearer against President Donald Trump in 2020."

And y'all wonder why the whole #Ibelieveher thing is such a tragic ****ing joke.

$750 to be at one of their meetings.
also funny to what the Mr. rapist in chief talk about sexual assault lmao.

remember he was accused therefore he is guilty.
ol wait he is a democrat it doesn't count.
#Ibelieveher, huh?


"Bill and Hillary Clinton are going on tour.The Clintons announced on Monday that they would headline a series of live events together -- billed "An Evening with The Clintons" -- across the country in the final weeks of 2018 and into 2019.
The tour will provide the Democratic stalwarts with a notable platform weeks after the consequential 2018 midterm elections and deep into 2019, when a number of Democrats will be jockeying for positions in the fight to be the party's standard bearer against President Donald Trump in 2020."

And y'all wonder why the whole #Ibelieveher thing is such a tragic ****ing joke.

They will bow down in troves to their dear leader, the ***** grabbing ex-president.

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