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Which Woman is More Attractive? (pt II) (1 Viewer)

Which Woman is More Attractive?

  • Renee Olsted! (redhead)

    Votes: 8 28.6%
  • Tina Fey!

    Votes: 6 21.4%
  • Vanessa Marcil!

    Votes: 7 25.0%
  • Gweneth Paltrow

    Votes: 2 7.1%
  • Debra Messing

    Votes: 3 10.7%
  • I'll make my own cornbread!

    Votes: 2 7.1%

  • Total voters

The Giant Noodle

DP Veteran
Mar 22, 2010
Reaction score
Northern Illinois
Political Leaning
Which Woman is More Attractive? :)

Remember the woman you choose will come over and make you cornbread next week. :roll:

(NOTE: The 1st woman is Debra Messing and the last is Renee Olsted)


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Renee Olstead (number 5) absolutely. She has that natural beauty.

I don't find any of the others attractive. Not even pretty.
I don't know who they are but they are all rather pretty. But the one showing the most cleavage there is the best. :devil:
The last one in the pics, the first one in the poll.

By far, the most attractive overall, and the most attractive face.
They all are gorgeous but I like Tina mainly because she looks like a good friend of mine
Vanessa Marcil is the sexiest

While Renee Olsted is the cutest (what has she be in?)
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Don't see many jazz singers any more. She's good not great but she's still got some time to grow and learn. Attractive and talented... there's hope still for the next generation.
Don't see many jazz singers any more. She's good not great but she's still got some time to grow and learn. Attractive and talented... there's hope still for the next generation.

Agreed! I love jazz and I wish more folks would be more accepting of it. Toss rap out the window! I would love to hear someone going by with their stereo turned up and not listening to rap or that ranchero music.
I vote Norah Jones. :mrgreen:
I like all of these better than your last ones.
1 and 3 are pretty. 2's okay.

Why didn't you put Cate Blanchett in, if we're doing older women?

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I voted Vanessa. She has a ton of charisma, pictures don't do her justice.

Vanessa Marcil is the sexiest

While Renee Olsted is the cutest (what has she be in?)
Natural blonde hair and blue eyes, so Paltrow would be the closest. We have MUCH hotter blondes here than that, though-- Pam Anderson, Christie Brinkley, Kate Hudson, Ali Larter, Maria Sharapova, Rene Witherspoon, Charlize Theron, Sienna Miller, Britney Spears, Carrie Underwood, Cameron Diaz, Taylor Swift, Hayden Panittiere, Heidi Klum, Kristen Bell, Marisa Miller, Jennifer Aniston, Scarlett Johansson, Nicole Eggert, Erika Eleniak, Donna D'Errico, Gena Lee Nolin, Beth O, etc...
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Natural blonde hair and blue eyes, so Paltrow would be the closest. We have MUCH hotter blondes here than that, though-- Pam Anderson, Christie Brinkley, Kate Hudson, Ali Larter, Maria Sharapova, Rene Witherspoon, Charlize Theron, Sienna Miller, Britney Spears, Carrie Underwood, Cameron Diaz, Taylor Swift, Hayden Panittiere, Heidi Klum, Kristen Bell, Marisa Miller, Jennifer Aniston, Scarlett Johansson, Nicole Eggert, Erika Eleniak, Donna D'Errico, Gena Lee Nolin, Beth O, etc...

Out of your list I feel Taylor Swift is the most attractive. ;)
Not really impressed with anyone on that list, although I like Tina Fey most out of all of them because of her writing and comedy.
Hey Noodle--I spent 5 minutes composing a BRILLIANT answer to your PM, hit 'send' and it says your message box is full. WTF?

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