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Which Party Is Smarter? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 16, 2005
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America (A.K.A., a red state)
Political Leaning
A liberal friend of mine recently told me that Republican voters tend to be less intelligent and that evangelical morons are the only reason Bush made it in a second term. What I replied with really infuriated him, but he had no reply....

First, I informed him of some statistics that prove how little evangelicals had to do with the election. (The evangelical explanation is an excuse to explain away the astonishingly constant loss of popularity the public shows to Democrats) EVERYONE in the political world knows that Hispanics and, more so, women determine every election these days. It is why our borders remain unsafe and why Bush must constantly be seen reading to children and other things that have nothing to do with his job.

Then I explained which side the actual ignorance is on...

-In every kind of aptitude test or census study I have ever seen, blacks rank at the very bottom, without exception.

-Labor unions (i.e., mafias who protect incompetent workers from consequences) are overwhelmingly liberal. These people are far from enlightened.

-Republicans are usually successful. This usually means they have a degree. This usually means they are more educated than the welfare degenerates who sue people for a living. (both the welfare degenerates who do this and the trial lawyers who make it possible are overwhelmingly Democrats).

-Students are liberal. It is when people graduate, join the job market, and start families (hence, they start having someone to think about besides themselves) that they become conservatives. Think about that. Those who are trying to GET educated are liberals. Those who have ALREADY BEEN educated are usually conservatives.

Whose constituents are generally dumb? :roll:
Please. There is only one honest answer to that and it is not Republicans.
Libertarians are prob'ly the smartest crew. But, it hasn't helped them all that much.

Is there any good reason why this shouldn't be moved straight away to The Basement?
You have until I move it to The Basement to convince me that the primary purpose of this is something other than to incite a flame-fest.
Simon W. Moon said:
Libertarians are prob'ly the smartest crew. But, it hasn't helped them all that much.

Is there any good reason why this shouldn't be moved straight away to The Basement?
You have until I move it to The Basement to convince me that the primary purpose of this is something other than to incite a flame-fest.

I agree, Libertarians rock!

Rock on, my brother.
Frankly I would have to say the smartest people don't hold to any one particular party (but that would just be shameless self-gratification so I won't do it).
I say Libertarians too.

Personally, I think this country has been long overdue for a serious Libertarian movement. The unrest in the Republican party as of late may be just the key to sparking such a reform... but then again, Libertarians could remain condemned to hopelessness forever.
The Real McCoy said:
I say Libertarians too.

Personally, I think this country has been long overdue for a serious Libertarian movement. The unrest in the Republican party as of late may be just the key to sparking such a reform... but then again, Libertarians could remain condemned to hopelessness forever.

TOO MANY SHEEP are afraid of freedom. They worry about the lone wolf outside the gates prefering to be penned in. However, the wolf only kills a few sheep while the farmer gets them all in the end
yea right...

Both sides care about one thing and one thing only..

Unquestionably, democrats tend to be smarter.

Look at Yale, Harvard, Stanford, Brown, Dartmouth, etc. All of those schools are mostly liberals/democrats. That's not my only basis, by the way.
I would think intellect is not bound by party affiliation. I also find "Smartness" to be subjective. Karl Rove is a very Smart Man in my opinion, it comes down to what you focus your abilities on, and how you guage results. That said, My personal guage of intellect finds much to be desired in many a politician.....Our current President would be a prime example.
cherokee said:
yea right...

Both sides care about one thing and one thing only..


That's a very generalized statement.

Hippies and evangelical Christians don't tend to care much about money but many of them are very politically active.
aquapub said:
A liberal friend of mine recently told me that Republican voters tend to be less intelligent and that evangelical morons are the only reason Bush made it in a second term. What I replied with really infuriated him, but he had no reply....

First, I informed him of some statistics that prove how little evangelicals had to do with the election. (The evangelical explanation is an excuse to explain away the astonishingly constant loss of popularity the public shows to Democrats) EVERYONE in the political world knows that Hispanics and, more so, women determine every election these days. It is why our borders remain unsafe and why Bush must constantly be seen reading to children and other things that have nothing to do with his job.

Then I explained which side the actual ignorance is on...

-In every kind of aptitude test or census study I have ever seen, blacks rank at the very bottom, without exception.

-Labor unions (i.e., mafias who protect incompetent workers from consequences) are overwhelmingly liberal. These people are far from enlightened.

-Republicans are usually successful. This usually means they have a degree. This usually means they are more educated than the welfare degenerates who sue people for a living. (both the welfare degenerates who do this and the trial lawyers who make it possible are overwhelmingly Democrats).

-Students are liberal. It is when people graduate, join the job market, and start families (hence, they start having someone to think about besides themselves) that they become conservatives. Think about that. Those who are trying to GET educated are liberals. Those who have ALREADY BEEN educated are usually conservatives.

Whose constituents are generally dumb? :roll:
Please. There is only one honest answer to that and it is not Republicans.

Gad... Who cares? If the people we have now continue to keep trying to demonize each others parties and ignore getting their jobs done together then they're all stupid.
aps said:
Unquestionably, democrats tend to be smarter.

Look at Yale, Harvard, Stanford, Brown, Dartmouth, etc. All of those schools are mostly liberals/democrats. That's not my only basis, by the way.
You just might be on to something there. Hey, didn't GWB go to one of those schools? :2wave:
I honestly dont think that any of them are SMARTER. I think that if you gave them all iq tests, the results would be pretty similar. However, that doesnt mean that they make a more informed decision similarly.
callmearac said:
Try again kid...:2wave:

Fool Me Twice

Claim: Chart shows relationship between 2004 electoral vote result and voter IQ.

Status: False.

The IQ numbers were originally attributed to the book 'IQ and the Wealth of Nations,' though they do not appear in the current edition. The tests and data were administered via the Raven's APT, and The Test Agency, one of the UK's leading publishers and distributors of psychometric tests. This data has been published in the Economist and the St. Petersburg Times, though this does not mean it should be taken as fact.

Origins: Some pranks are so good they keep working over and over again.

The chart's creator claimed to have been inspired by the book IQ and the Wealth of Nations and to have drawn his IQ data from the Ravens APM, but — save for the average income per state numbers, which were valid but outdated figures taken from the 1994 World Almanac — the chart was completely bogus. (The Ravens Advanced Progressive Matrices is not really a general intelligence test, nor do its publishers offer state-by-state test results data.) Nonetheless, a number of news publications (including the staid Economist) were taken in by the hoax — some mistakenly citing the information as having come from the book IQ and the Wealth of Nations, or even IQ and the Wealth of States — and published portions of the chart, and discussed it as if it were valid. (A similar hoax about presidential IQs produced similar media-fooling results back in 2001.)

Now, someone has dusted off the same chart and (omitting the economic data) applied it to the 2004 presidential election, keeping the primary gag intact: the "blue" (i.e., Democratic states) are all clustered at the top of the IQ scale, while the "red" (i.e., Republican) states are clustered at the bottom. Same hoax, different year. If 2008 produces another close presidential election as 2000 and 2004 did, expect to see this same joke again four years from now.

The republican party tends to be smarter due to them being richer. Usually when one is richer that person tends to be more educated due to them having the money to educate themselves.

This can be easily nulllified by simply looking at the demographics of a white collar neighborhood that is usually republican vice a blue collar neighborhood that is usually democrat. The white collar neighborhood tend to be university graduates with high paying jobs while the blue colar ones have only a high school diploma (if that) and work at the local Jack in the Box.
The republican party tends to be smarter due to them being richer. Usually when one is richer that person tends to be more educated due to them having the money to educate themselves.

This can be easily nulllified by simply looking at the demographics of a white collar neighborhood that is usually republican vice a blue collar neighborhood that is usually democrat. The white collar neighborhood tend to be university graduates with high paying jobs while the blue colar ones have only a high school diploma (if that) and work at the local Jack in the Box.

That's dumb. And just like saying that democrats are smarter because college professors are mostly liberal. Actually, your wealth makes even less sense. You don't have to be smart to be rich. Dedication is much more important.
Republicans are smarter when it comes to capitalism, economy, marketing, etc. They also know how to defend themselves and this nation.

Democrats are smarter on Hippie ettiquette. They like drugs. They like letting people out of prison. They like closing down businesses by making them pay more taxes so that some fat ass can sit home and have 99 kids (welfare). You know, typical Hippie stuff. God damn hippies!
Donkey1499 said:
Republicans are smarter when it comes to capitalism, economy, marketing, etc. They also know how to defend themselves and this nation.

Democrats are smarter on Hippie ettiquette. They like drugs. They like letting people out of prison. They like closing down businesses by making them pay more taxes so that some fat ass can sit home and have 99 kids (welfare). You know, typical Hippie stuff. God damn hippies!

Wait wait wait......are you saying that even with my military training, I don't know how to defend myself or the nation?!?!?!?! Whaaaaa????

And just for the record, I have never done an illegal drug. I might be a fat ass, but I don't have 99 kids and I'm not on welfare, just unemployment :mrgreen:

Oh, and as far as someone saying Republicans are smarter 'cause they have more money.....nope. Most of them inherited it :lamo
lol... this entire thread is full of ignorant assumptions and retardedness...

No group is smarter than the other......

And I love the racial profiling in the opinions of people..... lets see here....

The Democrats have poor uneducated blacks and mexicans who go around killing and collecting welfare and suing one another.

The Republicans have poor, white, fake christian, hill-billies who **** thier sisters and go from job to job, wear white robes and hats and burn crosses in black people's yards and talk about WHITE POWER! (throw in your favorite Dave Chappelle voice for added influence)

Come on..... thats retarded to mention one group's lowest and not mention the other groups lowest.
Stace said:
Oh, and as far as someone saying Republicans are smarter 'cause they have more money.....nope. Most of them inherited it :lamo

Most of them worked for it.

Not that that makes them any smarter...
Whoever has blind allegiance to a party is a tard. There, that should settle it. :mrgreen:
Most people would say thats obvious.The Republicans keep winning the elections that tells it all.
The old saying " I don't belong to an organised political party,I am a democrat " keeps showing its trueness.
The democrats have put themselves on the opposite side of issues most important to the majority of the American people,time and time again. They were even maneuvered by the Republicans to look anti-Christmas.As long as they are controled by ideologues and knee jerk liberals.They will be a minority party.
JOHNYJ said:
Most people would say thats obvious.The Republicans keep winning the elections that tells it all.
The old saying " I don't belong to an organised political party,I am a democrat " keeps showing its trueness.
The democrats have put themselves on the opposite side of issues most important to the majority of the American people,time and time again. They were even maneuvered by the Republicans to look anti-Christmas.As long as they are controled by ideologues and knee jerk liberals.They will be a minority party.
Thanks for proving my statement above.

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