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Which name would you like to see as the next Chancellor of Germany? (1 Viewer)

Which name would you like to see as the next Chancellor of Germany?

  • Laschet - CDU

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Scholz - SPD

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • Baerbock - Greens

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • Söder - CSU (Bavaria)

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Habeck - Greens

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lindner - FDP

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Wagenknecht - Leftist

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • Merkel once again - CDU

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • others

    Votes: 4 28.6%

  • Total voters
Which Eichhörnchen-Kopf?
Does Germany have a squirrel wearing right wing idiot, too? I guess I don't know enough about the candidates. I know that the UK has one.
In Germany the squirrels keep out of politics, as far as I know.
They mostly keep to the forests.

Heresy !

German-speaking posters posting a few polls in a US-forum !

Bring the firing squad !
A few?
Update yourself.

No need for firing squads, I suggest dueling with 100 kg sledgehammers in 8 feet of water.:p

German Green Party Will Sit Out Federal Election in Saarland​

Germany’s Green party won’t be able to participate in September’s federal election in the state of Saarland in the latest blow to chancellor candidate Annalena Baerbock.

The party will be blocked from the local ballot due to irregularities in the election of the regional candidates, Germany’s federal election officer said Thursday.

This adds to the list of Baerbock’s setbacks, which include claims of plagiarism, mistakes in her resume and not reporting a 25,000-euro ($29,700) payment.


Merkel once again - CDU​

I have listed her - but she will be out of the race, of course.
In the opinion poll of DTrend (Deutschlandtrend of ARD) "who would you vote if the Chancellor were elected directly?", Luschet has dropped from last month's 28 pct to 20 pct.

He really screwed up in his reaction to the recent floods, biggest clanger being his claim that he's always pursued a green policy by his state having reduced green house gases more than any other in Germany.

An outright lie, considering he was the one (as Minister-President of North-Rhine-Westfalia) who put the brakes on any reduction more than anyone else.

In his dishonesty and clownery one can't even compare him to Boris Johnson, seeing how he's even lacking ANY flamboyance that the latter shows.


Meanwhile Olaf Scholz has gained six points to reach 35 pct, while Anna-Lena has dropped two points to 16 pct.

All this is just a mood reflection, the German Chancellor is not elected in direct vote.

I do not (cannot) vote in Germany and, even if I could, would vote for none of these non-descript incompetents.
What happened in the Saarland is quite embarrassing for the Green Party.
It all started like this:
Some of them wanted the rule, that the leading Saar candidate must always be female.
That lead to some disputes and irregularities.
This is by no means a representative of similar leftists in the United States.
She is a very sensible person and an independent thinker!
I am very impressed with this politician.
I am also very favourably impressed by Sahra Wagenknecht.
Once I have heard her speak live here in Germany.
She is a fine personality.
It is a pity that Sahra Wagenknecht has no chance of becoming Chancellor.
Who knows, Sahra Wagenknecht might even improve the German-Iranian relations, as she is half Iranian herself.
Who knows, Sahra Wagenknecht might even improve the German-Iranian relations, as she is half Iranian herself.
By that logic my having an Irish grandfather would make me the perfect candidate for solving the current Irish border problems.

Wagenknecht has no Farsi and no traditional ties to Iran, her Iranian father having disappeared in her early childhood.

So please do not post such nonsense.

7 voters so far
3 out of 9 now say:

Wagenknecht - Leftist​

2 out of 9 say:


Merkel once again - CDU​


Maybe he will be the next Chancellor: Olaf Scholz.

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