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Which Candidate Do You Feel To Be the Most Honorable and Trustworthy? (1 Viewer)

Which Candidate(s) Do You Feel To Be The Most Honorable and Trustworthy?

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Risky Thicket

Sewer Rat
DP Veteran
Apr 28, 2011
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With Yo Mama
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The question is pretty straightforward. And, yes, I realize they are politicians. I'm posting the poll with a multiple choice option. As an example, while I do support Bernie Sanders I also believe Johnson and Stein to be generally honorable and trustworthy and I have voted all three.

The poll formatting doesn't allow it but it would be great if we could vote in ranking order. Here is how I would rank my choices, honorable and trustworthy to dishonorable and untrustworthy.

1. Sanders, Johnson, Stein
2. No one
3. No one
4. No one
5. Trump, Clinton
Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein
I would say that Stein and Johnson are rather open about their political platforms and can be trusted in that.

The rest are Republocrats and you'd be a fool to trust a Republocrat.
I'd say Johnson, I like the guy, some of his policy, but not sure how effective a president he'd be, but he's straightforward about what he wants to do.

Though I Always feel People look to the executive because it's easier to for us to project our hopes and wants on one person rather than the whole legislative body who's the ones who should be the harbingers of change.
Gotta vote for my gal Hill. As Madam President she is likely to turn over a new leaf of honesty.
Gotta vote for my gal Hill. As Madam President she is likely to turn over a new leaf of honesty.

And under that leaf there will be a turd so fresh that it's still smoking. :2razz:
None. I don't trust any of them.
The question is pretty straightforward. And, yes, I realize they are politicians. I'm posting the poll with a multiple choice option. As an example, while I do support Bernie Sanders I also believe Johnson and Stein to be generally honorable and trustworthy and I have voted all three.

The poll formatting doesn't allow it but it would be great if we could vote in ranking order. Here is how I would rank my choices, honorable and trustworthy to dishonorable and untrustworthy.

1. Sanders, Johnson, Stein
2. No one
3. No one
4. No one
5. Trump, Clinton

Well, we certainly can't trust Sanders to stick by his principles to the bitter end, can we? If you are one of those who refuses to acknowledge that politics demands compromise then you might view this as betrayal.

Johnson and Stein are cyphers. I suspect that they can only be called trustworthy because they haven't had the opportunity to stick a knife in our backs yet.
I'm not really familiar wit Stein but Bernie struck me as being a straight shooter and likely the most honest candidate I've seen in a long time. His politics are just totally opposite mine.
Sanders and Johnson are trustworthy.

Clinton and Trump are not.

Particularly not the conman, Trump.

But honest and good people seldom get to be president, and, when they do, they tend not to be successful. Think Jimmy Carter for example.

So, hang on. We'll either have a woman who is devious enough to actually get things done, or a conman who is out for his own aggrandizement. If it's the latter, then it's hard to say just what will happen.
I would probably place Sanders at the top because I am familiar with his record over the decades. I haven't agree with every vote or decision he has made but at no point did I ever get the feeling he was acting out of his own self interest instead of that of the People.

I would put Stein and Johnson next mostly because They don't have as long a record for me to judge them by. But they haven't done anything to make me distrust them.

I don't trust either Trump or Hillary in the slightest. I honestly believe they both put their own self interest first. But Hillary is at least a rational actor so I can predict how things will unfold with her.
Clinton: Now THAT'S funny!

Johnson: Dont know enough about

Sanders: A lifelong mostly failed politician who outside of being a town mayor has never had power...No, I dont assume that I can trust him with power.

Stein: Dont know at all.

Trump: Not much, but he wins in this group.
The question is pretty straightforward. And, yes, I realize they are politicians. I'm posting the poll with a multiple choice option. As an example, while I do support Bernie Sanders I also believe Johnson and Stein to be generally honorable and trustworthy and I have voted all three.

The poll formatting doesn't allow it but it would be great if we could vote in ranking order. Here is how I would rank my choices, honorable and trustworthy to dishonorable and untrustworthy.

1. Sanders, Johnson, Stein
2. No one
3. No one
4. No one
5. Trump, Clinton

Probably Johnson at least from his record in New Mexico. Bernie might be second.
When it comes to lying, Hillary's not the worst!

Johnson (I know Stein not at all).

Sanders seems decent - but his ideas are ridiculous.

He claims government is corrupt and yet his solution to almost everything is to expand government gigantically. Ridiculous.
The question is pretty straightforward. And, yes, I realize they are politicians. I'm posting the poll with a multiple choice option. As an example, while I do support Bernie Sanders I also believe Johnson and Stein to be generally honorable and trustworthy and I have voted all three.

The poll formatting doesn't allow it but it would be great if we could vote in ranking order. Here is how I would rank my choices, honorable and trustworthy to dishonorable and untrustworthy.

1. Sanders, Johnson, Stein
2. No one
3. No one
4. No one
5. Trump, Clinton

How do you have more than one "most"?

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