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Where is bin Laden? (good stuff here) (1 Viewer)

Missouri Mule

DP Veteran
Jul 14, 2005
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Hot Springs, Arkansas
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I've believed for a long time he was in Pakistan but have wondered why we can't get at him. This seems to tell the tale. Anyone want to take issue with this?
Where bin Laden is, why he's still alive

Author: Boy Scouts could get terror chief who's still planning 'American Hiroshima'
Posted: August 6, 2005
1:00 a.m. Eastern

By Paul L. Williams
© 2005 WorldNetDaily.com

Osama bin Laden
Where in the world is Osama bin Laden?

Let's face it. He shouldn't be hard to find, especially from a Predator, an aerial reconnaissance vehicle that can read the minute hand of a wristwatch from an altitude of 26,000 feet.

Bin Laden is very tall – slightly over 6'6" – and incredibly thin, less than 150 pounds. He wears shalwart kameez – the loose-fitting tunics and baggy pants of al-Qaida and Taliban soldiers – and, when the weather is cold, he dons a camouflage jacket.

Although he was born in 1957 and far from retirement age, the al-Qaida chieftain appears to be very old. His long scraggly beard is pure white; his face is lined with countless wrinkles; and his shoulders are hunched and rounded. He is bent forward to such a degree that he seems to suffer from a form of osteoporosis. He is left-handed and walks with a cane.

Osama is almost always surrounded by fawning attendants who hail him not as Sultan bin Laden or Emir bin Laden but rather as "awaited enlightened one," the title reserved for the Mahdi."

The Mahdi is the rightly guided caliph who will appear during the last days of human history. His coming is foretold by the Haddith, the sacred teachings that supplement the Quran. In such writings, the Mahdi is depicted as the figure who will bring forth the "Day of Islam," when all people throughout the world – believers and unbelievers alike – will fall in submission before the throne of Allah...


Osama bin Laden is alive and well and living in the valley of Dir within the North West Frontier Province of Pakistan. He has been there since he escaped from Tora Bora in December 2001. ..


Bin Laden remains protected by yet another factor. Any concerted attempt by the United States to invade any part of the North West Frontier Province by crossing the 680-mile border between Afghanistan and Pakistan in an effort to capture the world's most wanted man will be met by the resistance of the vast majority of 20 million Muslims who inhabit the formidable area.

Such resistance could lead to the toppling of the Musharraf regime with the result that Pakistan, with its arsenal of strategic nuclear weapons, would fall under the control of the radical mullahs, who wait in the wings.

At present, the way to Dir, according to the mercs, remains strewn with the bodies of would-be bounty hunters. They have been cast in the pines beside the dirt road. All have been tortured, stripped naked and castrated. Their eyeballs have been plucked from their sockets; their ears have been hacked off; and their tongues have been ripped from their mouths. Notes have been strapped to the groin of every victim. "Do not be angry or shocked," the notes say in Pashtu. "These are the bodies of agents of the USA."


Osama is almost always surrounded by fawning attendants who hail him not as Sultan bin Laden or Emir bin Laden but rather as "awaited enlightened one," the title reserved for the Mahdi."

The Mahdi is the rightly guided caliph who will appear during the last days of human history. His coming is foretold by the Haddith, the sacred teachings that supplement the Quran. In such writings, the Mahdi is depicted as the figure who will bring forth the "Day of Islam," when all people throughout the world – believers and unbelievers alike – will fall in submission before the throne of Allah...

Never heard O.B.L. called that...especially since he isnt even qualified to be a Shiek much less a Mahdi....as far as my opinion as to where he is I believe he is dead....but as long as the "illusion" remains that he is alive then both Bush and the Terrorists(who both need each other) can pursue their own violent agendas

My own feeling is that Osama & Co are probably in the Afghan/Paki border region of the Northwest Frontier Province. The background topography of videos released by al-Qa'ida would seem to indicate this. This territory is fiercely independent and basically administered by tribal chiefs who do not answer to Islamabad. Tribal law reigns here and some education is available to males via the madrassa system. Islamists won the parliamentary seats of the NWFP in the last elections.

Critical supplies to OBL would probably originate in Peshawar. This area of Pakistan features numerous open-air weapons bazaars where anything from small sidearms to anti-tank missiles can be purchased. Usually without exception, all males in this area are armed with a traditional dagger and an AK47. Honor killings are sanctioned and expected. It is extremely difficult to penetrate this area, as the indigenous tribes are leery of any and all outsiders. Islamist elements within Pakistan's ISI (Inter-Services Intelligence Bureau) provide critical intelligence (such as planned government incursions) to the tribal chiefs of NWFP. Pashtu and Urdu are the prominent languages.

OBL has learned not to use electronic communications. No Thuraya satellite phones for Osama as he is well aware of the capabilities of US eavesdropping techniques and assets. Messages are probably ferried by courier. There is no viable banking system in this area, so monetary transactions are opaque to inspection and tracking. The Muslim tradition of providing 'shelter and assistence' to the 'oppressed' is duly honored in the NWFP. This is a perfect place for Osama and al-Qa'ida to hunker down and remain invisible.

As a personal aside and for the benefit of those who have never visited, I have been to Pakistan. It is a very strange place by Western standards. I have been to Karachi, Islamabad, and Peshawar. For a foreigner to survive and negotiate Pakistan, one needs to hire what is known as a 'fixer'. Walking through the Karachi airport terminal, one is immediately struck by the total absence of any women. Outside the terminal proper, beggars line the taxi concourse. Karachi is very densely populated and the infrastructure is crumbling. The people are quite friendly, yet honor killings occur almost daily. There are also many criminal gangs who clash violently no matter the urban setting. The suburbs of Karachi are virtually off-limits to foreigners, as rampant kidnapping for ransom abounds. All in all, Karachi is one of the most dangerous cities in the world.

Islamabad is a mirage. The city proper is beautiful and contains almost all Pakistani federal government buildings and foreign embassy missions. The heat here is nothing less than oppressive and brutal. If one travels beyond the facade of central Islamabad and the affluent suburbs though, one finds the poverty of ordinary Pakistani civilians simply crushing.

Peshawar is probably unlike any other city found anywhere. This represents the last outpost of any semblence of modernity. Narrow streets are packed with people and shops and bazaars. Islamists abound. Criminals abound. Spies abound. Everyone is armed. The foot-police carry wooden truncheons are are not shy to use them. In the streets one finds pedestrians, motor-driven vehicles, and donkeys loaded with tribal supplies. It is here that the influence of your fixer abruptly ends. This is a no-mans land, an American could easily identify with this as the legendary wild west. Tribal law rules here. If you offend a tribal rule, you will without doubt pay a hefty price. If you offend an Islamist and sharia (women take note) you will be beaten on the spot with sticks. The police will not hesitate to beat you, and then haul you off to some unknown destination for an indeterminate detention. Smoke permeates the air as open-air fires cook meat and poultry for passerby. Celebratory gunshots are almost as common as breathing. Many foreigners are here. Spies, black-marketeers, gun runners, and journalists. No doubt the ISI and its web of informants blanket this city. A foreigner must have special government permission to travel west of Peshawar. If permission is granted, one travels with an official government 'minder' in an armed convoy. Peshawar is primitive and extremely dangerous, and yet I found it intoxicating. The unexpected becomes the expected. I was informed by my fixer that west of Pashawar exist surreptitious open-air markets where female slaves are sold and traded. Is this possible I wondered? Then I remembered that when I was in Karachi, a ship docked in the port carrying female children from Asia. They had been sold into slavery by their impoverished parents. I was told that their ultimate destination was probably Saudi Arabia and the various Emirates. In the environ of Peshawar, I found no logical reason to disbelieve or doubt. Of all the cities in the world that I have visted, Peshawar is by far the most unique in almost all aspects.

If OBL is alive, I have little doubt that his mailing address is somewhere in the NWFP of Pakistan.

Gosh Tashah.. sounds like there's no need to go white water rafting or base jumping there to get one's adrenalin levels up. The dark & sinister danger of the place must be quite fascinating. You describe it well.
I almost feel intrigued enough to get that buzz & risk taking a trip there myself. But look.. oh dear.. my lawn needs cutting & the dishwasher needs mending.. what a relief :lol:
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Surenderer said:
Never heard O.B.L. called that...especially since he isnt even qualified to be a Shiek much less a Mahdi....as far as my opinion as to where he is I believe he is dead....but as long as the "illusion" remains that he is alive then both Bush and the Terrorists(who both need each other) can pursue their own violent agendas


I used to believe he was dead but the fairly recent tape establishes that he still lives. He made specific references to things that had recently happened. If we could get access to Pakistan I am certain we could find him but that won't happen so long as we are in bed with Musharref. That may be a bargain with the devil.

He has definitely been referred to as "Sheik." That is a fairly well established fact. I just call him the CEO of Murder Incorporated. A modern day Al Capone.
Osama bin. I punctured his eyes with fore and middle finger. He´s dead. In my bed. I removed his head, pissed on his corpse. Then I had sex with him. Made furniture of his skin. Ate his flesh like good pork-eating-christian. And I made decorative ornaments of his skeleton.
Bestial Pagan said:
Osama bin. I punctured his eyes with fore and middle finger. He´s dead. In my bed. I removed his head, pissed on his corpse. Then I had sex with him. Made furniture of his skin. Ate his flesh like good pork-eating-christian. And I made decorative ornaments of his skeleton.

Nice find. I thought Al-qaida has cleaned all osamas pics from internet. Gotta download and save it:lol:
Osama bin. I punctured his eyes with fore and middle finger. He´s dead. In my bed. I removed his head, pissed on his corpse. Then I had sex with him. Made furniture of his skin. Ate his flesh like good pork-eating-christian. And I made decorative ornaments of his skeleton.

that ****'s just plain sick.
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I used to believe he was dead but the fairly recent tape establishes that he still lives. He made specific references to things that had recently happened. If we could get access to Pakistan I am certain we could find him but that won't happen so long as we are in bed with Musharref. That may be a bargain with the devil.

yeah we're ****ing supporting a regime that once gave rise to the taliban, and continues harboring many of the taliban leaders. we're feeding money to a country that actively sponsors terror in Kashmirs, and breeds Islamic fundementalism.
nkgupta80 said:
yeah we're ****ing supporting a regime that once gave rise to the taliban, and continues harboring many of the taliban leaders. we're feeding money to a country that actively sponsors terror in Kashmirs, and breeds Islamic fundementalism.
Don't leave out The Greatest Exporter of Illicit Nuclear Technology in the History of the World.

We're also in bed some other unsavory characters in Sout Asia. Am I the only one who has noticed that these things have tendency to go bad- the Afghan Arabs wo became the base fo al Qaeda ( I just made a funny), Noriega (is he still rotting in FL?), Saddam. Character still counts. Eventually, evil ****ers do evil things.

I'm glad that we're "reducing our footprint" in Uzbeksitan. Wish we hadn't given those evil ****s $800,000,000 though.
Simon W. Moon said:
Don't leave out The Greatest Exporter of Illicit Nuclear Technology in the History of the World.

We're also in bed some other unsavory characters in Sout Asia. Am I the only one who has noticed that these things have tendency to go bad- the Afghan Arabs wo became the base fo al Qaeda ( I just made a funny), Noriega (is he still rotting in FL?), Saddam. Character still counts. Eventually, evil ****ers do evil things.

I'm glad that we're "reducing our footprint" in Uzbeksitan. Wish we hadn't given those evil ****s $800,000,000 though.
I agree completely. Despite the claim that geopolitics sometimes demands the necessity of sleeping with dogs, this behavior always results in an eventual infestation of fleas... a metaphorical allusion to deadly blowback.

Speaking of unsavory characters and nuclear proliferation, it is simply impossible that the Khan ring operated without the knowledge of the ISI and the acquiescence of Musharrif. Once again we are bedding with the devil of short-term convenience at the expense of morality and cherished values.

Never been to Uzbekistan, but I did visit Kyrgystan once. A strange mixture of an indigenous oriental population and Russian emigrees sent there to administer this now independent Soviet satellite. They are now commingled through intermarriage as one people. The urban infrastructure is decidedly of the bland Soviet design that has quite obviously outlived its planned life-expectancy. The people are wonderful, but don't expect anything from water-service to air-conditioning to actually work. The university students are bright, yet they seem resigned to a fate of permanent stagnation. They are also loathe to question their condition, which is perhaps an unfortunate and lasting legacy of the morose Soviet ideology... which continues to be passed from generation to generation.

Tashah said:
I agree completely. Despite the claim that geopolitics sometimes demands the necessity of sleeping with dogs, this behavior always results in an eventual infestation of fleas... a metaphorical allusion to deadly blowback.
It's a shame this happened in the Americas when it seems it wasn't even necesary. The soviet threat was exaggerated. What was occurring was social reform in reaction to fascism. Yet the still USA jumped into bed with all sorts of dogs in the name of freedom !
robin said:
It's a shame this happened in the Americas when it seems it wasn't even necesary. The soviet threat was exaggerated. What was occurring was social reform in reaction to fascism. Yet the still USA jumped into bed with all sorts of dogs in the name of freedom !

And the Soviets jumped into bed with one of the all-time worst dictators in the world who very nearly manged to blow up the world in 1962. Those nuclear missiles were a mere 90 miles from our shores. Exaggerated? Really? Have you looked at the archival footage of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Castro actually encouraged the Soviets to begin nuclear war. Exaggerated -- hardly? If anything it was understated. Henry "Scoop" Jackson put it best. The Soviets were like hotel burglars who checked every door in the hotel to see which room they could enter. They found one in Cuba and it has haunted mankind ever since.

Exaggerated? Seems I remember spending three days in a command bunker in 1962 because of the Soviets and Castro. Florida nearly sunk into the ocean from all of the military hardware lined up there to wage war.

Exaggerated? No way!
Missouri Mule said:
And the Soviets jumped into bed with one of the all-time worst dictators in the world who very nearly manged to blow up the world in 1962. Those nuclear missiles were a mere 90 miles from our shores. Exaggerated? Really? Have you looked at the archival footage of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Castro actually encouraged the Soviets to begin nuclear war. Exaggerated -- hardly? If anything it was understated. Henry "Scoop" Jackson put it best. The Soviets were like hotel burglars who checked every door in the hotel to see which room they could enter. They found one in Cuba and it has haunted mankind ever since.

Exaggerated? Seems I remember spending three days in a command bunker in 1962 because of the Soviets and Castro. Florida nearly sunk into the ocean from all of the military hardware lined up there to wage war.

Exaggerated? No way!
Castro & Kruschov (sp) were idiots. But you are taking one example of jusitifiable reaction that is not typical of the rest.
I was referring more to the seventies & eighties.. CIA backed right wing death squads In Nicaragua. Over throw of elected president Allende by Nixon & Kissinger in coup they supported that then installed that fascist thug Pinochet. Then earlier in Guatemala. Nixon overthrew the guy that thought the American fruit corp workers were entiltled to something better than slave like conditions. 40 years of tyranny followed under the fascist thug Nixon installed. There was no soviet involvement there. Just the interests of a US multi national corp
The list goes on & on. You won't believe it though.
You'll say I'm an 'American hater' & 'the websites are all biased' or I'm 'a liberal'..

To think that slimeball Kissinger got a nobel peace prize.. WTF !
Just in case you think I a liberal. I'm not. I'm a business man & capitalist but I still think there has to be ethics. USA pretends to be one thing.. the purveyor of freedom & justice, then does the opposite, all too often.
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yeah you don't justify US actions by citing similar actions of the enemy. Look what happened when we used Pakistan to bring the taliban in power to thwart the Soviet Regime. Afghanistan was a much more modern place before the Soviet aggression and the rise of the taliban. Under the Soviets there may have been oppression, but atleast people could live modernly instead of living oppressive lives under an Islamic militant regime. And on top of that, the same people we put into power actively spread US hatred that caused attacks like 911.
robin said:
Castro & Kruschov (sp) were idiots. But you are taking one example of jusitifiable reaction that is not typical of the rest.
I was referring more to the seventies & eighties.. CIA backed right wing death squads In Nicaragua. Over throw of elected president Allende by Nixon & Kissinger in coup they supported that then installed that fascist thug Pinochet. Then earlier in Guatemala. Nixon overthrew the guy that thought the American fruit corp workers were entiltled to something better than slave like conditions. 40 years of tyranny followed under the fascist thug Nixon installed. There was no soviet involvement there. Just the interests of a US multi national corp
The list goes on & on. You won't believe it though.
You'll say I'm an 'American hater' & 'the websites are all biased' or I'm 'a liberal'..

To think that slimeball Kissinger got a nobel peace prize.. WTF !
Just in case you think I a liberal. I'm not. I'm a business man & capitalist but I still think there has to be ethics. USA pretends to be one thing.. the purveyor of freedom & justice, then does the opposite, all too often.

I'll remind you that you would be speaking German if not for American blood and treasure. Odd that you can only point to our sins and forget that you owe us everything for your current freedom to trash America.
I'll remind you that you would be speaking German if not for American blood and treasure. Odd that you can only point to our sins and forget that you owe us everything for your current freedom to trash America.

No one is denying that. But there is a lot that the US has done a lot of bad stuff as well, and we gotta understand that and make sure we're not making those same mistakes. Remember however, that the US didn't go into Europe solely for the sake of European freedom. IT was for self-interest. During the early years of the war, most US congressmen were trying to strike post-war business opportunities with Germany. However, as they realized that germany was less and less trustful (esp when they broke the pact with Russia), the government decided that a war against germany woudl serve us better.
nkgupta80 said:
No one is denying that. But there is a lot that the US has done a lot of bad stuff as well, and we gotta understand that and make sure we're not making those same mistakes. Remember however, that the US didn't go into Europe solely for the sake of European freedom. IT was for self-interest. During the early years of the war, most US congressmen were trying to strike post-war business opportunities with Germany. However, as they realized that germany was less and less trustful (esp when they broke the pact with Russia), the government decided that a war against germany woudl serve us better.

A lot of "bad stuff." That's what gets my goat about Americans who contiually bad mouth America. Is this what they teach you in school now? A case can be made that every human endeavor has a purely selfish motive; every one. But that doesn't mean that we get off the hook because we are human or have human frailties. Hitler's Nazi regime was purely evil to the core. Can you possibly say that our foreign policy through the past few decades even came close. No, you cannot. And you ought to be ashamed to even suggest that.

I've said this before and I'll say it again. Real Americans don't bad mouth America.
jsut because I am pointing out America's faults doesn't mean I am comparing it to the Nazi Regime. I dunno where you drew those conclusions. Its good to find mistakes that your country is making, and make sure our country doesn't make the same mistakes. Anyways, because it doesn't come close to the Nazi ways doesn't mean its not bad...

"Real Americans don't badmouth America" is a stupid thing. When I badmouth America, i badmouth the government, and its faults. I can point out tons of good things our government has done but wheres the productivity in that.
nkgupta80 said:
jsut because I am pointing out America's faults doesn't mean I am comparing it to the Nazi Regime. I dunno where you drew those conclusions. Its good to find mistakes that your country is making, and make sure our country doesn't make the same mistakes. Anyways, because it doesn't come close to the Nazi ways doesn't mean its not bad...

"Real Americans don't badmouth America" is a stupid thing. When I badmouth America, i badmouth the government, and its faults. I can point out tons of good things our government has done but wheres the productivity in that.

Well ----- why don't you spend a little more time pointing out the "tons of good things our government has done" then?

We have enough enemies without Americans getting into bed with them. Time to choose sides. "Brave hearts to the front, cowards to the rear." (Crazy Horse)
Missouri Mule said:
A lot of "bad stuff." That's what gets my goat about Americans who contiually bad mouth America. Is this what they teach you in school now? A case can be made that every human endeavor has a purely selfish motive; every one. But that doesn't mean that we get off the hook because we are human or have human frailties. Hitler's Nazi regime was purely evil to the core. Can you possibly say that our foreign policy through the past few decades even came close. No, you cannot. And you ought to be ashamed to even suggest that.
Huh? In your world does 2+2 = 5? I ask because what you just wrote does not add up, it makes zero sense. nkgupta80 was not comparing the US to Nazi Germany. You're totally off the mark! Where do you come up with your logic?

Missouri Mule said:
I've said this before and I'll say it again. Real Americans don't bad mouth America.
You were wrong the last time you wrote this, and IMHO you're wrong again, and will be whenever you write it again..."Real Americans" know that our country is plenty strong enough and plenty free enough to accept criticism, especially from other Americans.

IMHO Americans who tell other Americans "America right or wrong" are not true Americans for they are promoting nationalism over truth and "Real Americans" always want the truth to be told. Telling the truth and exposing our warts makes us stronger.
Well ----- why don't you spend a little more time pointing out the "tons of good things our government has done" then?

We have enough enemies without Americans getting into bed with them. Time to choose sides. "Brave hearts to the front, cowards to the rear." (Crazy Horse)

Whats the use of just praising government policies in this forum. We're hear to criticize and understand. I disagree with this administrations handlings, so I tend to cite historical examples of our mistakes in the past and the consequences of them. Then I try to analyze what are the possible consequences of what the government is doing today.

Heres an example. We used Pakistan to bring a fundementalist oppressive regime called the taliban into power. The result, the afghani people were not only oppressed as they would have been under soviet control, but all the progress ever made in that nation was destroyed. Of course US hatred would spread, and eventually the taliban spawned people who led to attacks such as 911.

Is it wrong for me to say that the US government did a terrible thing, and a result, the American people were put at greater risk? Is it then wrong for me to point out that we are still supporting Pakistan, a country that harbors the many top officials who once gave the taliban its power?

In times of war, criticism is healthy in keeping us from loosing our senses and succumbing to paranoia.

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