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Where Do We Get Our News And Why Does It Matter? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 16, 2019
Reaction score
Near Boise, ID
Political Leaning
Very Liberal
Hope this is an OK place to post this Thread?

I see a lot of talk on DP from folks, a lot is smack talk, about where posters get their news? A lot of the back and fourth I see is arguments from folks about which source is best or denigrations of other folks sources or other disparaging of folks for not using the same source as the disparager. It is kind of entertaining in its own way but is also tiresome at times, as in those times when posters repeatedly tell me or another poster that we are essentially brainless and just spouting what XYZ news source wants us to think!

So the question from you for me is where do I get my news?

News Media Websites I have accessed since March 1st, or all that I can remember and or have saved Links to:

Al Jazeera - Associated Press - Yahoo News - CNN - Huffington Post - CBS News - ABC News - NBC News - USAToday - NewYork Times - Fox News - Daily Mail - Reuters - Washington Post - Business Insider - Breitbart - BBC - Politico - The Hill - Guardian - MSN News - NPR - Los Angeles Times - Time - Telegraph - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel - Vox - KPLCTV - WUSA9 - Republican Daily - Defense.gov - American Progress - WPR - Wisconsin Examiner - The Post Millennial - The Pulse - Independent - WSVN 7 News Miami - The Wrap - Newsweek - WBAY - IB Times - KERA News - The Week - Haaretz - KRGV - Media Matters - The Black Wall Street Times - World Tribune - KCRA - WISPolitics - WSAW-TV 7 - WKOW 27 - Chicago Tribune - Daily Beast - NJ.com - Boston Globe - AL.com - Dallas Morning News - MSNBC - KTLA - KTVB - Christian Post - C-Span - Vanity Fair - Wall Street Journal

Now by accessed I mean I have gone to each of those sites at least once, if not repeatedly, to read full articles, not just to graze headlines.

News Literacy and Media Bias / Educational Content

We live in a time when it can be difficult to identify reliable news sources. Though the term “fake news” is often used as a political weapon, the problem of stories that are reliant on sloppy journalism, intentionally misleading, or fabricated, is real. Even reliable news sources can have political perspectives that affect their coverage of the news. Across the world, people increasingly turn to social media to learn about key current events, which can make it even more difficult to determine the reliability or perspective of a news story. Whatever the news story, young people need media literacy tools to assess the articles and videos that come through their feeds and to consider the ethics of what they read and share.

For the record I have Digital Subscriptions to the New York Times and the Washington Post. I had subscriptions to the New Yorker and the Wall Street Journal but they got too expensive so I dropped them.

So where do you get your news and what does is matter?
Google News aggregator
The Hill.

Well I understand when you say "Here" but I did not list that on my list or other Social gathering sites where I might see a news item and follow the link because I felt it was obvious about "Here" and I thought it might be a No No to mention other social websites by name?
Hope this is an OK place to post this Thread?

I see a lot of talk on DP from folks, a lot is smack talk, about where posters get their news? A lot of the back and fourth I see is arguments from folks about which source is best or denigrations of other folks sources or other disparaging of folks for not using the same source as the disparager. It is kind of entertaining in its own way but is also tiresome at times, as in those times when posters repeatedly tell me or another poster that we are essentially brainless and just spouting what XYZ news source wants us to think!

So the question from you for me is where do I get my news?

News Media Websites I have accessed since March 1st, or all that I can remember and or have saved Links to:

Al Jazeera - Associated Press - Yahoo News - CNN - Huffington Post - CBS News - ABC News - NBC News - USAToday - NewYork Times - Fox News - Daily Mail - Reuters - Washington Post - Business Insider - Breitbart - BBC - Politico - The Hill - Guardian - MSN News - NPR - Los Angeles Times - Time - Telegraph - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel - Vox - KPLCTV - WUSA9 - Republican Daily - Defense.gov - American Progress - WPR - Wisconsin Examiner - The Post Millennial - The Pulse - Independent - WSVN 7 News Miami - The Wrap - Newsweek - WBAY - IB Times - KERA News - The Week - Haaretz - KRGV - Media Matters - The Black Wall Street Times - World Tribune - KCRA - WISPolitics - WSAW-TV 7 - WKOW 27 - Chicago Tribune - Daily Beast - NJ.com - Boston Globe - AL.com - Dallas Morning News - MSNBC - KTLA - KTVB - Christian Post - C-Span - Vanity Fair - Wall Street Journal

Now by accessed I mean I have gone to each of those sites at least once, if not repeatedly, to read full articles, not just to graze headlines.

For the record I have Digital Subscriptions to the New York Times and the Washington Post. I had subscriptions to the New Yorker and the Wall Street Journal but they got too expensive so I dropped them.

So where do you get your news and what does is matter?
NPR, BBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, Janes, WSJ, and NYT regularly.

CNN and other small venues occasionally.

Well I understand when you say "Here" but I did not list that on my list or other Social gathering sites where I might see a news item and follow the link because I felt it was obvious about "Here" and I thought it might be a No No to mention other social websites by name?

There are so many news outlets and news feeds today that your question is largely unanswerable as asked.

Seems to me it's more about knowing who offers news and who offers editorial and who is a propaganda outlet and which propaganda outlet is being represented.

All day long, before I read a news item I contemplate the source.
So where do you get your news and what does is matter?
It does not matter to me too much any longer, for I am 84 years old. So ...

I get my news from:

1. A local all-news radio station.

2. The headlines from the website of a local TV station.

3. Our local TV news shows.

4. The thread titles that I read on this and one other political forum.

5. FOX for a few minutes each day.

6. The headlines on the Drudge Report.

7. The headlines on Google News.

8. The wonderful and indispensable Daily Mail website (which reports American crime violence that most American media deliberately ignore).


If I am really bored and need more headlines, I might check the BBC or the Guardian or Breitbart or the Japan Times.
There are so many news outlets and news feeds today that your question is largely unanswerable as asked.

Seems to me it's more about knowing who offers news and who offers editorial and who is a propaganda outlet and which propaganda outlet is being represented.

All day long, before I read a news item I contemplate the source.
True but I was still curious.

I think my OP list is endemic of what you are construing.

Oh, I make note of the source going in, while I am there, as well as when I leave.

That was something my grandfather and grandmother who pretty much raised me until I was 16 taught me. They weren't well schooled folk but they were very wise in what they did know.
So the question from you for me is where do I get my news?

News Media Websites I have accessed since March 1st, or all that I can remember and or have saved Links to:

Al Jazeera - Associated Press - Yahoo News - CNN - Huffington Post - CBS News - ABC News - NBC News - USAToday - NewYork Times - Fox News - Daily Mail - Reuters - Washington Post - Business Insider - Breitbart - BBC - Politico - The Hill - Guardian - MSN News - NPR - Los Angeles Times - Time - Telegraph - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel - Vox - KPLCTV - WUSA9 - Republican Daily - Defense.gov - American Progress - WPR - Wisconsin Examiner - The Post Millennial - The Pulse - Independent - WSVN 7 News Miami - The Wrap - Newsweek - WBAY - IB Times - KERA News - The Week - Haaretz - KRGV - Media Matters - The Black Wall Street Times - World Tribune - KCRA - WISPolitics - WSAW-TV 7 - WKOW 27 - Chicago Tribune - Daily Beast - NJ.com - Boston Globe - AL.com - Dallas Morning News - MSNBC - KTLA - KTVB - Christian Post - C-Span - Vanity Fair - Wall Street Journal

Now by accessed I mean I have gone to each of those sites at least once, if not repeatedly, to read full articles, not just to graze headlines.

For the record I have Digital Subscriptions to the New York Times and the Washington Post. I had subscriptions to the New Yorker and the Wall Street Journal but they got too expensive so I dropped them.

So where do you get your news and what does is matter?
Respect your honesty .

I would stick my head in the gas oven if I thought those names of yours had to be my reading/watching diet . A couple of exceptions but only two. The rest are nearly all obligated to the Intelligence Agencies and a ready source of Fake News/Propaganda . "My" BBC is as bad as almost any other source, I regret to say ( News , Politics and finance only ).

My feeling is that probably the most clever, qualified and perceptive mind outside of MSM is Catherine Austin Fitts . Start with her and perhaps Dr Joseph P Farrell who is educated and knowledgeable at a very high level but is also prepared to work publicly as a Critical Thinker .
Matters and names will flow from those start points as you see that you are now in a different Universe.

Anybody who does not glance at Zero Hedge at least twice a day is a fool, imho . Ignore the establishment standard criticisms -- they detest this source and the Wiki type description is pure garbage . Scan ZH . Read a few articles and make up your own mind .It is written at a very high technical level , can be very detailed and is always 100% transparent in terms of sources and links .
All imho .
It does not matter to me too much any longer, for I am 84 years old. So ...

I get my news from:

1. A local all-news radio station.

2. The headlines from the website of a local TV station.

3. Our local TV news shows.

4. The thread titles that I read on this and one other political forum.

5. FOX for a few minutes each day.

6. The headlines on the Drudge Report.

7. The headlines on Google News.

8. The wonderful and indispensable Daily Mail website (which reports American crime violence that most American media deliberately ignore).


If I am really bored and need more headlines, I might check the BBC or the Guardian or Breitbart or the Japan Times.
I also find myself often turning to outside sources for greater coverage of such stories like those you mentioned that don't get the coverage here.
Respect your honesty .

I would stick my head in the gas oven if I thought those names of yours had to be my reading/watching diet . A couple of exceptions but only two. The rest are nearly all obligated to the Intelligence Agencies and a ready source of Fake News/Propaganda . "My" BBC is as bad as almost any other source, I regret to say ( News , Politics and finance only ).

My feeling is that probably the most clever, qualified and perceptive mind outside of MSM is Catherine Austin Fitts . Start with her and perhaps Dr Joseph P Farrell who is educated and knowledgeable at a very high level but is also prepared to work publicly as a Critical Thinker .
Matters and names will flow from those start points as you see that you are now in a different Universe.

Anybody who does not glance at Zero Hedge at least twice a day is a fool, imho . Ignore the establishment standard criticisms -- they detest this source and the Wiki type description is pure garbage . Scan ZH . Read a few articles and make up your own mind .It is written at a very high technical level , can be very detailed and is always 100% transparent in terms of sources and links .
All imho .
Thanks! I admit I am a junkie but I am not certain I should be classified as a news junkie?

Luckily I have lots of experience winnowing the wheat from the chaff as it were and when I find a topic I am interested in I will search for as many sides of it as I can find.
Anybody who does not glance at Zero Hedge at least twice a day is a fool, imho .

Recently and typical:

"Zero Hedge, which has 1.2 million Twitter followers, published articles created by Moscow-controlled media that were then shared by outlets and people unaware of their nexus to Russian intelligence."

Are you sure one is a fool to not stop in? Maybe one is a fool to stop in?
Respect your honesty .

I would stick my head in the gas oven if I thought those names of yours had to be my reading/watching diet . A couple of exceptions but only two. The rest are nearly all obligated to the Intelligence Agencies and a ready source of Fake News/Propaganda . "My" BBC is as bad as almost any other source, I regret to say ( News , Politics and finance only ).

My feeling is that probably the most clever, qualified and perceptive mind outside of MSM is Catherine Austin Fitts . Start with her and perhaps Dr Joseph P Farrell who is educated and knowledgeable at a very high level but is also prepared to work publicly as a Critical Thinker .
Matters and names will flow from those start points as you see that you are now in a different Universe.

Anybody who does not glance at Zero Hedge at least twice a day is a fool, imho . Ignore the establishment standard criticisms -- they detest this source and the Wiki type description is pure garbage . Scan ZH . Read a few articles and make up your own mind .It is written at a very high technical level , can be very detailed and is always 100% transparent in terms of sources and links .
All imho .
Please don't stick your head in a gas oven, or any oven for that matter.

Have been hearing a lot about Zero Hedge of late, some good, some horrific. I will have to check it out and see for myself?

One of the things I like about Debate Politics is the very diverse range of sources folks bring to the table.

But as some have already guessed about me I detest relying on viewing videos and always prefer to read what folks want to share.

I don't have TV as in antenna or cable or satellite service so everything I get is from the internet or a few magazines I subscribe to.
News Media Websites I have accessed since March 1st, or all that I can remember and or have saved Links to:

Al Jazeera - Associated Press - Yahoo News - CNN - Huffington Post - CBS News - ABC News - NBC News - USAToday - NewYork Times - Fox News - Daily Mail - Reuters - Washington Post - Business Insider - Breitbart - BBC - Politico - The Hill - Guardian - MSN News - NPR - Los Angeles Times - Time - Telegraph - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel - Vox - KPLCTV - WUSA9 - Republican Daily - Defense.gov - American Progress - WPR - Wisconsin Examiner - The Post Millennial - The Pulse - Independent - WSVN 7 News Miami - The Wrap - Newsweek - WBAY - IB Times - KERA News - The Week - Haaretz - KRGV - Media Matters - The Black Wall Street Times - World Tribune - KCRA - WISPolitics - WSAW-TV 7 - WKOW 27 - Chicago Tribune - Daily Beast - NJ.com - Boston Globe - AL.com - Dallas Morning News - MSNBC - KTLA - KTVB - Christian Post - C-Span - Vanity Fair - Wall Street Journal

So where do you get your news and what does is matter?
That's a pretty comprehensive list.
Even back when I had more time, and more energy, I only read about a half dozen papers a day - and not cover-to-cover. But it is great to have so much at our fingertips. My homepage on all of my web browsers is refdesk.com., (highly recommended) so I'm never more than a few clicks from catching up on anything of interest. I also get a "Science X" newsletter from physorg.com, that comes to my email daily, although I don't scan it every day, even though there's always some riveting scientific discovery in it.
Media that I actively and regularly seek out?

Der Spiegel

Otherwise I will occasionally pick up stories from multiple sources as they show up in my online feed. I try to remain aware of a story's source at all times.
Recently and typical:

"Zero Hedge, which has 1.2 million Twitter followers, published articles created by Moscow-controlled media that were then shared by outlets and people unaware of their nexus to Russian intelligence."

Are you sure one is a fool to not stop in? Maybe one is a fool to stop in?
If one is a fool before stopping in I am certain they will likely still be one coming out.

Or that is my opinion.

Online only
That's a pretty comprehensive list.
Even back when I had more time, and more energy, I only read about a half dozen papers a day - and not cover-to-cover. But it is great to have so much at our fingertips. My homepage on all of my web browsers is refdesk.com., (highly recommended) so I'm never more than a few clicks from catching up on anything of interest. I also get a "Science X" newsletter from physorg.com, that comes to my email daily, although I don't scan it every day, even though there's always some riveting scientific discovery in it.
I didn't mention the Science and National Geographic and such sites I have visited or subscribe to.

But thanks, I will have to check that refdesk.com out. It sounds familiar?

I learn something every time I log on to DP!

Online only
Other than home or car radio I have no source other than online.

My home and car radios though are always tuned to Boise State Public Radio Classical Music.
Thanks! I admit I am a junkie but I am not certain I should be classified as a news junkie?

Luckily I have lots of experience winnowing the wheat from the chaff as it were and when I find a topic I am interested in I will search for as many sides of it as I can find.

Some folks are just intellectually curious. Makes them far more knowledgeable than Joe Six Pack but you'll never convince Joe who gets he "news" from sound bites.

I know I read the NY Times, from cover to cover, daily for decades. And I mean from cover to cover, out of college. Several news letters also weekly. The Economist too. None of my piers did. They simply were not interested.
I didn't mention the Science and National Geographic and such sites I have visited or subscribe to.

But thanks, I will have to check that refdesk.com out. It sounds familiar?

I learn something every time I log on to DP!
I learn about 10-12 things a day - but alas, I forget about 15-20 things a day, so its at least an 3-10 net loss minumum on a daily basis.

Media that I actively and regularly seek out?

Der Spiegel

Otherwise I will occasionally pick up stories from multiple sources as they show up in my online feed. I try to remain aware of a story's source at all times.

One of my favorite things is when articles have LINK THROUGHS as I call them, I know they have another name but it escapes me, embedded links in a story that takes one to other sources. I like to read the entire article then go back and click on all of those embedded links then read the other sources.

I haven't been to Der Spiegel in a long time but the others in your list all in the past couple days.
Googles News aggregator
World News subreddit
random google searches
Some folks are just intellectually curious. Makes them far more knowledgeable than Joe Six Pack but you'll never convince Joe who gets he "news" from sound bites.

I know I read the NY Times, from cover to cover, daily for decades. And I mean from cover to cover, out of college. Several news letters also weekly. The Economist too. None of my piers did. They simply were not interested.
So did I on the NYT back when I was younger, much younger and loved trying to work the Times Crossword puzzles. I am reading more and more of their online content as I go along and watching less Prime Videos than I was for a while after my wife passed.
Other than home or car radio I have no source other than online.

My home and car radios though are always tuned to Boise State Public Radio Classical Music.
Why would anyone get there news from a source not considered a scholarly cite,🙄 many do then embarrass themself on a debate forum.

NPR i hit occasionaly, and The Guardian does some good in depth investigative write ups.

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