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When we actually agree on something... (1 Viewer)

I know a lot of these debates can get pretty heated sometimes and of course its important to remember to be civil and all that stuff, but then again thats part of the fun sometimes isn't? Being a little sarcastic to prove a point. But my main point is, what do we actually agree on? I know each individual holds his or her own stance on every issue, but for the most part people fall into the two big political categories, Conservative or Liberal. And it seems on every single issue, one has to take a stance on an issue, always opposed to the other sides stance, no matter what, not that I am saying each person doesn't hold that stance with real conviction, but I can't name an major issue, where we can agree. Recently there was a poll or something done where these Occupy people and these Tea Party people came together and found they had similar ideas (kinda) on things, but even that was only with really broad statements like "Our politicians don't represent us anymore". Stuff like that is SO generic that its not even worth celebrating to much over. I mean the real nuts and bolts of an issue, do we agree on anything at all? Why is that? I guess you could say its a combination of things, ones upbringing, other life influences, schooling, and the persons own individual mind, I mean you could have 2 people presented with the same influences and one might very well easily be different than the other, obviously. A very complicated issue, to say the least, but an interesting one.
I tend to agree on conservatives on such issues as gun rights, religion and freedom of worship, and a strong military and defense establishment (peace through strength.) Am somewhat middle of the road on abortion, as most people are.
I think something both Conservatives and Liberals could agree on, is the recent National Defense Authorization Act Provision, which allows the military to detain US citizens for an in-definite amount of time without any trial or anything.
One would hope they would agree to derail their partisan ways, and actually do what's in the best interests of the American people.

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