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When is the press going to do its job (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 24, 2018
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Very Conservative
When is the so called press in this country going to do its job. When are the going to hound Schumer and Pelosi about all the Americans killed by criminal invaders, that simply should not be there. Why are they supporting these criminal invaders that kill Americans. They should hound them like the do President Trump 24 hours a day.
Would you like some wine with that whine ?

Jeesh newbies
Would you like some wine with that whine ?

Jeesh newbies

He would like you to answer the question. This is a classic deflect when you don't have a legit answer.
He would like you to answer the question. This is a classic deflect when you don't have a legit answer.

Then he should ask the press, not a bunch strangers oniline.
When is the so called press in this country going to do its job. When are the going to hound Schumer and Pelosi about all the Americans killed by criminal invaders, that simply should not be there. Why are they supporting these criminal invaders that kill Americans. They should hound them like the do President Trump 24 hours a day.

Unfortunately the press is owned by big business. They will only tell you what they want you to know and what you should think. Go on CNN sometimes and count how many time Trumps name is mentioned. It's comical. It's as if there is no other news going on in the world. Don Lemon is the biggest punk cry baby ever to anchor a news show.
Swear to God, when did the Right turn into such a bunch of cry babies. Boo hop stop picking on Trump, get over it, keep watching Faux News
Ooh you so clever, not
When is the so called press in this country going to do its job.

To be fair, the media sincerely feel that they are doing their job.

Most journalists nowadays were indoctrinated by their progressive professors.

So they believe that migrants, no matter where they come from or how they got here, are a blessing to this country.

They will also point out that the vast majority of migrants do not kill Americans.

They will point out that most Americans are killed by other Americans. (And, they will add, those killers should NOT be executed.)

The liberal media are very proud of the job they are doing.

They are looking forward to the day when they can claim credit for President Trump being forced to resign, or being found guilty in the Senate (after being impeached in the House), or even being forced to do the perp walk.

The media consider themselves to be the saviors of America.
When is the so called press in this country going to do its job. When are the going to hound Schumer and Pelosi about all the Americans killed by criminal invaders, that simply should not be there. Why are they supporting these criminal invaders that kill Americans. They should hound them like the do President Trump 24 hours a day.

All the Americans killed by "criminal invaders?" Is that you Donald?

Show me more people killed by "criminal invaders" than the legal citizens in this country and then we can talk. Otherwise you're just spouting emotional talking points made up by the orange clown in the Whitehouse.

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When is the so called press in this country going to do its job. When are the going to hound Schumer and Pelosi about all the Americans killed by criminal invaders, that simply should not be there. Why are they supporting these criminal invaders that kill Americans. They should hound them like the do President Trump 24 hours a day.

When they don their MAGA hats - watch carefully, but patiently and silently, for them.
Unfortunately the press is owned by big business.

Trumpians advocating for complete government control of the media b/c God Emperor Trump is in office. Can't say I'm surprised. You guys are too predictable.
When is the so called press in this country going to do its job. When are the going to hound Schumer and Pelosi about all the Americans killed by criminal invaders, that simply should not be there. Why are they supporting these criminal invaders that kill Americans. They should hound them like the do President Trump 24 hours a day.

You perhaps should contact these folks


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All the Americans killed by "criminal invaders?" Is that you Donald?

Show me more people killed by "criminal invaders" than the legal citizens in this country and then we can talk. Otherwise you're just spouting emotional talking points made up by the orange clown in the Whitehouse.


I would not be surprised if Logical1 works for the WH in some fashion. The WH certainly employees people who keep an eye on TheDonald over at Reddit, but likely he's just brainwashed into the Trumpian Religion and just copies his cadence.
To be fair, the media sincerely feel that they are doing their job.

Most journalists nowadays were indoctrinated by their progressive professors.

So they believe that migrants, no matter where they come from or how they got here, are a blessing to this country.

They will also point out that the vast majority of migrants do not kill Americans.

They will point out that most Americans are killed by other Americans. (And, they will add, those killers should NOT be executed.)

The liberal media are very proud of the job they are doing.

They are looking forward to the day when they can claim credit for President Trump being forced to resign, or being found guilty in the Senate (after being impeached in the House), or even being forced to do the perp walk.

The media consider themselves to be the saviors of America.


its the medias fault Trump commited high crimes

The Right needs to stop with the victim mentality, it gets old.
When is the so called press in this country going to do its job. When are the going to hound Schumer and Pelosi about all the Americans killed by criminal invaders, that simply should not be there. Why are they supporting these criminal invaders that kill Americans. They should hound them like the do President Trump 24 hours a day.

The role for “hounding Schumer and Pelosi” belongs exclusively to know nothings on the web. The job of the press is to report Schumer’s and Pelosi’s positions on immigration and what legislation, if any, they are involved in concerning immigration. The press as usual is and has been doing that.
I would not be surprised if Logical1 works for the WH in some fashion. The WH certainly employees people who keep an eye on TheDonald over at Reddit, but likely he's just brainwashed into the Trumpian Religion and just copies his cadence.

His language skills are about right for the knob as well.
To be fair, the media sincerely feel that they are doing their job.

Most journalists nowadays were indoctrinated by their progressive professors.

So they believe that migrants, no matter where they come from or how they got here, are a blessing to this country.

They will also point out that the vast majority of migrants do not kill Americans.

They will point out that most Americans are killed by other Americans. (And, they will add, those killers should NOT be executed.)

The liberal media are very proud of the job they are doing.

They are looking forward to the day when they can claim credit for President Trump being forced to resign, or being found guilty in the Senate (after being impeached in the House), or even being forced to do the perp walk.

The media consider themselves to be the saviors of America.

The point is in America, the press is FREE! That means that YOU are free to report whatever YOU want to report and YOU don't have to fear the government retaliating against YOU.

If you think that other media are not reporting the truth or they are spinning a story, you can either seek out media that is more to your liking or you are FREE to start your own media empire. At the very least, you are free to call out the media and today you literally can have an audience of millions. This was not true 50 years ago when the VP was taking cash bribes in the White House and the president's closest advisers were seriously discussing whether or not to have Daniel Ellsberg assassinated.

I grew up in the era of Watergate and Nixon's "enemies list." It makes my skin crawl when I hear Trump and his minions call the free press "enemy of the people."

Trump can call it "Fake News" all he wants, but until he has his people step up and set the record straight, it is nothing but empty rhetoric. When Trump calls it "The Fake News Failing New York Times" and then sits down with a Times reporter, his supporters ought to get a clue. They are being played for fools.
Unfortunately the press is owned by big business. They will only tell you what they want you to know and what you should think. Go on CNN sometimes and count how many time Trumps name is mentioned. It's comical. It's as if there is no other news going on in the world. Don Lemon is the biggest punk cry baby ever to anchor a news show.

Economy booming, record low unemployment, ISIS crushed, better trade deals, confronting unfair trade practices, and you would think that the country was burning to the ground to hear the Fake news/Lying Left tell it.
If you think that other media are not reporting the truth or they are spinning a story, you can either seek out media that is more to your liking or you are FREE to start your own media empire.

Yes, I get my news from FOX. I never let myself be contaminated by CNN or MSNBC.

No, I cannot start my own media empire, unless you are kind enough to lend me a few million dollars. As one wag once observed: "The only people who enjoy freedom of the press are those people who own a printing press."

Happy New Year
I would not be surprised if Logical1 works for the WH in some fashion. The WH certainly employees people who keep an eye on TheDonald over at Reddit, but likely he's just brainwashed into the Trumpian Religion and just copies his cadence.

If I am they sure have stiffed me on my pay check. Not one red cent has come my way. Unlike so many on the left I was never brainwashed by some radial left wing professor. I am coldly logical and can actually think for my self.

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