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What's wrong with being a SJW? (1 Viewer)

I guess the old adage "a picture is worth a 1000 words" is true. When people speak of SJWs, it is typically in response to people like those in that picture. It isn't used for simply having socially liberal beliefs except from partisan hacks.

Yeah well, the signal to noise ratio is intolerable and mostly unsustainable in the last few years.
You've got one party that has decided to hew to its corporate base and ignore almost half its constituency, going further and further to the right to placate an establishment, and you have another party that has almost completely given itself over to extremism.

There's an enormous swath of people in the country who are independents, some are moderately conservative, some moderately liberal, some are completely flummoxed or disgusted with both parties. I personally think it is incumbent upon these groups to take back their parties.
The hacks do not deserve the privilege of running America.
The hacks profit off having everyone divided so completely that there is no negotiating or even debate whatsoever.
We can fight over policy and that's okay, that's as American as it gets, I know that those kinds of conservatives love our country and I can respect that, and they need to know that liberals love our country and they need to respect that, too.
Somewhere along the way we will find enough common ground to make it work.
Is Colin Kaepernick an SJW? I bet most conservatives would say yes. The meaning you're claiming doesn't fit the usage I'm seeing.

It's not just social justice warrior. I remember at the GOP convention they laughed calling Obama a "community organizer." What's wrong with being a community organizer?

It seems that conservatives have a disdain for anyone who tries to better lives of minorities and the poor.

I do agree that term is now meaningless. It's just an insult. I just find the choice of words used to insult rather disturbing.

Colin Kaepernick is a professional football player and a protester.
I'm sure that part of him would have much rather stayed a football player, but he was fed up with certain issues.

As other smarter people have said, SJW is a term of our present day and it cannot be applied to historic figures accurately, so this whole business of exhuming MLK and Gandhi is inaccurate and inappropriate.
the people pretending to be sjw are not. they are people that just riot in the streets, burn down businesses, and force people to think their way. its fascist.

they cover their faces at a bunch of their rallies too. much like the klan does.

the antifa/sjw are just the lefts version of the hateful klan.

Why do conservatives, above all others, maintain a sore ignorance of what a fascist is? I think it's an act of self preservation or ego maintenance. Quit muddying the facts with personal ignorance.

The difference between the conservative Klan and Antifa transcends face coverings. The Klan is a christian hate group and Antics is a group that hates Christian Klansmen.
Why do conservatives, above all others, maintain a sore ignorance of what a fascist is? I think it's an act of self preservation or ego maintenance. Quit muddying the facts with personal ignorance.

Because if they were honest about that definition, then they would blow their cover.

The difference between the conservative Klan and Antifa transcends face coverings. The Klan is a christian hate group and Antifa is a group that hates Christian Klansmen.

Honestly it's gotten to the point whether I can't tell whether the hatred of Antifa is because of how they act...or because of the fact that Antifa hate fascism. Notice how you never hear the Right give constructive suggestions to Antifa as to how to nonviolently push back against fascism? That's the tell for the Right's true motives.
Yeah well, the signal to noise ratio is intolerable and mostly unsustainable in the last few years.
You've got one party that has decided to hew to its corporate base and ignore almost half its constituency, going further and further to the right to placate an establishment, and you have another party that has almost completely given itself over to extremism.

There's an enormous swath of people in the country who are independents, some are moderately conservative, some moderately liberal, some are completely flummoxed or disgusted with both parties. I personally think it is incumbent upon these groups to take back their parties
The hacks do not deserve the privilege of running America.
The hacks profit off having everyone divided so completely that there is no negotiating or even debate whatsoever.
We can fight over policy and that's okay, that's as American as it gets, I know that those kinds of conservatives love our country and I can respect that, and they need to know that liberals love our country and they need to respect that, too.
Somewhere along the way we will find enough common ground to make it work.

The first party to swing to the center will likely grab and cement their power for awhile. If the blue wave does indeed come then Republicans might learn and shift to the center in response. Conversely, if the blue wave ends up failing then Democrats may swing back. Then again I could also see both parties doubling down and move further apart which will inevitably lead to massive unrest.
Because if they were honest about that definition, then they would blow their cover.

Honestly it's gotten to the point whether I can't tell whether the hatred of Antifa is because of how they act...or because of the fact that Antifa hate fascism. Notice how you never hear the Right give constructive suggestions to Antifa as to how to nonviolently push back against fascism? That's the tell for the Right's true motives.

Don't vote for what you feel is fascism......It is rather simple.
The problem with these labels is that what it encompasses seems to change over time. I used to call myself a SJW. I think fighting for social justice is a wonderful thing. But I am increasingly finding the tactics of SJWs more problematic than I find the things they fight against. My biggest problem with current SJWs is their attempt to silence their opposition rather than simply counter the opposition with superior arguments.

No, SJWs screaming so loud that a right wing speaker at a college can’t be heard isn’t a violation of the First Amendment because the government isn’t involved. But it is counterproductive to a free exchange of ideas. I feel that SJWs today care too much about stopping offensive speech, as if offending someone is some horrible assault. It isn’t. Nothing happens when you are offended. Just be offended and move on with your life.

If you are going to fight for equal treatment under the law and fight against discrimination I will be right there by you. But if you are going to try and silence even the speaking of opposing viewpoints through disruptive behavior at talks or organized boycotts rather than superior argumentation then I have no use for your cause.
Because if they were honest about that definition, then they would blow their cover.

Honestly it's gotten to the point whether I can't tell whether the hatred of Antifa is because of how they act...or because of the fact that Antifa hate fascism. Notice how you never hear the Right give constructive suggestions to Antifa as to how to nonviolently push back against fascism? That's the tell for the Right's true motives.

For me it is very simple.
For extremist RW hacks, it is of the utmost importance that the AntiFa be viewed as being the core and heart of liberalism and even Democrats in general. Of course that's about as far from the truth as possible but for a hardcore RW hack, it's their "alternative facts".

As for AntiFa's so called "hatred of fascism" that whole thing falls flat as a pancake for me and here IS WHY:
Their hatred of fascism stems from only ONE PLACE - their love of COMMUNISM, and don't take my word for it, see it for yourself - the AntiFa groups in the USA are devoutly Communist, even to the point where they have universally adopted the mantra "LIBERALS GET THE BULLET, TOO".
Just Google that phrase if you doubt me and see for yourself.
So I could give two ****s about them hating fascism, because I didn't sign up for communism as an answer to the Right.

Anybody can hate extremist RW values and ideology, anybody can hate fascism and anybody can resist RW authoritarianism.
You do much better NOT being aligned with AntiFa in that regard.
The hardcore RW needs AntiFa to be stapled to the Democrats in order "inoculate" themselves.
If liberals and Democrats do not figure this out, AntiFa will wind up being a huge boon to the RW, at our expense.

AntiFa are the extremists - we are the normal people. After all is said and done, are we going to hand over our future to extremists?
I didn't think so.
For me it is very simple.
For extremist RW hacks, it is of the utmost importance that the AntiFa be viewed as being the core and heart of liberalism and even Democrats in general. Of course that's about as far from the truth as possible but for a hardcore RW hack, it's their "alternative facts".

As for AntiFa's so called "hatred of fascism" that whole thing falls flat as a pancake for me and here IS WHY:
Their hatred of fascism stems from only ONE PLACE - their love of COMMUNISM, and don't take my word for it, see it for yourself - the AntiFa groups in the USA are devoutly Communist, even to the point where they have universally adopted the mantra "LIBERALS GET THE BULLET, TOO".
Just Google that phrase if you doubt me and see for yourself.
So I could give two ****s about them hating fascism, because I didn't sign up for communism as an answer to the Right.

I am aware of the phrase, but as for a bunch of anarchists' alleged desire for communism, that's a bold claim and I expect to see some evidence to back it up.
Wasn't Martin Luther King Jr a SJW? Wasn't Gandhi a SJW? Were abolitionists SJWs?

Is it that there is no more injustice? Are we living in a paradise ruined by SJW's who are in denial of the perfection of our society?

it simply depends on the definition of SJW.....in general its fine and then there some made up definition that i myself would be against and then theres some that just use the label for anything they disagree with lol

on the surface, logically theres absolutely nothing wrong with it, everybody should be one BUT the definition of what it actually is varies from some people so thats the problem. Some people try to use it and define it as somethign bad and use it as an attack...:shrug:

i havent taken notes on its usages but so far i never seen any poster that uses it OFTEN on this board be taken seriously by any of the respected, honest, educated and objective posters right left and center...they are typical posters we all make fun of . . .but again... im talking about posters that use it often for just about anything they disagree with . . not talking about casual use here and there
I am aware of the phrase, but as for a bunch of anarchists' alleged desire for communism, that's a bold claim and I expect to see some evidence to back it up.

Phys, all you have to do is stop, look, listen...it's not like AntiFa is attempting to hide it, they're quite open AND VISUAL about their communist affiliation. It's impossible to ignore.



FFS, did you think that there is some payoff for me to put this out there?
There isn't, I hate fascism as much as any other liberal.
AntiFa is NOT a friend to liberals or to Democrats, not in the least. You better come to the realization of that fact.
The Klan is a christian hate group and Antics is a group that hates Christian Klansmen.

Nobody disputes their hatred of Klansmen, or of any white supremacist group, or fascism.
The issue isn't what AntiFa hates, it's what they love, and what they demand everyone else love, OR ELSE.

I can hate child molesters but that doesn't mean I am required to buddy up with a group that goes around beating the crap out of gay people, because some group is convinced that all gay guys are child molesters.
Phys, all you have to do is stop, look, listen...it's not like AntiFa is attempting to hide it, they're quite open AND VISUAL about their communist affiliation. It's impossible to ignore.

FFS, did you think that there is some payoff for me to put this out there?
There isn't, I hate fascism as much as any other liberal.
AntiFa is NOT a friend to liberals or to Democrats, not in the least. You better come to the realization of that fact.

Never said they were. But I think we're not that far apart on this matter. One has to be pretty crazy to be an anarchist or support communism, let alone both of these polar opposites.

Unless of course one is a fan of the horseshoe theory.
the people pretending to be sjw are not. they are people that just riot in the streets, burn down businesses, and force people to think their way. its fascist.

they cover their faces at a bunch of their rallies too. much like the klan does.

the antifa/sjw are just the lefts version of the hateful klan.

Exactly, those mentioned in the OP were the genuine article, those today are nothing more than fake, virtue signaling hacks.
Wasn't Martin Luther King Jr a SJW? Wasn't Gandhi a SJW? Were abolitionists SJWs?

Is it that there is no more injustice? Are we living in a paradise ruined by SJW's who are in denial of the perfection of our society?

SJW's are arrogant self appointed virtue signaling jackass's seeking that which is not theirs. They are all talk and no walk. What they say and what they do are usually very different. I've yet to meet one I like. Martin Luther King wasn't a SJW he was a religious man defending himself and his kin seeking what was rightfully his and his kin. Same with Gandhi. Same with the Abolitionists. Ataturk said it best "Sovereignty is not given, it is taken."

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