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What would a US dictatorship look like? (1 Viewer)

Apparently Joy Behar believes that a dictatorship is when Republicans are in control of Congress, Supreme Court and the Presidency.


I don't think she gets it............

So what would a dictatorship look like in America?

We saw it already - when a US president told his Cabinet that he won’t wait for Congress to act on key agenda items ... “I’ve got a pen, and I’ve got a phone,”
How come every dip**** on the Republican side speaks for no one, and a lone Democrat speaks for everyone. Geeze get a life instead of retard thread starting
Trump's working on it. Keep doing nothing.
Hope you aren't gay or transgender or Jewish or a POC. Toe the line and you'll be just fine.

Why is it that you won't respond to questions about this post of yours, jgh? What do gays, transgenders, Jews and POC need to worry about here? What does Dictator Trump want to do to them?
Apparently Joy Behar believes that a dictatorship is when Republicans are in control of Congress, Supreme Court and the Presidency.


I don't think she gets it............

So what would a dictatorship look like in America?

Unless you were politically active it would probably not affect you that much at first.

Let's say you were politically active and opposed the dictatorship. You could expect a knock on the door at night, and they would drag you off never to be seen again. If you were protesting out in the street somewhere you could expect to be shot, arrested, or detained indefinitely.

If involved in education you might see the heavy hand of authoritarianism in your classroom, with indoctrination of students according to the official ideology. Any professors who resist this might be fired or dragged off.

And education of children as a whole might be centrally controlled by the government. It might even extend to children being taken off to be educated in government camps.

You wouldn't see any news broadcasts that were critical of the government any more.

There might be a show of racial diversity at first, but one race would quickly become dominant and would run everything.

There would not likely be any collective bargaining at work. Any issues of worker safety, hours, etc., that got in the way of the government's agenda would be brushed aside.

Almost all dictatorships have this issue: they want to see a higher birth rate. Women could expect to be sent back to raise kids at home. Women who produce a lot of kids would be rewarded and subsidized.

Depending on the foreign policy of the dictatorship, you might expect a military draft. Actually, this is almost certain since most dictatorships have to worry about being challenged by other countries.

A lot depends on the specific bugaboos of the given regime. Marxists might send the middle class off for political re-education. Right wing dictatorships might "re-educate" the Marxists. Or, as in the case of the Khymer Rough, they may resort to genocide and just kill all the people they don't trust.

There is no depth of stupidity and inhumanity to which left wing regimes won't plunge. I can easily see them abolishing all industry because of their fears of climate change, regarding the massive death, starvation, and disease that results as a necessary cost.
Like “lock her up?”
Attacking the press is another........I got many more, you sure you want to go down this path?

Do you not know the difference between words and actions?
Haven't you been listening?? He's undermining Mueller and the FBI at every turn. I find it very interesting that our "President" believes Putin when he says he didn't meddle in our election over our own entire Intel community. But hey whatever.

And what does that have to do with gays, transgenders or people of color. Oh. That's right nothing. You are just repeating talking points with our really understanding what you are talking about.
How come every dip**** on the Republican side speaks for no one, and a lone Democrat speaks for everyone. Geeze get a life instead of retard thread starting
Apparently you are two blinded by partisan BS to see the countless threads on this forum that blame all conservatives for the actions or words of one. I guess it is true that none are so blind as those that choose not to see.
Why is it that you won't respond to questions about this post of yours, jgh? What do gays, transgenders, Jews and POC need to worry about here? What does Dictator Trump want to do to them?

What is a POC?

Nevermind, I just got it.
How come every dip**** on the Republican side speaks for no one, and a lone Democrat speaks for everyone. Geeze get a life instead of retard thread starting

I missed the part in my OP where I said she speaks for everyone. Can you point it out to me?
Apparently Joy Behar believes that a dictatorship is when Republicans are in control of Congress, Supreme Court and the Presidency.


I don't think she gets it............

So what would a dictatorship look like in America?
IMO a dictatorship exists when a ruling person or party takes steps to silence or punish dissent and also prevents people from voting for an opponent.

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