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What would a US dictatorship look like? (1 Viewer)

Depends on how it starts up, but if Trump makes it, then probably something like North Korea.

Disagree, more like Russia, Putin ruled even when he was not in office, and eventually returned and he will Not be stepping down again. Sounds exactly what it would look like. Problem is, Americans are Not Russians.
Split governments always blunt it. But until all of Congress starts stepping up to its responsibility to legislate, rather than pass everything off to the President and regulatory agencies, the danger grows.

Reasonable legislation seemingly only happens if both sides (given our 2 party system) come together and negotiate in good faith to craft something that benefits the majority. That seems to be a dead horse of a concept.

The judges on both the left and right have also been effectively writing legislation.
Reasonable legislation seemingly only happens if both sides (given our 2 party system) come together and negotiate in good faith to craft something that benefits the majority. That seems to be a dead horse of a concept.

The judges on both the left and right have also been effectively writing legislation.

It also only happens if Congress members view their jobs as lawmaking -- and making the tough choices -- rather than position-taking and kicking the tough work off to others.
Apparently Joy Behar believes that a dictatorship is when Republicans are in control of Congress, Supreme Court and the Presidency.


I don't think she gets it............

So what would a dictatorship look like in America?

Dictatorships come in layers. We already have an element of dictatorship: Bernie Sanders supporters. Like many dictatorships, court action acts an accomplice. For example, let's look at hate speech laws. We can see how they are implemented by looking at how Nicholas Maduro implements them. Look at campus sexual assault regimes. "Mattress girl" type scenarios will be encouraged. The "safe space" protections will become encased in law. Look at the ex CEO of Mozilla who was pressured into resigning because he donated to the anti-same sex marriage initiative. Look at the brown shirt style tactics. Communist societies encourage extrajudicial attacks against ideological enemies.
Didn't say it was important -- I said it was stupid.

What would a dictatorship look like here in the US?

Trump's working on it. Keep doing nothing.
Hope you aren't gay or transgender or Jewish or a POC. Toe the line and you'll be just fine.
Trump's working on it. Keep doing nothing.
Hope you aren't gay or transgender or Jewish or a POC. Toe the line and you'll be just fine.

Why? What does dictator Trump want to do with gays, transgenders, Jews or POC?
Trump is above the law? So if Mueller finds that he conspired with the Russians to rig the election for himself then he won't get indicted?

If Trump is a dictator now, why is he allowing Mueller to investigate him?

Haven't you been listening?? He's undermining Mueller and the FBI at every turn. I find it very interesting that our "President" believes Putin when he says he didn't meddle in our election over our own entire Intel community. But hey whatever.
Haven't you been listening?? He's undermining Mueller and the FBI at every turn. I find it very interesting that our "President" believes Putin when he says he didn't meddle in our election over our own entire Intel community. But hey whatever.

None of that is evidence of a dictatorship.
You cannot honestly think if there's ample proof that Trump committed a crime that he wouldn't be indicted. That's just crazy town.

Why does he need to wait and see? He's a dictator, right? Why on earth would he allow the people to have a choice in who they elect? Why would anyone need to be elected?

Welcome to America right now, such as it is.
Welcome to America right now, such as it is.

Such as WHAT is? America doesn't have a dictatorship -- we're a democratic republic with elected officials and checks and balances throughout the government. Where is the evidence of dictatorship?
It also only happens if Congress members view their jobs as lawmaking -- and making the tough choices -- rather than position-taking and kicking the tough work off to others.

That's one way to describe what congress does. Another would be 'robbing the till and then asking us taxpayers where the money went'.
We live in a capitalist country so a dictatorship would probably be focused on consolidating power in government and creating a deep imbalance between the power of workers vs business. Business would be married to government and they would jointly control the population. There would also be the more classic staples like state propaganda outlets and an extremely powerful police force to keep citizens in line.
Since BHO is a private citizen now, it would seem to run counter to dictatorship by definition..........so, how many posts in did we go to “but Obama?”

We weren't discussing anyone in particular in this thread. It was about what a dictatorship would look like. Although it did sound like you were defending Barry.
We weren't discussing anyone in particular in this thread. It was about what a dictatorship would look like. Although it did sound like you were defending Barry.

From your post #12:

What's good for the goose....

Those were just words from Trump. Looks like Obama used many agencies to attack his.

No defense at all; unless Barry gets himself back in power, he cannot be dictator.......good try though!
From your post #12:

What's good for the goose....

Those were just words from Trump. Looks like Obama used many agencies to attack his.

No defense at all; unless Barry gets himself back in power, he cannot be dictator.......good try though!

After you brought up Trump's words. Couldn't help yourself?
After you brought up Trump's words. Couldn't help yourself?

You must be bored this morning; take a walk, get some fresh air....
In all principles and theories of governance there are degrees to these things. There is not some line in the sand that dictatorship is one thing and only that thing, there are enough authoritarian trends where it appears like a dictatorship even if the person in charge (arguably) is not called a dictator.

Understand that I do not care much for Joy Behar nor do I think Trump and Republicans are necessarily interested in moving the nation to a dictatorship. However, one of the principles of a Dictatorship is having a single political ideology (or party) squash all others.

The point I think Joy Behar was trying to make (again, in a very poor and fear-mongering way) is that when one political party controls all three branches of governance that tends to marginalize all other political ideologies in the mix. Including Independents who do not really have a voice in a two party dominated system anyway.

Your question is almost moot, as it makes almost no sense to suggest we will all of a sudden wake up to a dictatorship in America.

We *might* continue to slide towards authoritarianism of some sort, and I think we can agree that between modern Democratic (or Liberal) ideology and modern Republican (or so called "Conservative") ideology that they both tend to lean to the power of governance to some end. Which means lean to authoritarianism that by default means removal of self determination (to some extent.)

The reason I bring this up is I have no doubt (listening to some of Joy Behar's comments over the years here and there) that she would be perfectly okay with authoritarianism assuming Democrats were in charge as she is clearly modern liberal with all that implies. The power of governance to ensure economic and/or social outcome is a core principle of today's liberal ideology, it just happens to be a core staple of modern Republicans as well.

So she rants... and we should probably take that for what it means from who she is and what she really stands for.

The closest we came to having a dictatorship was FDR He won 4 terms and only left office because he died. A very popular president can become a dictator if his party controls all the branches of government and they fear him.

Look at the Philippines and Turkey. Russia is technically a democracy.

If Trump has a supermajority he would be a dictator. He’s already involved in plenty of crimes that his party refuse to investigate.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Apparently Joy Behar believes that a dictatorship is when Republicans are in control of Congress, Supreme Court and the Presidency.


I don't think she gets it............

So what would a dictatorship look like in America?

Being forced under threat to get a Trump haircut and working 16 hours in a factory making Trump ties.... *shudder*
Disagree, more like Russia, Putin ruled even when he was not in office, and eventually returned and he will Not be stepping down again. Sounds exactly what it would look like. Problem is, Americans are Not Russians.

I'm not sure he's good enough/smart enough to run a Putin style dictatorship. He's more given to emotional outbursts much like Un and likely would be more to that effect.
I'm not sure he's good enough/smart enough to run a Putin style dictatorship. He's more given to emotional outbursts much like Un and likely would be more to that effect.

Possibly, but Un inherited a Nation under an iron thumb and no matter trump will never enjoy such power. Agree on the emotional issues, I have never felt trump was emotionally fit to be President and doubt he would be good as anything more than some crazy despot in a backwater 3rd world country.
Apparently Joy Behar believes that a dictatorship is when Republicans are in control of Congress, Supreme Court and the Presidency.


I don't think she gets it............

So what would a dictatorship look like in America?

Rather hilarious that anyone considers Joy Behar any sort of authority on anything of importance. Clearly she's not read or studies enough history to have the slightest clue what a dictatorship is, and it most certainly isn't what we have here in America, not under Republican leadership, not under Democrat leadership.

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