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what is wrong with the d***** liberals (1 Viewer)

what's wrong with liberalism

  • nothing

    Votes: 11 50.0%
  • their veiws

    Votes: 3 13.6%
  • thier "spiecial" opinion's

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • everything

    Votes: 8 36.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New member
Oct 28, 2005
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please, all conservitives reply!:elephantf
I can't speak of all liberals, but I would guess a lot of us liberals are just sick us being lied to, seeing our country go from surplus budgets to 2.4 trillion deeper in debt, and our folks dying in a made up war that is making the world a more dangerous place.

Just a guess.
While I admire your tenacity with being such a new member to DP, I would like to be the first to say: What the hell are you trying to say??? d****** makes no sense to me, nor does the reason why this is posted in the poll section. The latter I can overlook because you are new, but really now...if you are going to start a thread, atleast have some substance to your initial post.

Mod Note

Off to the basement as there was no poll and this thread is only going to go from bad to worse.

/Mod Note
Isn't this supposed to be a poll?

Regardless, there is nothing wrong with liberals. They believe in things just as deeply and passionately as conservatives do. Just...different things. In the end, all anyone wants is a better world for tomorrow.

Liberals want clean air and to stop global warming. Conservatives get angry at them for trying to make that happen.

Conservatives want to win the war on terror. Liberals get angry at them for trying to make that happen.

Liberals want gay marriage. Conservatives get angry at them for trying to make that happen.

Conservatives want to cut funding for social programs. Liberals get angry at them for trying to make that happen.

...and on and on it goes. One side wanting to leave things better than they are today, the other side trying to stop them. That is what makes this country so great, we all get along despite our differences. In the end, the middle ground usually wins and we succeed as a society.
Conservatives want to win the war on terror. Liberals get angry at them for trying to make that happen.


Thats what conservatives will have you believe.

These supposed "liberals" that do not support the "War in Iraq" are actually concerned people who actually would want to go after the right people rather then just invade countries for the hell of it and based on evidence that has been proven wrong.

Thats the only thing I can criticize about your post though. otherwise I would agree with you.
Here is a problem with the threadstarters post that really gets me a bit pissed. How come, if he actually wants to know what liberals believe, would he ask a conservative? Are you here to further your understanding of politics and actually learn something or are you here just to be a close minded brat who cares about nothing except bashing their political opposite?

I would seriously admire someone who was interested in politics so young but, from all the posts I have so far seen from you, all it seems like you want to do is bash liberal and people who are smarter then you rather then debate them. I promise you though you will not receivie very much respect from either side if you keep this up.
In all fairness to said poster...he is a 14 year old young man who probably has read a bunch of cnredd and galenrox posts, and thought that was the norm for this board. Really can't argue with that reasoning, can ya? ;)
Re: what is wrong with the liberals

:tomatofac there it has a poll, and i respect all the views posted above. my apologies
short answer-they tend to feel when they ought to be thinking. They also project their own inadequacies on to others.
Short answer: Most of them lack the "my dick is bigger than yours mentality", however most of them also seemed to become pansy bitches.

Kick the party system and become an independent kid!
what's wrong with liberalism
their veiws
thier "spiecial" opinion's
View Poll Results

They keep having to correct conservative spelling? LOL!

Just kiddin' around...don't be mad.
Hoot said:
They keep having to correct conservative spelling? LOL!

Just kiddin' around...don't be mad.

ok, no offence taken
Hehehe, that tickles me. (offense)
lol, word up.
My dick is bigger than yours!

This may be so, but I dont you can afford the price to check ;). (Wait, that makes me the dirty one, ****)

I love typos. When other people make them, they're stupid, when you make them, hell, they're just typos right?
The young gentleman sees first hand exactly WHAT modern liberalism has done, & in fact whay it is responsible for today.

Liberalism in its early foundation "USED" to be quite honorable; ..today it is disingenuine, & some might even say downright treasonous in its ideology base.

It believes "mistakenly" of course that everybody wants peace, & the rest of the norm associted with rational idealism.

They are the crowd that sings the, "I'd like to teach the world to sing in prefect harmony crap"!

And doesn't liberalism have respect, & want to give love, & understanding, & show concern for ALL the enemies & adversaries of America, ..hell yes, & that has been their mantra for decades!

liberalism cannot, ..or more honestly REFUSES to define what immorality, & what obscenity is, & they love to remain in gray areas, & use race,. class distinction, judicial activism to FORCE their will upon the majority through the courts to help advance their liberal idealism.

Liberals also love making excuses for criminals too! They believe "incorrectly" that a criminal is only a product of their environment.

Just as liberals also believe that its the gun that is guilty, ..but never the person who pulls the trigger.

Liberals claim to be all about rights for women, & showing respect for their sex.....yet they allow the rights of the pornograhers to have their porno shops operate on the street corners of America showing every vile perverted sex act upon women from gang rape, to forced sodomy, & ejaculating all over them in an attempt to degrade them.

To the liberal....that is called free speech, & free expression. Its no different when it comes to abortion either.

Liberals really do not like "defining" the real terms for killing babies in the womb as, "pro death", ..that is why they refer to the practice as "Pro-choice", which of course is a falsehood, because there is NO choice whatsoever in over 95%. That is also why they love to have the cute term, "family planning " held in reserve, ..but that is also bullshyte because aborting children has nothing to do with family planning, ..its just a code word for 'abortion", ..& sometimes they even have the gall to refer to abortion as "health care", ..mostly among the ignorant, & illiterate so as to not prick their consciences!

Its the same for homosexuality. You would think that liberals are sticklers for correctness, ..that is not so. They prefer using the term, "gay" ..instead of calling a homosexual, its proper word; a "homosexual" because they who claim to not, or should not ever be embarrassed by their CHOSEN behavior cannot practice what they preach in being correct!

Liberals love to look at themselves as; "US against the world"...because it gives them visions of self greatness when they think that they are taking on the world for some great cause whereas all the odds are seen as stacked against them.

Liberals also are the very first to blame their own country, & government whenever America is involved in a war, or some conflict. THat is because liberals want the enemy to know that they are not taking sides, ..& that they want to be fair minded!

Liberals despise those that label others, & engage in name calling, ..BUT have no problem calling their president, & country names like nazi, racist, murderer, liar etc., & making outrageous accusations against them, & their government! (preferably IF its run by a republican majority)

Liberals hate it whenever the media shows the handi-work of terrorists, or other enemies of America on the news, which of course is rare anyway because the media loves to portray America as the most evil, & biggest threat to world peace!

Liberals believe that the seriousness of an accusation or charge, ..is far more important than any evidence that suggests any wrongdoing. That is why senate liberals love investigations, ..besides the fact that thery love to posture, & mug for photo-ops & love it when the ignorant, & uninformed think that their representatives are out, & about exposing wrongdoing in high places!

Liberals hate successful business people because since NOT everybody has talent, desire, or hard work or luck in the business world, ..its best if everybody be poor;.. except for the wealthy liberals, whats "theirs" is theirs"! To the liberal that is considered being "fair" !

Liberals despise the oil companies, & resent their profits...& complain about high gasoline prices; ...but liberals in congress refuse to allow the oil companies from drilling for more oil which would lower the price of gasoline!

Liberals also hate the white male, ..unless of course that white male has done enough penance to prove he is not racist anymore by not complaining about reverse discrimination, or the fact that he was not granted a job based on his qualifications & high score, ..or the fact that "Leon Abdul Ali Babba" scored a 55 on the job aptitude test but got the job anyway!

Liberals believe that all criminals including the worst murderers deserve their rights, & help criminals by petitioning the courts for reversals, & less sentencing clauses ..but they do not believe the innocent child growing within the womb has any rights!

Liberals also believe that the letter of the law in jurisprudence is far more important than seeing the guilty get punished, ..& if a criminal can go free on a legal technicality...to them, justice has been served!!

I could probably list a thousand more examples of what "modern" liberalism have wrought upon society, ..but why should I bother...as liberals are still in denial,. & still continue to see themselves as the epitome of greatness, honesty & morality!;)
Stu Ghatze said:
Its the same for homosexuality. You would think that liberals are sticklers for correctness, ..that is not so. They prefer using the term, "gay" ..instead of calling a homosexual, its proper word; a "homosexual" because they who claim to not, or should not ever be embarrassed by their CHOSEN behavior cannot practice what they preach in being correct!
F-uck you Stu. You're an idiot. A goat felcher. An embarrassment to logic and the human race. It's amazing that your mom allows you to sit in your crap filled diapers at the computer long enough write your bullsh!t.
Stu Ghatze said:
The young gentleman sees first hand exactly WHAT modern liberalism has done, & in fact whay it is responsible for today.

Liberalism in its early foundation "USED" to be quite honorable; ..today it is disingenuine, & some might even say downright treasonous in its ideology base.

It believes "mistakenly" of course that everybody wants peace, & the rest of the norm associted with rational idealism.

They are the crowd that sings the, "I'd like to teach the world to sing in prefect harmony crap"!

And doesn't liberalism have respect, & want to give love, & understanding, & show concern for ALL the enemies & adversaries of America, ..hell yes, & that has been their mantra for decades!

liberalism cannot, ..or more honestly REFUSES to define what immorality, & what obscenity is, & they love to remain in gray areas, & use race,. class distinction, judicial activism to FORCE their will upon the majority through the courts to help advance their liberal idealism.

Liberals also love making excuses for criminals too! They believe "incorrectly" that a criminal is only a product of their environment.

Just as liberals also believe that its the gun that is guilty, ..but never the person who pulls the trigger.

Liberals claim to be all about rights for women, & showing respect for their sex.....yet they allow the rights of the pornograhers to have their porno shops operate on the street corners of America showing every vile perverted sex act upon women from gang rape, to forced sodomy, & ejaculating all over them in an attempt to degrade them.

To the liberal....that is called free speech, & free expression. Its no different when it comes to abortion either.

Liberals really do not like "defining" the real terms for killing babies in the womb as, "pro death", ..that is why they refer to the practice as "Pro-choice", which of course is a falsehood, because there is NO choice whatsoever in over 95%. That is also why they love to have the cute term, "family planning " held in reserve, ..but that is also bullshyte because aborting children has nothing to do with family planning, ..its just a code word for 'abortion", ..& sometimes they even have the gall to refer to abortion as "health care", ..mostly among the ignorant, & illiterate so as to not prick their consciences!

Its the same for homosexuality. You would think that liberals are sticklers for correctness, ..that is not so. They prefer using the term, "gay" ..instead of calling a homosexual, its proper word; a "homosexual" because they who claim to not, or should not ever be embarrassed by their CHOSEN behavior cannot practice what they preach in being correct!

Liberals love to look at themselves as; "US against the world"...because it gives them visions of self greatness when they think that they are taking on the world for some great cause whereas all the odds are seen as stacked against them.

Liberals also are the very first to blame their own country, & government whenever America is involved in a war, or some conflict. THat is because liberals want the enemy to know that they are not taking sides, ..& that they want to be fair minded!

Liberals despise those that label others, & engage in name calling, ..BUT have no problem calling their president, & country names like nazi, racist, murderer, liar etc., & making outrageous accusations against them, & their government! (preferably IF its run by a republican majority)

Liberals hate it whenever the media shows the handi-work of terrorists, or other enemies of America on the news, which of course is rare anyway because the media loves to portray America as the most evil, & biggest threat to world peace!

Liberals believe that the seriousness of an accusation or charge, ..is far more important than any evidence that suggests any wrongdoing. That is why senate liberals love investigations, ..besides the fact that thery love to posture, & mug for photo-ops & love it when the ignorant, & uninformed think that their representatives are out, & about exposing wrongdoing in high places!

Liberals hate successful business people because since NOT everybody has talent, desire, or hard work or luck in the business world, ..its best if everybody be poor;.. except for the wealthy liberals, whats "theirs" is theirs"! To the liberal that is considered being "fair" !

Liberals despise the oil companies, & resent their profits...& complain about high gasoline prices; ...but liberals in congress refuse to allow the oil companies from drilling for more oil which would lower the price of gasoline!

Liberals also hate the white male, ..unless of course that white male has done enough penance to prove he is not racist anymore by not complaining about reverse discrimination, or the fact that he was not granted a job based on his qualifications & high score, ..or the fact that "Leon Abdul Ali Babba" scored a 55 on the job aptitude test but got the job anyway!

Liberals believe that all criminals including the worst murderers deserve their rights, & help criminals by petitioning the courts for reversals, & less sentencing clauses ..but they do not believe the innocent child growing within the womb has any rights!

Liberals also believe that the letter of the law in jurisprudence is far more important than seeing the guilty get punished, ..& if a criminal can go free on a legal technicality...to them, justice has been served!!

I could probably list a thousand more examples of what "modern" liberalism have wrought upon society, ..but why should I bother...as liberals are still in denial,. & still continue to see themselves as the epitome of greatness, honesty & morality!;)

surftide said:

Dude, that guy is a fukin moron. He is the lowest of the low here on this board, so low in fact, that I dont even answer his posts because there is no hope for him. He represents everything that is wrong with modern conservativism and he probably hasnt done a contructive thing in his entire life. The only reason he is conservative at all is because he thinks that bashing our liberal posters is all that conservatives have to do. When you read what he posts, the only substance is a regurgitation of whatever o reilly or other conservative commentators and evangelists said the night before. Shu is right, he sits in his crappy world and does nothing more than try (and the emphasis is on the word try) to make others follow his skewed rants and make their world crappy too.

I admire some of the thousands of lies told by NeoConservatives, they certainly are creative.
jallman said:
Dude, that guy is a fukin moron. He is the lowest of the low here on this board, so low in fact, that I dont even answer his posts because there is no hope for him. He represents everything that is wrong with modern conservativism and he probably hasnt done a contructive thing in his entire life. The only reason he is conservative at all is because he thinks that bashing our liberal posters is all that conservatives have to do. When you read what he posts, the only substance is a regurgitation of whatever o reilly or other conservative commentators and evangelists said the night before. Shu is right, he sits in his crappy world and does nothing more than try (and the emphasis is on the word try) to make others follow his skewed rants and make their world crappy too.
I'm a Conservative, and I think he's an incestuous moron...

Now if someone would say the same on the Liberal side for some on their "team"...
cnredd said:
I'm a Conservative, and I think he's an incestuous moron...

Now if someone would say the same on the Liberal side for some on their "team"...

One word....robin
cnredd said:
I'm a Conservative, and I think he's an incestuous moron...

Now if someone would say the same on the Liberal side for some on their "team"...

sorry sorry, my bad...using robin as an example is like splitting hairs. The worst of the worst on the liberal side is that fukin foul mouthed freak show sissy-boy.
galenrox said:
Are you ****ing joking, I call them out constantly, but I guess it's cause I don't view politics as a team sport:2razz:

I was thinking of mentioning you...but I consider you "neutral"...jallman isn't the classic "Lib" either...

I'd like to see aps tell 26X World Champs to grow the hell up and stop being such a ***** about everything...or mixedmedia telling dragonslayer to stop being an a-hole...

They don't realize that it is the Liberal jihadists that pander to the Kennedys & Deans that the rest of the party sufferes...We got the same over here that pander to Frist & Delay...namely Avian Flu Ghatze & Navy Lied...

Here's an example...

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cnredd said:
I'm a Conservative, and I think he's an incestuous moron...

Now if someone would say the same on the Liberal side for some on their "team"...

Who is a incestuous Moron. Me??? Bush ****, I am not incestuous. lol

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