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What is worse for high school students? (1 Viewer)

What is worse for high school students?

  • Allowwd to have cellphones in the classroom .

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • Allowed to smoke weed in the classroom.

    Votes: 13 86.7%

  • Total voters

j brown's body

"A Soros-backed animal"
DP Veteran
Jun 18, 2018
Reaction score
Political Leaning
I'm going with cellphones.

Cellphones are worse for their minds. Maybe much worse.

I got runner- up Most Improved the year I started smoking weed.
I'm going with cellphones.

Cellphones are worse for their minds. Maybe much worse.

I got runner- up Most Improved the year I started smoking weed.

I chose weed in the classrooms only because it's still not legal.

Cellphones should not be allowed in classrooms. When my 3 boys were in HS they had to give their phones to me before leaving in the mornings and they got them back after they did their homework at night.
I chose weed in the classrooms only because it's still not legal.

Cellphones should not be allowed in classrooms. When my 3 boys were in HS they had to give their phones to me before leaving in the mornings and they got them back after they did their homework at night.
Just last weekend at lunch, my best friend’s 17 year old showed me all the apps they use in trig/calculus and physics on her cellphone.

But that is a private school ve. public and more advanced classes - so maybe those aren’t the typical classes kids take and maybe public schools don’t take advantage of the technology parents provide their kids with to use them as tools in classes.
Neither should be allowed in the classroom.

The only exception would be if the student allowed the phone to be placed under an MDM setup where apps can be locked down during school hours. Likely the easier solution would be for school provided technology though.
I'm going with cellphones.

Cellphones are worse for their minds. Maybe much worse.

I got runner- up Most Improved the year I started smoking weed.
Both of those are terrible ideas.
How about .. being able to graduate without being able to read and / or do basic math?
That is a poll question that needs answering? My guess is the OP was high when they wrote it. Maybe in school too. ;)

I was high when I got runner-up "Most Improved" in my senior year.
How about .. being able to graduate without being able to read and / or do basic math?

Cellphones are a huge distraction from reading and writing in school.
I chose weed in the classrooms only because it's still not legal.

Cellphones should not be allowed in classrooms. When my 3 boys were in HS they had to give their phones to me before leaving in the mornings and they got them back after they did their homework at night.
I would say that that makes you 1 in a million...
I chose weed in the classrooms only because it's still not legal.

Cellphones should not be allowed in classrooms. When my 3 boys were in HS they had to give their phones to me before leaving in the mornings and they got them back after they did their homework at night.

Just last weekend at lunch, my best friend’s 17 year old showed me all the apps they use in trig/calculus and physics on her cellphone.

But that is a private school ve. public and more advanced classes - so maybe those aren’t the typical classes kids take and maybe public schools don’t take advantage of the technology parents provide their kids with to use them as tools in classes.

Apps can be found on school issued computers.
Cellphones are a huge distraction from reading and writing in school.
and ... if the proper discipline were in place, the precedent with success would be established. Why aren't public school systems addressing this as a disciplinary measure? Why can't instructors / mentors use this to dismiss those who don't take education seriously? Why is this an educator problem as opposed to a parent / student problem?

If I were a teacher and my students were on their phones, I'd either shut that shit down or get let go. So stupid to make these types of problems a teacher problem -- it's a parent / student problem.
Weed by a mile. At least cell phones can be used in emergencies or to call mom or dad.
and ... if the proper discipline were in place, the precedent with success would be established. Why aren't public school systems addressing this as a disciplinary measure? Why can't instructors / mentors use this to dismiss those who don't take education seriously? Why is this an educator problem as opposed to a parent / student problem?

If I were a teacher and my students were on their phones, I'd either shut that shit down or get let go. So stupid to make these types of problems a teacher problem -- it's a parent / student problem.

Why foist that problem onto teachers? Cellphones have no role in the classroom. They should be banned.
Well - I would say weed for two reasons.

#1 - Weed can give the other students a contact high that they may not want. I know, I know. They crazy as hell, but hey - some people just don't like weed.

#2 - I wanted my kids to have a cell, for me, more than any other reason. My kids were in school during the spate of school shootings, and I wanted to be able to call them if needed.
Weed by a mile. At least cell phones can be used in emergencies or to call mom or dad.

Somehow generations survived without it. They could be kept in lockers, but not in the classroom.
Weed by a mile. At least cell phones can be used in emergencies or to call mom or dad.
I'd disagree .. the "thing by a mile" would be the lack of participation from parental units to help and support their children's success. It's clear that parents who fall into this bucket don't give a shit about their child's educational experience. (child .. plural)
Well - I would say weed for two reasons.

#1 - Weed can give the other students a contact high that they may not want. I know, I know. They crazy as hell, but hey - some people just don't like weed.

#2 - I wanted my kids to have a cell, for me, more than any other reason. My kids were in school during the spate of school shootings, and I wanted to be able to call them if needed.

In a sense, what difference does it make if your kid has a phone during a school shooting? Yes, it would be good to know your kid is okay, but they can be used to make matters worse. And really, the chances one of our kids will be involved in a school shooting is pretty remote.

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