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What has become of Sarah Palin and the Tea Party? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 10, 2019
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where are they and what are they doing now?
After she endorsed the orange jesus in 2016, she disappeared.
where are they and what are they doing now?

The Tea Party started out as a good thing but died on the vine when it was usurped by Karl Rove, the Koch bros. and others who turned it into something else entirely.

It was a crying shame as it couid have been the very thing needed. Term limits, campaign finance law changes. A new, non-corporate centric, look at tax law.

What it changed into was super PACs, Citizens United, dark money, the Trump tax cuts. Everything real working and middle classes didn’t need more of.

The Koch’s, Karl Roves, Heritage Foundation’s, A.L.E.C.’s of our world aren’t friends of working folks. The Tea Party started out grass roots with real, actual, conservative, notions. It didn’t stay that way. It went small business to corporate. Real tax reform to donor class tax reform. Real government reduction to only safety nets but leave the military industrial and corporate welfare alone.

Such a shame.

And Sarah Palin was never Tea Party. She was a political conniver and opportunist.
If the Tea Party had started after President GW Bush blew up the deficit, the message may have resonated with more people across the board. By fulminating against the Obama administration, they put their partisanship on display for all to see. They were not wrong in principle, but blatant in selective outrage.
Turns out they really didnt give a crap about taxes and spending after all.

It was all about the hatred of a black President.

Especially one so well spoken, articulate and effective as President Barack Obama. YES WE DID heh heh heh heh.

When that guy talks I can feel my leg start to tingle! BOTH of them!!
The Tea Party members in congress changed there groups name to "The Freedom Caucus". The name is ironic unintentionally because they are not about protecting freedom as much as they are about taking freedoms away.
Palin - to stupid even for the MAGA minions.
Tea Party - not Nazi enough for the MAGA minions.
Yes Palin was stupid but she had incredible eyesight. She proved this by actually being able to see Russia from her house.
ooooups …. i see a lot of answers akready ßß….
I'm sure Palin and Hillary meet for coffee every so often.
It was a mad hatters tea party then ….
The tea party became MAGA, and Sarah Palin is too intellectual for MAGA.
Yes Palin was stupid but she had incredible eyesight. She proved this by actually being able to see Russia from her house.
To be fair, she had to step out to the porch to see it.

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