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What Happened to so-called "The Caravan"? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 28, 2017
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Political Leaning
Not one word about it since election day, last week.

Trump and Republicans Mum on Migrant Caravan Since Election

So, what happened? Answer: Nothing. It was never a major threat. It was never a "National Emergency" as Trump declared. The 15+K US troops that have been deployed on the border are going to spend their Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays away from their families, eating MRE's........for NOTHING, because of a REPUBLICAN POLITICAL STUNT! And at a projected tax-payer cost of $45M-$115M.

There was never any evidence of "gangs like MS-13" within it (as Trump declared).

There were no "leftist groups" (much less, George Soros himself) "secretly funding" it (as FoxNews declared).

There were no "Middle Easterners" secretely imbedded within it (as FoxNews declared).

There was never any evidence of "diseases like Small Pox" (which was eradicated from the earth decades ago, for Pete's sake), or leperasy among them.

It was just a political talking point used to gin up hysteria among the Trumpians and the wingnut crowd. The REAL "caravan", however, remains unchanged. It's STILL mostly just a bunch of Salvadoran and Honduran mothers in flip-flops (and their children) who are fleeing for their lives.

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is what you get when Right-wingers are given the reins to the government. Thankfully, and for the sake of all Americans of good conscience, we (as an American society) have begun taking the necessary corrective measures.
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Not one word about it since election day, last week.

Trump and Republicans Mum on Migrant Caravan Since Election

So, what happened? Answer: Nothing. It was never a major threat. It was never a "National Emergency" as Trump declared. The 15+K US troops that have been deployed on the border are going to spend their Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays away from their families, eating MRE's........for NOTHING, because of a REPUBLICAN POLITICAL STUNT! And at a projected tax-payer cost of $45M-$115M.

There was never any evidence of "gangs like MS-13" within it (as Trump declared).

There were no "leftist groups" (much less, George Soros himself) "secretly funding" it (as FoxNews declared).

There were no "Middle Easterners" secretely imbedded within it (as FoxNews declared).

There was never any evidence of "diseases like Small Pox" (which was eradicated from the earth decades ago, for Pete's sake), or leperasy among them.

It was just a political talking point used to gin up hysteria among the Trumpians and the wingnut crowd. The REAL "caravan", however, remains unchanged. It's STILL mostly just a bunch of Salvadoran and Honduran mothers in flip-flops (and their children) who are fleeing for their lives.

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is what you get when Right-wingers are given the reins to the government. Thankfully, and for the sake of all Americans of good conscience, we (as an American society) have begun taking the necessary corrective measures.

The so-called journalists sure lost interest fast once they figured out that these invading hordes cause all sorts of problems for the D party and the Left generally.
The so-called journalists sure lost interest fast once they figured out that these invading hordes cause all sorts of problems for the D party and the Left generally.

“Invading hordes”? Holy Attila, Batman! Someone doesn’t understand the world and it’s history.
Not one word about it since election day, last week.

Trump and Republicans Mum on Migrant Caravan Since Election

So, what happened? Answer: Nothing. It was never a major threat. It was never a "National Emergency" as Trump declared. The 15+K US troops that have been deployed on the border are going to spend their Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays away from their families, eating MRE's........for NOTHING, because of a REPUBLICAN POLITICAL STUNT! And at a projected tax-payer cost of $45M-$115M.

There was never any evidence of "gangs like MS-13" within it (as Trump declared).

There were no "leftist groups" (much less, George Soros himself) "secretly funding" it (as FoxNews declared).

There were no "Middle Easterners" secretely imbedded within it (as FoxNews declared).

There was never any evidence of "diseases like Small Pox" (which was eradicated from the earth decades ago, for Pete's sake), or leperasy among them.

It was just a political talking point used to gin up hysteria among the Trumpians and the wingnut crowd. The REAL "caravan", however, remains unchanged. It's STILL mostly just a bunch of Salvadoran and Honduran mothers in flip-flops (and their children) who are fleeing for their lives.

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is what you get when Right-wingers are given the reins to the government. Thankfully, and for the sake of all Americans of good conscience, we (as an American society) have begun taking the necessary corrective measures.

I think Trump and his sycophants abandoned it when they realized it cost them the midterms.

Just ask Martha McSally.
“Invading hordes”? Holy Attila, Batman! Someone doesn’t understand the world and it’s history.

Words have established meanings, which I tend to use correctly.
Words have established meanings, which I tend to use correctly.

Then please explain why trump has even stopped talking about it after the midterms like the scum he is.
Then please explain why trump has even stopped talking about it after the midterms like the scum he is.

Whoa, be careful, your objectivity is showing. So, was he scum when he was talking about it, or is he scum because he stopped? Or, are you just irrational and think the president is scum, in general?
I'm posting from my bunker.

Glad to see you back, Tres. :kissy:

I can see your bunker from my vantage point atop the wall.

I'm looking at all those scary peoples trying to come in here to make you go straight with their brawny brown arms. I even see one who must be trying to get in good with Trump. He looks orange.
NPR just ran a segment on how the first people are showing up at the boarder. The Mexican authorities are doing there part to detain them and the US is doing it's part to review applications. They have doubled the number of applicants they review each day.

So that's what's happening with then today
I can see your bunker from my vantage point atop the wall.

I'm looking at all those scary peoples trying to come in here to make you go straight with their brawny brown arms. I even see one who must be trying to get in good with Trump. He looks orange.

It's okay. I've placed a bunch of taco meat around my perimeter, so as to ward the hordes away.
It's okay. I've placed a bunch of taco meat around my perimeter, so as to ward the hordes away.

That's not very culturally sensitive of you. If you leaned a little further right you may face accusations of being a Nazi or a racist for saying that even when it's 100% pure humor.
Whoa, be careful, your objectivity is showing. So, was he scum when he was talking about it, or is he scum because he stopped? Or, are you just irrational and think the president is scum, in general?

Trump is scum plain and simple. So please explain why almost everyday he spoke of the caravan as one of the biggest threats to the US before the midterms but after the midterms nothing?
Whoa, be careful, your objectivity is showing. So, was he scum when he was talking about it, or is he scum because he stopped? Or, are you just irrational and think the president is scum, in general?

He was scum when he was lying constantly and using the caravan to fuel the bedwetting of his idiot base. And we see now that it was just a ploy, which really is just further proof that Donald Trump is a scumbag and that anyone who supports him is a moron.
The so-called journalists sure lost interest fast once they figured out that these invading hordes cause all sorts of problems for the D party and the Left generally.

It was Trump who lost interest. There was a story of one member of the horde and her family in today’s paper.
Not one word about it since election day, last week.

Trump and Republicans Mum on Migrant Caravan Since Election

So, what happened? Answer: Nothing. It was never a major threat. It was never a "National Emergency" as Trump declared. The 15+K US troops that have been deployed on the border are going to spend their Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays away from their families, eating MRE's........for NOTHING, because of a REPUBLICAN POLITICAL STUNT! And at a projected tax-payer cost of $45M-$115M.

There was never any evidence of "gangs like MS-13" within it (as Trump declared).

There were no "leftist groups" (much less, George Soros himself) "secretly funding" it (as FoxNews declared).

There were no "Middle Easterners" secretely imbedded within it (as FoxNews declared).

There was never any evidence of "diseases like Small Pox" (which was eradicated from the earth decades ago, for Pete's sake), or leperasy among them.

It was just a political talking point used to gin up hysteria among the Trumpians and the wingnut crowd. The REAL "caravan", however, remains unchanged. It's STILL mostly just a bunch of Salvadoran and Honduran mothers in flip-flops (and their children) who are fleeing for their lives.

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is what you get when Right-wingers are given the reins to the government. Thankfully, and for the sake of all Americans of good conscience, we (as an American society) have begun taking the necessary corrective measures.

The last time Trump tweeted about "The Caravan" was Oct 31. 15 days ago.

The last time Trump mentioned "border" in a Tweet was on Nov 3rd. 11 days ago.

No mention of troops on the border or immigration after the election.

Republicans got played by the con-man Trump and paid a price for buying into his rhetoric.

And that's nice.
That's not very culturally sensitive of you. If you leaned a little further right you may face accusations of being a Nazi or a racist for saying that even when it's 100% pure humor.

Well, sometimes my humor goes unnoticed. But it's usually when I'm pretending to be an uber MAGA supporter. :2razz:
It was Trump who lost interest. There was a story of one member of the horde and her family in today’s paper.

It was all in the news until the election... Since Trump does not control the news why is he being blamed for the reporting or lack threrof?
Trump is scum plain and simple. So please explain why almost everyday he spoke of the caravan as one of the biggest threats to the US before the midterms but after the midterms nothing?

I do not have to explain anything the president does. If you want an explanation, as him. I heard there might be a free press pass available.
He was scum when he was lying constantly and using the caravan to fuel the bedwetting of his idiot base. And we see now that it was just a ploy, which really is just further proof that Donald Trump is a scumbag and that anyone who supports him is a moron.

It would seem to me that someone who constantly derides the president and half the population of the country would be the real scumbag, but you go with what you know.
It was all in the news until the election... Since Trump does not control the news why is he being blamed for the reporting or lack threrof?

Because he is a fascist.
Not one word about it since election day, last week.

Trump and Republicans Mum on Migrant Caravan Since Election

So, what happened? Answer: Nothing. It was never a major threat. It was never a "National Emergency" as Trump declared. The 15+K US troops that have been deployed on the border are going to spend their Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays away from their families, eating MRE's........for NOTHING, because of a REPUBLICAN POLITICAL STUNT! And at a projected tax-payer cost of $45M-$115M.

There was never any evidence of "gangs like MS-13" within it (as Trump declared).

There were no "leftist groups" (much less, George Soros himself) "secretly funding" it (as FoxNews declared).

There were no "Middle Easterners" secretely imbedded within it (as FoxNews declared).

There was never any evidence of "diseases like Small Pox" (which was eradicated from the earth decades ago, for Pete's sake), or leperasy among them.

It was just a political talking point used to gin up hysteria among the Trumpians and the wingnut crowd. The REAL "caravan", however, remains unchanged. It's STILL mostly just a bunch of Salvadoran and Honduran mothers in flip-flops (and their children) who are fleeing for their lives.

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is what you get when Right-wingers are given the reins to the government. Thankfully, and for the sake of all Americans of good conscience, we (as an American society) have begun taking the necessary corrective measures.

I think the Army has everything under control. When these gold-digging opportunists come knocking on the door, they will be given a number and told to wait outside for their turn.
I do not have to explain anything the president does. If you want an explanation, as him. I heard there might be a free press pass available.

Like I said, you only prove my point. Trump is a piece of **** who only used the caravan as political bull**** for the midterms and now that the midterms are over, he doesn't give a **** about the caravan. Thank you for proving what a piece of **** Trump really is.

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