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What Extreme Right Wing (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Jul 9, 2005
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Liberals have this love for this label,extreme right wing,what extreme right wing ? They have pushed America to the left. I was a centerist democrat most of my life. At the rate things are going I am going to be a Conservative democrat and I wouldn't have changed my ideas one wit .
The extreme Right Wing is not nearly as big as Liberals want to make it seem.
Another phrase they abuse is " christian conservative " Not long ago the word 'christian ' would have suficed .The leadership of mainline christian chuches has become more and more liberal and have been loosing followers at the same time. You will note you dont hear the phrase "liberal christian ".
JOHNYJ said:
Liberals have this love for this label,extreme right wing,what extreme right wing ? They have pushed America to the left. I was a centerist democrat most of my life. At the rate things are going I am going to be a Conservative democrat and I wouldn't have changed my ideas one wit .
The extreme Right Wing is not nearly as big as Liberals want to make it seem.
Another phrase they abuse is " christian conservative " Not long ago the word 'christian ' would have suficed .The leadership of mainline christian chuches has become more and more liberal and have been loosing followers at the same time. You will note you dont hear the phrase "liberal christian ".

I would say those are the ones on the extreme left.

You'll find those are the same "liberals" who adore wacko spokesmen like Michael Moore.....who love to play hardball politics until they get beaned themselves.....who have perfected the use of labels to an art form.

They don't see the perspective of responsible exercise of individual liberty. Liberty and personal responsibility don't count for squat.

They misstate the views of those they disagree with, in order to make their target look not merely silly but nasty, as people so bigoted that they would recklessly insult mankind.

Before we start labeling people, we must recognize that life isn't always a simple matter of choosing good over bad, that there are complexities, gray
areas, conflicts of good versus good....and that WE NEED EACH OTHER.....for
as in the case of any antinomy, it is when the two opposing concepts are in tension with each other that creative thinking and acting occur.
JOHNYJ said:
Liberals have this love for this label,extreme right wing,what extreme right wing ? They have pushed America to the left. I was a centerist democrat most of my life. At the rate things are going I am going to be a Conservative democrat and I wouldn't have changed my ideas one wit .
The extreme Right Wing is not nearly as big as Liberals want to make it seem.
Another phrase they abuse is " christian conservative " Not long ago the word 'christian ' would have suficed .The leadership of mainline christian chuches has become more and more liberal and have been loosing followers at the same time. You will note you dont hear the phrase "liberal christian ".

You hear conservative Christian and not liberal Christian because it is conservatives who are using the goverment to try forcing Christianity on people.
Liberals have this love for this label,extreme right wing,what extreme right wing ? They have pushed America to the left. I was a centerist democrat most of my life. At the rate things are going I am going to be a Conservative democrat and I wouldn't have changed my ideas one wit .
The extreme Right Wing is not nearly as big as Liberals want to make it seem.
Another phrase they abuse is " christian conservative " Not long ago the word 'christian ' would have suficed .The leadership of mainline christian chuches has become more and more liberal and have been loosing followers at the same time. You will note you dont hear the phrase "liberal christian ".

Yu have a good point. But it all goes back to tolerance. They say their the ones who preach and pedastol tolerance but they have none inregards to any republican or conservative. Democrats and liberals these days have their ideologies foundations put on a hypocritical base. Its all hypocrisy. I can on on all night about how they are hypocrites and also how conservatives are hypocrites too m=but nowhere near as much as liberals
Another phrase they abuse is " christian conservative " Not long ago the word 'christian ' would have suficed .The leadership of mainline christian chuches has become more and more liberal and have been loosing followers at the same time. You will note you dont hear the phrase "liberal christian ".

If you throw the word liberal onto any religious affiliation,then you might as well be adding the word fake to christian,muslim,or judiasm any time you state liberal christian,liberal jew,and or liberal muslim.

Liberal christians are not real christians,that is why they do not defend God's commandments in a courthouse and any other public building and make fun of the commandments.The liberal christians do not uphold any of God's commandments or they pick and choose which commandments to obey and claim the rest of commandments were written by extreamist/zealots/pharasies.And they think Jesus made sin legal in God's eyes.
Liberal Jews are not real jews they claim to be jewish only because their parents are jewish.The liberal jews does not uphold any of God's commandments or they pick and choose which commandments to obey and claim the rest of commandments were written by extreamist.
Liberal muslims are not real muslims.They are just fake a liberal christian or liberal jew.
jamesrage said:
If you throw the word liberal onto any religious affiliation,then you might as well be adding the word fake to christian,muslim,or judiasm any time you state liberal christian,liberal jew,and or liberal muslim.

Liberal christians are not real christians,that is why they do not defend God's commandments in a courthouse and any other public building and make fun of the commandments.The liberal christians do not uphold any of God's commandments or they pick and choose which commandments to obey and claim the rest of commandments were written by extreamist/zealots/pharasies.And they think Jesus made sin legal in God's eyes.
Liberal Jews are not real jews they claim to be jewish only because their parents are jewish.The liberal jews does not uphold any of God's commandments or they pick and choose which commandments to obey and claim the rest of commandments were written by extreamist.
Liberal muslims are not real muslims.They are just fake a liberal christian or liberal jew.

Wow. How goes the jihad Jamesrage? Killed any infidels lately? Nice of you to encourage the non extremist muslims of the world to take up arms and join the mullahs by calling them fake. I guess if your a muslim but not an islamofascist you must have something wrong with you.

Personally, i see the difference between liberal and conservative christians to be one of emphasis. Liberals emphasize Christs committment to love and compassion, the old "let he who is without sin cast the first stone" bit, the hanging out with lepers and prostitutes and other outcasts, the "blessed are the peacemakers" speech, and interpret Jesus's statement that he is the way to indicate trying to follow a christlike life. To us, that is the most important part of the Bible.

Conservatives prefer Leviticus, "an eye for an eye", Sodom and Gomorrah, killing every man, woman, child and ox, Saint Pauls more conservative writings, and the only Jesus quote they like is the one about bringing a sword. They interpret Jesus being the way as meaning a direct spiritual action, rather than one grounded in action or philosophy.

It all comes from the same book, people take from it what makes the most sense to them.
jamesrage said:
The liberal christians do not uphold any of God's commandments or they pick and choose which commandments to obey and claim the rest of commandments were written by extreamist/zealots/pharasies.And they think Jesus made sin legal in God's eyes.
And conservative Christians pick and choose which Biblical laws to obey and claim the rest were written by God only for specific people at a specific time. What else is new?

To me, extreme right wing is:

- Opposing any form of public funding to help the unemployed or disadvantaged.
- Supporting lassez faire capitalism.
- Supporting a church-state.
- Willingness to hunt animal species to extinction.
- Believing a religious text over science.
- Racist and sexist.
How about "Bullshit Christian?"

These are the ones that think it's possible to be "pro-God" and "pro-War" at the same time.
There are those so called christians? mostly on the left that think that christianity is a suicide pact. The Prime example is 1930's Europe and the continual appeasment of Hitler. Chamberlain & De'Ladiea's policies could be described as chistian? What did they acomplish, 32,000,000, dead and even more injured . There are and were JUST WAR'S . True Christianity is not a suicide pact !
why do we seek to label anything?

Isn't that a bit too easy? things are much more complex than that...

and why do all talk show radio hosts have alcohol and drug problems, overweight, and just insult one particular group of people over and over?
Originally posted by 128shot:
why do we seek to label anything?
I ask myself this question a lot. People call me a liberal. But I've never thought of myself in those terms. Even today, after researching the issue, I have liberal views in some areas and conservative views in others. If I had to put a label on myself, I'd call myself a voter. An American Voter. Aligning with one party or the other is like drawing lines in the sand. "Cross this line, and you die!" As soon as you cross it, they draw another line and say, "Cross THIS line and you die!" And on and on it goes....

Originally posted by 128shot:
Isn't that a bit too easy? things are much more complex than that...
This exactly why people do it. Because its easy. Just label someone a bleeding heart liberal, and call it a day. It's so ridiculous. The more they label, the more I know they don't have a valid arguement.

Originally posted by 128shot:
and why do all talk show radio hosts have alcohol and drug problems, overweight, and just insult one particular group of people over and over?
Ratings. Ratings. Ratings..........by trying to act like Howard (who doesn't have any drug or alcohol problems, just FCC ones).
To me, extreme right wing is:

- Opposing any form of public funding to help the unemployed or disadvantaged.
- Supporting lassez faire capitalism.
- Supporting a church-state.
- Willingness to hunt animal species to extinction.
- Believing a religious text over science.
- Racist and sexist.

I do support some funding to help[/B(not hand outs) the unemployed and disadvantaged.
I support capitalism to a certian extent.Although I think companies that have a virtual monopoly should have price controll enforced.For example the oil companies,drug comapies.
I do support things like the ten commandments and pledge of alliegiance on tax payer funded property.
I think hunting is great,but measures should in place so that animals are not hunted to extintion or wasted.Perhaps you never heard of conservationism , it is being a envirometenalist with out all the pinko commie blame america bullshit.
Well as a christian, meaning a beleaver in a supream being that is fully capable of anything is capable of creating the earth in seven days.
I am not racist and I am not sexist.You would proable find most people in my city to be a fundalmentalist christian reguardless of race.
YamiB. said:
You hear conservative Christian and not liberal Christian because it is conservatives who are using the goverment to try forcing Christianity on people.

how so, how does the gov't force Christain views on people, abortion? That's not a religious matter it's a constitutional one now I know life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness isn't in the constitution it's in the declaration of independence but it does say in the fifth amendment that the gov't cannot relieve anyone of their life, liberty or property without due process, furthermore; the constitution go's on to say that any powers not expressly given to the federal gov't should be left up to the individual states, perhaps the ten commandments in the courtroom thing then? Didn't know if you noticed it but they were removed and the reason why they were there in the first place was not religious in nature in actuallity are the basis for English common law which was brought over to the colonies and formed the pretext for U.S. common law. O.K. gay marriage, again this is a matter of legality congress passed and president Clinton signed the: "in defense of marriage act," eight years ago which states that marriage is b/w one man and one woman, and again this is not a religious matter it is a sociological one the purpose of the institution of marriage is primarily for procreation when that system which has been with us for thousands of years breaks down we're all going to be in some trouble.
Look, I am not a member of the extreme left. I am a Democrat, but more of a centrist one than anything. In fact, there are times I support moderate Republicans over Democrats.

That said, there is simply no doubt about it that the Republican leadership by and large is a lot further to the right of center than the Democratic leadership is to the left of center. Many Republican leaders are as far to the right as the green party is to the left. Thats a fact. Barry Goldwater represented the far right of the Republican Party in 1964. Today, he would at best be a moderate Republican. Arlen Specter in the 60s was at the far right of the Republican Party, today he is one of the more liberal Republicans. He didnt change, the Republican Party did. Ronald Reagan was more conservative than any president before or since. Yet most Republican leaders are every bit as conservative as Ronald Reagan was.

Democrats are less liberal today than they were 40 years ago. By and large, JFK was far more liberal on most issues than todays Democrats. He referred to himself as a proud liberal in the same line as FDR.

Notice I am refering to political ideology, not social liberalism. A lot of people get the two confused. The nation is more socially liberal today than ever before, the nation will be more socially liberal in 10 years than it is today. That change is a constant.
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RE : Southern Democrat / #14
In what way isnt the democrat party far left ? I admit they maybe some what more frugal than the Republicans on,moey,Strange as that seems.
Their leftist social ideas are what dominates in the democratic party.
JOHNYJ said:
RE : Southern Democrat / #14
In what way isnt the democrat party far left ? I admit they maybe some what more frugal than the Republicans on,moey,Strange as that seems.
Their leftist social ideas are what dominates in the democratic party.

What leftist socialist ideas?

Go to the DNC website, read the party platform, and pick out those socialist ideas.
You know what a "liberal" and a "conservative"are nowadays? A "conservative" is someone who supports Bush and everything that he says and everything the liberals bring up is bullshit. A "liberal" is someone who hates Bush and opposes every one of his ideas and everything the "conservatives" say is bullshit. . . . .

Or at least that has been my impression lmao. Cause it seems like its either Right or Left, Black and White, Up and Down. There isn't any room for people to agree with you but disagree also. You either have to absolutely oppose the other side or you end up supporting them some way.
SouthernDemocrat said:
Look, I am not a member of the extreme left. I am a Democrat, but more of a centrist one than anything. In fact, there are times I support moderate Republicans over Democrats.

That said, there is simply no doubt about it that the Republican leadership by and large is a lot further to the right of center than the Democratic leadership is to the left of center. Many Republican leaders are as far to the right as the green party is to the left. Thats a fact. Barry Goldwater represented the far right of the Republican Party in 1964. Today, he would at best be a moderate Republican. Arlen Specter in the 60s was at the far right of the Republican Party, today he is one of the more liberal Republicans. He didnt change, the Republican Party did. Ronald Reagan was more conservative than any president before or since. Yet most Republican leaders are every bit as conservative as Ronald Reagan was.

Democrats are less liberal today than they were 40 years ago. By and large, JFK was far more liberal on most issues than todays Democrats. He referred to himself as a proud liberal in the same line as FDR.

Notice I am refering to political ideology, not social liberalism. A lot of people get the two confused. The nation is more socially liberal today than ever before, the nation will be more socially liberal in 10 years than it is today. That change is a constant.

If the Dem party hasn't gone far left then how do you explain Dean heading the DNC, furthermore; if you actually listen to Bush and see what he's doing he is one of the most liberal Reps to ever enter the white house, why do you think he's losing alot of support from the conservatives in the Rep party?
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
If the Dem party hasn't gone far left then how do you explain Dean heading the DNC, furthermore; if you actually listen to Bush and see what he's doing he is one of the most liberal Reps to ever enter the white house, why do you think he's losing alot of support from the conservatives in the Rep party?

Deans rhetoric is out there, but, look at his positions in the issues. The guy had a 100% rating from the NRA while Governor of Vermont. Dean governs as moderate as it gets. Civil Unions was his only liberal position.
To be an extremist to me means one who would have only thier way of thinking so in truth there are very few of these individuals on the right or the left. No one advocates the dissolution of the opposition, do they' if you do you then go against all the tenents that this nation is built upon. Without liberals, consevatives would be dicators and visa.versa. Does anyone here support that position?

Americans, by nature are and in the world view are right of center. Even the Democrats are a far cry from European or Japanese liberals. In those countries even the Democrats would be considered right of center. Our two political parties are like separate branches of the same conservative grouping. This is why we have such a difficulty explaining who we are on the international stage. We even non-plus our Canadian neighbors. We also try to define other nations politics by our own lables and so we have little understanding of other nation's political definitions as they do ours.

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