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What does India have that we don't? (1 Viewer)


All Lives Matter or No Lives Matter
DP Veteran
Mar 18, 2018
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San Diego
Political Leaning
Looking at the Worldometer daily charts I've noticed someone interesting. India, a country with 1.3 billion people somehow has had few COVID cases than us: 5.6 million vs our 7.0 million; has had slightly more recoveries 4.5 mil vs our 4.3 mil, has less than a million active cases vs our 2.5 million and has about 9000 "serious/critical" cases. BUT, the most interesting stat I've been noticing is the "daily recover" columnn (click on "columns" button, scroll down and click checkbox). On a day to day basis India is kicking our ass on getting COVID sufferers back on the their feet.

One of the prime reasons for this is that India as a nation doesn't suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome rather than listen to medical advice and has been aggressively using HCQ. Maybe we should take a lesson from India?
Looking at the Worldometer daily charts I've noticed someone interesting. India, a country with 1.3 billion people somehow has had few COVID cases than us: 5.6 million vs our 7.0 million; has had slightly more recoveries 4.5 mil vs our 4.3 mil, has less than a million active cases vs our 2.5 million and has about 9000 "serious/critical" cases. BUT, the most interesting stat I've been noticing is the "daily recover" columnn (click on "columns" button, scroll down and click checkbox). On a day to day basis India is kicking our ass on getting COVID sufferers back on the their feet.

One of the prime reasons for this is that India as a nation doesn't suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome rather than listen to medical advice and has been aggressively using HCQ. Maybe we should take a lesson from India?
Yes, trump is deranged and has not been endorsing the medical advice given.
Looking at the Worldometer daily charts I've noticed someone interesting. India, a country with 1.3 billion people somehow has had few COVID cases than us: 5.6 million vs our 7.0 million; has had slightly more recoveries 4.5 mil vs our 4.3 mil, has less than a million active cases vs our 2.5 million and has about 9000 "serious/critical" cases. BUT, the most interesting stat I've been noticing is the "daily recover" columnn (click on "columns" button, scroll down and click checkbox). On a day to day basis India is kicking our ass on getting COVID sufferers back on the their feet.

One of the prime reasons for this is that India as a nation doesn't suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome rather than listen to medical advice and has been aggressively using HCQ. Maybe we should take a lesson from India?

They got it later after the virus had mutated to be less deadly? Their numbers are factored differently? Differing culture or demographics? Maybe their constant exposure to disease makes them hardier?

Or could be as you say, theyve learned from the rest of the world what works. But its too early to tell, they currently have the most rapid infection rate. And worldometer is not a trusted source.
Yes, trump is deranged and has not been endorsing the medical advice given.
Ever heard the saying "better to remain silent and be thought ignorant than to speak and remove all doubt"?
They got it later after the virus had mutated to be less deadly? Their numbers are factored differently? Differing culture or demographics? Maybe their constant exposure to disease makes them hardier?

Or could be as you say, theyve learned from the rest of the world what works. But its too early to tell, they currently have the most rapid infection rate. And worldometer is not a trusted source.
Or maybe the left was so worried that HCQ would cut over numbers they'd lose a weapon against Trump in the election?
On what basis do you call worldometer "not a trusted source"?
yes, things would have been better if Trump remained quite and let the experts lead.
LOL, where do you think Trump was getting the things he said? Fauci has said Trump listened to his advice and acted quickly on it. He also said he agreed with Trump's comments. Oh, and Birx and Fauci have been working with state governors for months to help them deal.
Or maybe the left was so worried that HCQ would cut over numbers they'd lose a weapon against Trump in the election?
On what basis do you call worldometer "not a trusted source"?
There's a few stories about it. Their ownership and methods are mysterious and unaccountable. They may very well be accurate, but its sort of like wikipedia, except less transparent.

Or maybe the left was so worried that HCQ would cut over numbers they'd lose a weapon against Trump in the election?
On what basis do you call worldometer "not a trusted source"?
No, Im not that cynical. If they thought HCQ was credible they would use it. However, given the mixed studies on HCQ, they took advantage to spin it as a hoax because Trump liked it. Much like anything on both sides, partisanship trumps everything.
Looking at the Worldometer daily charts I've noticed someone interesting. India, a country with 1.3 billion people somehow has had few COVID cases than us: 5.6 million vs our 7.0 million; has had slightly more recoveries 4.5 mil vs our 4.3 mil, has less than a million active cases vs our 2.5 million and has about 9000 "serious/critical" cases. BUT, the most interesting stat I've been noticing is the "daily recover" columnn (click on "columns" button, scroll down and click checkbox). On a day to day basis India is kicking our ass on getting COVID sufferers back on the their feet.

One of the prime reasons for this is that India as a nation doesn't suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome rather than listen to medical advice and has been aggressively using HCQ. Maybe we should take a lesson from India?

What they have is lack of testing among the poor. What your source of information does not also say is India has the fastest growing number of cases per capita in the world right now https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/28/world/asia/india-coronavirus.html. Of course much of that is they are finally testing a lot more. That means much of the cases they had before were unreported. The average age of India is lower, and they tend to be much less obese than Western society, which contributes to a lower mortality rate.

bcg vaccine?
What they have is lack of testing among the poor. What your source of information does not also say is India has the fastest growing number of cases per capita in the world right now https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/28/world/asia/india-coronavirus.html
LOL, yeah, NYT has to grasp anything to keep the TDS alive. That link is a month old. Today is 09/22/2020. Get some current info and get back to us.
LOL, yeah, NYT has to grasp anything to keep the TDS alive. That link is a month old. Today is 09/22/2020. Get some current info and get back to us.

What does what happens in India have to do with Trump?? It sounds like there is a projection there. The virus and how it reacts to populations has nothing to do with politics.
What does what happens in India have to do with Trump?? It sounds like there is a projection there. The virus and how it reacts to populations has nothing to do with politics.
Did you actually read the post? Need any help with the big words? India's using a treatment WE SHOULD BE - except Trump happened to have mentioned it.
Did you actually read the post? Need any help with the big words? India's using a treatment WE SHOULD BE - except Trump happened to have mentioned it.

And, it's not working.
Maybe on average they inject more bleach than we do.
Looking at the Worldometer daily charts I've noticed someone interesting. India, a country with 1.3 billion people somehow has had few COVID cases than us: 5.6 million vs our 7.0 million; has had slightly more recoveries 4.5 mil vs our 4.3 mil, has less than a million active cases vs our 2.5 million and has about 9000 "serious/critical" cases. BUT, the most interesting stat I've been noticing is the "daily recover" columnn (click on "columns" button, scroll down and click checkbox). On a day to day basis India is kicking our ass on getting COVID sufferers back on the their feet.

One of the prime reasons for this is that India as a nation doesn't suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome rather than listen to medical advice and has been aggressively using HCQ. Maybe we should take a lesson from India?
It looks better than the reality. Let's not forget that India is a poor country, mainly rural and undeveloped in nature, so reporting infections in rural communities combined with the unbelievably complex bureaucracy which Indians live under, is going to be seriously compromised resulting in underreporting and gross inaccuracy. I suspect India's numbers are far, far worse than they appear.
India's public health system is also weak and underfunded, so that should also be taken into consideration-as well as the fact that the virus hit India later than many other places, so in effect they're playing catch-up.
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Looking at the Worldometer daily charts I've noticed someone interesting. India, a country with 1.3 billion people somehow has had few COVID cases than us: 5.6 million vs our 7.0 million; has had slightly more recoveries 4.5 mil vs our 4.3 mil, has less than a million active cases vs our 2.5 million and has about 9000 "serious/critical" cases. BUT, the most interesting stat I've been noticing is the "daily recover" columnn (click on "columns" button, scroll down and click checkbox). On a day to day basis India is kicking our ass on getting COVID sufferers back on the their feet.

One of the prime reasons for this is that India as a nation doesn't suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome rather than listen to medical advice and has been aggressively using HCQ. Maybe we should take a lesson from India?

Would not even try to compare the two countries. There are some stark differences and the amount of infections and deaths in India is highly underreported. This is due to a caste system, racism, and a very poor healthcare system.

I would say.. add a zero behind the Indian numbers and then maybe you might be in the actual ballpark.
It looks better than the reality. Let's not forget that India is a poor country, mainly rural and undeveloped in nature, so reporting infections in rural communities combined with the unbelievably complex bureaucracy which Indians live under, is going to be seriously compromised resulting in underreporting and gross inaccuracy. I suspect India's numbers are far, far worse than they appear.
India's public health system is also weak and underfunded, so that should also be taken into consideration-as well as the fact that the virus hit India later than many other places, so in effect they're playing catch-up.

Not even sure they are playing catch-up per say. Its their lack of infrastructure, and frankly a government that dont give a crap about most of the population.. both which contribute to distorted numbers. I have a friend who was in India in January, and came back to Spain with "something" that can only be described as a strange flu. He believes it was Covid-19 to this day. The virus has been rampaging through India for far longer than official numbers state and the infection rate and death toll are far higher.

People forget that India is actually highly racist and sexist country, especially when it comes to current government. Modi is a hindu fascist basically... a Trump on steroids. That means the under reporting and testing of the lower castes and Muslim/Christian populations of India is massive, and it is here that the spread will have gone very fast due to poor close living conditions.
Looking at the Worldometer daily charts I've noticed someone interesting. India, a country with 1.3 billion people somehow has had few COVID cases than us: 5.6 million vs our 7.0 million; has had slightly more recoveries 4.5 mil vs our 4.3 mil, has less than a million active cases vs our 2.5 million and has about 9000 "serious/critical" cases. BUT, the most interesting stat I've been noticing is the "daily recover" columnn (click on "columns" button, scroll down and click checkbox). On a day to day basis India is kicking our ass on getting COVID sufferers back on the their feet.

One of the prime reasons for this is that India as a nation doesn't suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome rather than listen to medical advice and has been aggressively using HCQ. Maybe we should take a lesson from India?

And the curry too- eating it porbably has an effect. ;)

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