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What does an actual aborted child look like? (1 Viewer)

Welcome to Debate Politics!


The URL doesn't work, but I am not sure that I want to see it.
Thanks for the warm welcome! This was ment to change the views of those liberal activists who have to see to believe. :)
One of our members wrote an article about abortion - check it out under the articles section.
Personally, I think a live baby that's just out of the womb is not a pretty sight. That doesn't prove anything (even if I could see it :p).

3 months. Cut off is then.
vauge said:
The URL doesn't work, but I am not sure that I want to see it.
Ironically, I thought that the link did work since there was nothing there when I clicked on the link. (And yes, I do have a morbid sense of humor, why do you ask? )
No you don't want to see it but you need to.When I was a teenager I seen a film called "Silent Scream". It showed an abortion being done through an ultrasound and described tecnique.The abortion doctor crams a tube into the womb.The tube has a suction that sucks up the body of the baby.(Ultrasound picture showed the baby pulling away from tube and his/her mouth opening when tube touch him/her) The baby's head is torn off from the body because the body fits and the head does not.(the doctors use code words like #1 for the body and #2 for the head) They remove the head with some kind of a plier-like tool by crushing it, then sucking out the pieces with the suction tube....It's a horrible thing that has happened over a million times.
Yeah, I also don't need to see pictures from a slaughterhouse again. On the other hand, that's not stopped me from having delicious steaks and burgers. I'm just sayin'.
There is a flaw in your terminology. I think you mean to say aborted foetus, not child. Your English is very bad.
{{There is a flaw in your terminology. I think you mean to say aborted foetus, not child. Your English is very bad.}}.....No Ms. Franklin that IS correct english. People call the baby a fetus to depersonalise the situation.The baby has fingerprints even his/her own DNA.
alienken said:
{{There is a flaw in your terminology. I think you mean to say aborted foetus, not child. Your English is very bad.}}.....No Ms. Franklin that IS correct english. People call the baby a fetus to depersonalise the situation.The baby has fingerprints even his/her own DNA.

No, they call a foetus a foetus because it is a foetus. It's like we call a chair a chair because it's, ummm, a chair! :screwy

DNA and finger prints? Well, a bacterium has its own DNA. Are you absolutely oppossed to the use of antibiotics and disinfectants? And what, exactly, is the sifnificance of some patterns on the finger tips? Are they the seat of the alleged soul? Was each line put there by the alleged god him/her/itself? :rolleyes:
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alienken said:
{{There is a flaw in your terminology. I think you mean to say aborted foetus, not child. Your English is very bad.}}.....No Ms. Franklin that IS correct english. People call the baby a fetus to depersonalise the situation.The baby has fingerprints even his/her own DNA.

No, people call the foetus a baby to over emotionalise the issue.
Naughty Nurse provides an excellent answer above.

And it's Miss Franklin.
Naughty Nurse said:
No, they call a foetus a foetus because it is a foetus. It's like we call a chair a chair because it's, ummm, a chair! :screwy

DNA and finger prints? Well, a bacterium has its own DNA. Are you absolutely oppossed to the use of antibiotics and disinfectants? And what, exactly, is the sifnificance of some patterns on the finger tips? Are they the seat of the alleged soul? Was each line put there by the alleged god him/her/itself? :rolleyes:
Your whole response is ridiculous.Your comparing a bacteria with a baby. And yes, crack a biology book if you like and count the fingers toes and hands. Roll your eyes all you want but MISS
Franklin, it's a baby!
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alienken said:
Your whole response is ridiculous.Your comparing a bacteria with a baby.

No. The person who raised the issue of DNA was your good self. I merely pointed out that this is a meaningless argument.
A developing baby has a heartbeat at just 22 days after conception. The baby is starting to develop teeth under the gums in just 8 weeks. At week 9 the babys fingers and thumb have taken shape. At week 10 the baby is able to move and all of the joints are formed. By week 12 the baby's respitory system and nearly all of the organs are formed.

Only someone with no heart could terminate something like that. What is inside of you is a baby, your baby.
Welcome to Debate Politics!

No argument here. I do not understand how these facts are ignored.
vauge said:
Welcome to Debate Politics!

No argument here. I do not understand how these facts are ignored.
The facts aren't ignored, it's just that the line has to be drawn in the sand somewhere. The problem is, for some, it's at birth, for some it's at conception, for the Supreme Court in Roe V. Wade it's after the first semester (and after that it's up to the individual state's interpretation).

That's problem one.

Problem two is if you claim that life begins at conception, how do you limit or grant a government's role in protection of it?

1)Do you stop at abortions?
2)Do you consider it a homicide if a person kills the fetus?
3)Is it considered felonious child abuse if a mother drinks/smokes/does drugs or otherwise harmful activities while pregnant?
4)Should the mother be charged with manslaughter/murder if the infant is miscarried by doing harmful activities?
5)Should there be a perfunctory investigation if there is a miscarriage, just in case?

I could go on and on (and often I do :D ), my point is that you redraw the lines in the sand and you open Pandora's box for a lot of problems.

Here's a "fun fact" for the day. In California and Kansas, minor boys statutorily raped by adult women must pay child support to the criminals who raped him. In one case, the boy was drugged before sex. :eek:
shuamort said:
The facts aren't ignored, it's just that the line has to be drawn in the sand somewhere. The problem is, for some, it's at birth, for some it's at conception, for the Supreme Court in Roe V. Wade it's after the first semester (and after that it's up to the individual state's interpretation).

That's problem one.

Problem two is if you claim that life begins at conception, how do you limit or grant a government's role in protection of it?

1)Do you stop at abortions?
2)Do you consider it a homicide if a person kills the fetus?
3)Is it considered felonious child abuse if a mother drinks/smokes/does drugs or otherwise harmful activities while pregnant?
4)Should the mother be charged with manslaughter/murder if the infant is miscarried by doing harmful activities?
5)Should there be a perfunctory investigation if there is a miscarriage, just in case?

I could go on and on (and often I do :D ), my point is that you redraw the lines in the sand and you open Pandora's box for a lot of problems.

Here's a "fun fact" for the day. In California and Kansas, minor boys statutorily raped by adult women must pay child support to the criminals who raped him. In one case, the boy was drugged before sex. :eek:

First off, no law says that, it was just a judge interpreting things differenly.

And here is what an aborted fetus at several months looks like...click if you want to see, but it ain't pretty.


Nevertheless, it does not change my view. Until 6 months, the fetus has no brain waves that are concious, they are all subconcious. Until that point, brain activity which usually defines life int he ER does not exist and frankly, here, does not exist. So click the picture of the aborted fetus if you wanna see.
alienken said:
Your whole response is ridiculous.Your comparing a bacteria with a baby. And yes, crack a biology book if you like and count the fingers toes and hands.

Why are you directing your response at me when you're responding to Naughty Nurse's (very correct) post, not mine? Learn to read.

alienken said:

That's better. Glad you've learned some R-E-S-P-E-C-T, that foetus ain't no baby, R-E-S-P-E-C-T, open up your eyes and see..........
ShamMol said:

So click the picture of the aborted fetus if you wanna see.

I think your key word here is "several" I would be interested to know just how many months?
This appears to me very large to be within the legal limit in most countries where abortion is legal. I've seen many abortions - never with an end result like that. And that's exactly why the anti-abortionists have chosen such an image. This is, frankly, untypical, and specially designed to be emotive.
I would like to know where this picture came from? And if they can vouch for it's authenticity, at just how many months gestation did this procedure take place?
Asherz said:
A developing baby has a heartbeat at just 22 days after conception. The baby is starting to develop teeth under the gums in just 8 weeks. At week 9 the babys fingers and thumb have taken shape. At week 10 the baby is able to move and all of the joints are formed. By week 12 the baby's respitory system and nearly all of the organs are formed.

Only someone with no heart could terminate something like that. What is inside of you is a baby, your baby.

Politics in a free society is not the best place for Emotion. Imagine the society we would have if we made decisions based on "only someone with no heart" type arguments:

1. we kill innocent children (born), women, men, young and old in wars/military action each year. IT IS NECESSARY TO KEEP US FREE. Imagine someone saying, "only someone with no heart" could support the killing of innocent Afgani children. Those who argue we don't do it on purpose are fooling themselves. We lock up criminals each day for the unintended consequences of their behavior, esp. when they knew or should have known it was possible. We as a country must make tough decisions to eliminate our enemies, even when we know thousands of our friends will be harmed in the process.

2. it is very disgusting to know of, and/or view the slaughter of our food. Cows, pigs, chickens, etc. Yet, most of us love to eat the flesh of animals. I know I do.

3. It is not a pleasant site to view what a doctor does to humans in the name of science. They often show these surgeries live on TLC. Most people "with heart" can't watch. I know I can't. They show very graphic and gruesome parts of humans. We take parts out, put plastic and other foreign parts in. We purposefully make people unconscious, then we operate. An emotional person might not want this...

4. Almost every boy is circumsized. This is painful apparently. I don't remember. People "with hearts" might find it barbaric.

Abortion is the killling of a potential human being. Until birth there is only one human being including a fetus that belongs to her. Once the ambilical cord is cut there are two people deserving of human rights protection.

Imagine if we honestly believed a fetus was a human being:

1. would you debate whether its' ok to kill a 60 year old man, a 20 year old girl, a 5 year old? If people went around stabbing them with scissors and suctioning out their brains, would you disagree and then just vote pro-life? No. you would demand that violence be met with righteous violence from the police. Or you'd do something to protect the victim if possible. The fact that people accept the debate, proves that this is theory and not reality.

2. Imagine what would really need to be done to give each unborn child: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. A woman would need to be under govt. watch before and during pregnancy all the time, in some way. Technology will allow abortions by a simple pill. Women can harm the fetus through eating the wrong fish, drinking too much alcohol, engaging in dangerous activity. People who honestly believe a fetus is human would have to protect the child the same as a 4 year old. If I give my 4 year old a beer, I'd get arrested, and the state would take my child. There are some women who are told by doctors to stay off their feet 100%, and the women refuse. The govt. would need to protect the child, and force them to stay off their feet. The examples are endless, and the enforcement a nightmare. If the laws aren't expanded drastically, and enforced vigorously, then we wouldn't be treating the unborn children the same as born people.

I know it sounds good, and many people feel good to say I'm "pro-life", but the country we would need to make it truly pro-life would be worse than communism.

That's why just like war, a free society needs to leave abortion rights as a least worst choice.

Craig Farmer
making the word "liberal" safe again!
Urethra Franklin said:
Why are you directing your response at me when you're responding to Naughty Nurse's (very correct) post, not mine? Learn to read.
Why of course i can read! this might really impress you but I have to brag about my 3rd grade education. Yep, I know my numbers too!
alienken said:
Why of course i can read! this might really impress you but I have to brag about my 3rd grade education. Yep, I know my numbers too!

Sadly they didn't teach you that 'I' when referring to yourself should always be a capital letter. By 'yep' one assumes you mean 'yes'.
Urethra Franklin said:
I think your key word here is "several" I would be interested to know just how many months?
This appears to me very large to be within the legal limit in most countries where abortion is legal. I've seen many abortions - never with an end result like that. And that's exactly why the anti-abortionists have chosen such an image. This is, frankly, untypical, and specially designed to be emotive.
I would like to know where this picture came from? And if they can vouch for it's authenticity, at just how many months gestation did this procedure take place?
I prefer to see Samuel Armas while he was still in the womb. This one has a happy ending.


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