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What do you think about this 10:10 campaign video? (1 Viewer)

What do you think about the movie?

  • It's amazing, it really speaks my views

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • It's good, but it could give the wrong message

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It's disgusting, but I still believe we should cut emissions

    Votes: 3 42.9%
  • It's disgusting and I believe AGW is a scam!

    Votes: 3 42.9%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
Jul 3, 2009
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Oslo, Norway
Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
10:10 campaign is a originally British campaign where they are calling for a 10% reduction in carbon emissions in 2010. They ask people to make changes in their daily life to reduce their carbon footprint. As of June 2010, 75,000 individuals, businesses, schools and organisations have joined the campaign and pledged to reduce their emissions by 10% in a year.

However, they decided to make a campaign movie, which I find utterly disgusting (not because of the blood) and I'm not a climate skeptic. I want to hear your opinion about it in the poll above.

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It is somewhat funny, but sends the signal that those who are skeptical or opposed are useless, blah, blah.... I think it hurts the goal rather than helps.
It is somewhat funny, but sends the signal that those who are skeptical or opposed are useless, blah, blah.... I think it hurts the goal rather than helps.
Funny? What's funny about the movie? Did you laugh when they blew the kids up because they disagreed? But yeah, I think it hurts their goal as well. That's why skeptics are trying to make it viral.

But I wonder how this movie even got through. Movies like this aren't cheap and some pretty high ranked people have approved the project. Not for one second did they stop and think, "wait, maybe some people will find it disgusting that we are blowing up dissenters, especially kids." It scares me, because it says something about the values of many GW believers.
Funny? What's funny about the movie? Did you laugh when they blew the kids up because they disagreed? But yeah, I think it hurts their goal as well. That's why skeptics are trying to make it viral.

But I wonder how this movie even got through. Movies like this aren't cheap and some pretty high ranked people have approved the project. Not for one second did they stop and think, "wait, maybe some people will find it disgusting that we are blowing up dissenters, especially kids." It scares me, because it says something about the values of many GW believers.

It was meant to be somewhat comical, I found it to be. I do not think anyone was actually believing you should actually blow dissenters-up, but maybe I am wrong. In regards to most believers of GW, I am sure many are quite frustrated that their efforts are thwarted in reducing emissions, and that they are abused verbally by many dissenters. This was their "revenge" of sorts I believe. But as there are many sensitive people that are upset by such things, I think, as I previously stated that it hurts more than helps. I should hope that the activists of this movement are not such zealots as to find this ad anything more than dark humor, but who knows, there are certainly many crazies out there....
It's really not helping the perception that environmentalism is its own religion when they make their own version of "non-believers will burn in hell".

I get that it's supposed to be funny or something, but the fact that they'd think it's funny and not outright offensive says just as much about their mindset. Then again, maybe they knew it would be offensive and put it out to get themselves a lot more publicity than they would otherwise. It's certainly working, if that's the case.
Then again, maybe they knew it would be offensive and put it out to get themselves a lot more publicity than they would otherwise. It's certainly working, if that's the case.

That's not the case. They had their own video up first, but removed it because of all the negative comments and the thumbs downs they got.
Seriously, the degree to which these people are out-of-touch is mind-boggling:

There will be blood

"Doing nothing about climate change is still a fairly common affliction, even in this day and age. What to do with those people, who are together threatening everybody's existence on this planet? Clearly we don't really think they should be blown up, that's just a joke for the mini-movie, but maybe a little amputating would be a good place to start?" jokes 10:10 founder and Age of Stupid film maker Franny Armstrong.

Ha ha, amputation. Have these people ever even met anyone with different views than them? It's very much like a Christian fundamentalist who's never known any openly gay person laughing about how all homos will burn in hell for spreading the will of Satan. I don't find it so much appalling as I find it fascinating. It really is so much like a religion, complete with holier-than-thou fundamentalists.

They also seem to be completely ignorant on the very issue they're pushing:
"We 'killed' five people to make No Pressure – a mere blip compared to the 300,000 real people who now die each year from climate change," she adds.

That's just a bizarre number even by the most pessimistic standards. This woman lives in her own universe.
That's not the case. They had their own video up first, but removed it because of all the negative comments and the thumbs downs they got.

Negative publicity is still publicity, unfortunately. Even if the video gets taken down a lot, because it's so controversial now a lot more people are going to end up seeing it. I'm not sure if that was their intention, but I wouldn't be surprised.
The commercial demonstrates the mind set of the religious zealots in the man made global warming fairy tale religion. I bet if this was a commercial advocating Christianity the people exploding were non-believers or sinners the video would probably be called hate speech and the commercial would be called hateful and an example of religious extremism by the main stream media.
I found it very offensive and not funny in the least. They literally blew up children over not wanting to cut emissions. I am a climate skeptic, and propaganda like this does not persuade me in the least to believe in what they want to push. I am going to increase my emissions by 10% and watch eco nuts head's explode over it ;)
10:10 campaign is a originally British campaign where they are calling for a 10% reduction in carbon emissions in 2010. They ask people to make changes in their daily life to reduce their carbon footprint.

Myself, I don't accept any theory I can't prove to myself, no matter how many scientists I have to buck, especially since solar panels and windmill installations, the only publicized ways to produce alternate power, are so politically charged.

I see they are using the taliban recruiting methods:
Join Us or Die
It is somewhat funny, but sends the signal that those who are skeptical or opposed are useless, blah, blah
No.. it sends the message that those who choose to not follow The Chosen Dogma should be killed.
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I found the video pretty disgusting. In their minds I'm sure this commercial makes sense... "global warming is real and if everyone doesn't help we will die". I'm just guessing this is what they're trying to imply. Maybe instead they actually will kill everyone who doesn't participate?

Anyways, I still believe it would be a good idea for people to be energy efficient. Not necessarily because of climate change but to save on energy costs. In a tight economy, how could anyone disagree with saving some money?
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The 10:10 Campaign video is classic predictive programming.
It will first start as a fine.
The next step will be jail time.
The final step will be elimination.

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