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What are your ages? (1 Viewer)

Getting old isn't for the feint of heart.
But that doesn't mean one has to lock themselves in a time capsul.

But I've witnessed over the course of my life, all old people, whether grand parents or parents, all think their generation was the best.
IMO, it's the most freedom they have while having the ability to do most anything they want.
And it is. For that group of people.

Every generation thinks their young years are the best years. And perhaps it is. But that doesn't mean it can remain that way. Nor should it.
The only constant in life, is change.

Adapt or die, I think the saying goes.
It is funny how old people blame young people for what the old people taught them to be.
It is funny how old people blame young people for what the old people taught them to be.
I say that all the time.
If people are upset with how young people are, it's the parents fault.
LOL. No, I am not young. I don't feel young anymore.
When you hit 50 you realize that 40 was still young. Late 40's weird injuries start and slower reaction times... at 40 I could still easily compete with 25 yera olds in tennis or surfing... 50? Getting smoked but I crush everybody my age. Anyway, when you stop running down stairs and such it is a sign.
I'm 43. My husband turns 40 this year. Apparently both me and my MIL mentioned that to him within the last few days. He may start to feel a bit old himself soon, but then he's already had 2 knee surgeries so he has a cane and plenty of aches and pains.

I don't really feel old though. I'm still working, playing video games, have teenagers at home, and both my parents are still alive.
always 18 lol)
Getting old is no fun. I have been browsing youtube for shows I use to watch on the tv as a teen. Too much nostalgia. Am I not suppose to do that? Older peeps, am 41, getting closer to 42. Are things going to be getting better?
In 2000, in my mid 40s, I met Tina Louise and Leonard Nimoy Ms. Louise is now the only survivor of the Gilligan's Island cast..

The consolation of getting older, if you maintain your sense of humor, is not having to give a shit to the extent you formerly did.
Let those who will likely have to live through the 2060s be the ones who take the prospect most seriously.
Getting old is no fun. I have been browsing youtube for shows I use to watch on the tv as a teen. Too much nostalgia. Am I not suppose to do that? Older peeps, am 41, getting closer to 42. Are things going to be getting better?
The eyes will soon go.....
Old enough to know better to ask people how old they are.
I am so much more chill than when I was young.

I need to go back to school! I hate this job! I want that car! What should I wear? Is coffee good for me or bad for me? I eat too much red meat! When did I become freakin' lactose intolerant? Shit, I need new ties, again. Guns! Taxes! Wars! Aaagghhh!

Now I see things more academically. Huge numbers of people have always been stupid, violent and greedy. I can't fix it.

I mostly wear clothes that say Levi's on them somewhere and classic rock t-shirts. I worry about the planet my granddaughters will inherit. I do a lot of SMH.

I've never been big on TV and now I mostly watch shows that feature pretty actresses. I watched Grey's Anatomy for years. Stupidest crap I've ever seen but a constant parade of hot chicks who spent half their time running around in their underwear. I don't worry about watching it...I'm genetically programmed to enjoy watching chicks run around in their underwear so I just go with it.

I worry about very little. I have hiking boots and I walk alot. I try to eat veggies. I hope the ones that come frozen and you nuke right in the bag are healthy because that's mostly what I eat. I do go for fresh apples. They're tasty and crunchy.

But mostly, I stopped worrying so damned much.
I am so much more chill than when I was young.

I need to go back to school! I hate this job! I want that car! What should I wear? Is coffee good for me or bad for me? I eat too much red meat! When did I become freakin' lactose intolerant? Shit, I need new ties, again. Guns! Taxes! Wars! Aaagghhh!

Now I see things more academically. Huge numbers of people have always been stupid, violent and greedy. I can't fix it.

I mostly wear clothes that say Levi's on them somewhere and classic rock t-shirts. I worry about the planet my granddaughters will inherit. I do a lot of SMH.

I've never been big on TV and now I mostly watch shows that feature pretty actresses. I watched Grey's Anatomy for years. Stupidest crap I've ever seen but a constant parade of hot chicks who spent half their time running around in their underwear. I don't worry about watching it...I'm genetically programmed to enjoy watching chicks run around in their underwear so I just go with it.

I worry about very little. I have hiking boots and I walk alot. I try to eat veggies. I hope the ones that come frozen and you nuke right in the bag are healthy because that's mostly what I eat. I do go for fresh apples. They're tasty and crunchy.

But mostly, I stopped worrying so damned much.
Frozen veggies are as nutritious as fresh.

Yup. I only eat frozen veggies except for occasion salads. I also do some frozen berries - strawberries and blueberries with yogurt.

But I also like fresh fruit so always have oranges and apples on hand.
I just found bags of frozen veggies that have broccoli, sliced carrots and sugar snap peas. All my favorites. Toss the bag in the microwave, empty it on the plate next to some chicken, healthy meal.
I just found bags of frozen veggies that have broccoli, sliced carrots and sugar snap peas. All my favorites. Toss the bag in the microwave, empty it on the plate next to some chicken, healthy meal.
A common package here is "California Mix" which is broccoli, cauliflower and sliced carrots. It can be a bit bland I find so I add a bit of sodium free seasoning such as Mrs. Dash.
I just turned 71 a few days ago...
I just turned 71 a few days ago...
Welcome to "the club". I'm getting over just missing my life intersecting with Stalin's and with Truman's presidency, so there is that to be said
for what I used to feel short changed about. Two women in my past were born a day apart in December, 1952 and got to live during the span of
an extra dictator and POTUS than I have.

I used to regret being youngest of my high school graduating class but some of them are 73, now.

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