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What are your ages? (1 Viewer)

Find a good hobby. Do a lot of reading. Travel. Stay close to family and your dearest friends.
I don't have family. I went through my whole life without a single friend ever. I do lot's of reading, it's one of few joys. Already did a lot of traveling. And my hobbies are normally not the hobbies I would want to engage with others while doing them....
You are on the downhill slide. Enjoy the joys of sleeping wrong, and pains that show up for no reason at all. Life sucks then you die.
One of he worst things about getting old is that if you abused you body, too much working out, lots of participation in athletics, or just not taking care of yourself means your body will betray you. Little nagging injuries get bigger and surgeries seem to become more frequent.
Duck Hunt is one of my favorite characters to play in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. He kinda sucks but it's just fun using him.

It's good for fun, yes, not so much for winning against the kids with their mains.
Life started for me at 50. Met my now wife, started earning much more, my investments all started making more, paid off the house. I am overweight, but just crushed all my bloodwork last week, doc is happy.
It's good for fun, yes, not so much for winning against the kids with their mains.

My main will always be Kirby! It's one of the few characters I actually know how to handle well. And I like that I can steal other character's powers.
I don't have family. I went through my whole life without a single friend ever. I do lot's of reading, it's one of few joys. Already did a lot of traveling. And my hobbies are normally not the hobbies I would want to engage with others while doing them....
Well, then you may be in for a lonesome and boring old age.
I have a close friend that I've known since about 1969-70. Even though we live 5 hours away we still communicate and visit. My other closest friend I've known since 1985, and we likewise communicate almost every day and also visit fairly often despite a 5 hour trip separating us. My children live close and we are close, my wife and I see them often as well as our grandchildren. And we travel, read, enjoy the theater. Live your best life.
It's weird. I actually enjoyed turning 30 a LOT more than I enjoyed any of my 20s. It was one of my favorite birthdays, and it really wasn't a special birthday.

Turning 40 and being in my early 40s was a totally shit time for me. I felt old, just as you're describing. I guess it was the realization that I was less and less able to relate to younger people, which bothered me because I had always included myself in the group that identified as young.

Now that I'm an older fart and accept it better than I used to, I think it's an easier transition into my 50s, which will happen in just a few weeks. I think this will happen for you, too, eventually. There's the acceptance part that has to happen. You have to accept you've moved into a different stage of life, that the only constant is change, and that you have to evolve with the times and whatever life throws at you.
I discovered this song at the spring chicken age of 49 and describes my feelings to a tee.

A twiiinnn spinnnn !!!!!!!!!!

:ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::cool: My anthem, and now yours. You're welcome.
My main will always be Kirby! It's one of the few characters I actually know how to handle well. And I like that I can steal other character's powers.
Haha mine too, since Super Smash Bros. Otherwise 80% of my KOs are from falling.
Getting old is no fun. I have been browsing youtube for shows I use to watch on the tv as a teen. Too much nostalgia. Am I not suppose to do that? Older peeps, am 41, getting closer to 42. Are things going to be getting better?


I'm 75 and loving it. I've beat diabetes type 2, three heart conditions, depression/anxiety and live in an amazing world called 'retirement'.

To my surprise and delight I find the Canadian people to be very generous to the retired and respected.

Also to my surprise I am still sexually active. What is surprising is that women now find me attractive when I never really was...but I have a near full head of white hair. I live in a rent controlled area and pay less than half market value within walking distance of the Pacific and a variety of stores. I have excellent medical care, I pay a small user fee for medication.

My closest friend is a 30 year old who identifies as a trans woman (not a partner) and my pot supplier is a 24 year old world champion skate border. My friends from my working years are either dead or should be.

My greatest concern is that I won't be able to spend all my money before I die and the government will get it. To combat that fear I am buying all new furniture.

I wouldn't change a thing.
Two things.

Stop drinking coffee after 6 pm and DO NOT hydrate like is hyped in ads. We need far less water than we take.
Ugh, you said you 'beat' diabetes II. You can't beat diabetes, once you have it, you have it for life. You are not suppose to get it in the first place....
I'll be 40 this year. I also watch old shows on YT or hunt them down on VHS. Yes I have a VCR and CRT.
WTF is “old TV” to a 40 year old?
Last thing I need is a permanent woody on pecker. No thanks.
No, you take a small dose.

Also, ciallis doesn't do that, viagra does.
Ugh, you said you 'beat' diabetes II. You can't beat diabetes, once you have it, you have it for life. You are not suppose to get it in the first place....
Wrong, a good amount of Type II is inherited. And, yes you can beat it.

No, you take a small dose.

Also, ciallis doesn't do that, viagra does.
I thought that stuff was ed medication. Its advertised all over the place.
Two things.

Stop drinking coffee after 6 pm and DO NOT hydrate like is hyped in ads. We need far less water than we take.
Unfortunately, I live in a place where there is low humidity and 110 degree plus temps most of the year. I also take a diuretic pill that sometimes makes it that I get cramps.

I know when to stop drinking before bed, but sometimes.....well...its not always fun!
I thought that stuff was ed medication. Its advertised all over the place.
Ciallis works for both ED and for night time urination, depends on the dose. And it does a great job when you need it in the bedroom!
Bullet proof until I turned 60. Eat what I like, sports, hunting in the mountains, fishing and rafting in remote rivers etc. At 60 I realized that my metabolism must be slowing down and I have to now work at my once natural fitness. Now it's regular weights, jogging, hill walking (with a weighted back pack) etc to maintain my fitness and strength. It's still mostly there, but I have to invest a lot of time in maintaining compared to the previous 60 years. Just when I am thinking about a hammock, book, and cold beer I need to be back on the weight training and stuff I did in my 20's for vanity and extended endurance in the mountains. I would say that maintaining good muscle mass post 60 has been my biggest challenge so far.
WTF is “old TV” to a 40 year old?
Shows or televisions? An old show to me is a show I watched as a kid on VHS that was recorded before I was alive or watched TV. Some Monty Python, Fawlty Towers, Loony Tunes and similar cartoons, The Andy Griffith show, Columbo, Matlock, Perry Mason, etc. If you mean television, the things I grew up with were old, a tabletop black and white bunny ears TV, and big wooden Zenith box. Anything newer than that seems modern.
Aging sneaks up on a body until 60 and then the speed increases, I’m thinking the 70s are more of the same……..
Buffy? Angel? Seinfeld?
Can’t relate.

The Rifleman
Death Valley Days
Wagon Train
Daniel Boone
I Spy
The Man From U.N.C.L.E.
Rat Patrol

plenty more……..

12” b&w

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