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WH Clarifies: No US Troops in Ukraine After Biden's Comments (1 Viewer)


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Sep 12, 2019
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Joe was a complete embarrassment in front of our troops of the 82nd Airborne today. Not only did he not remember his Sec Defs name he also couldn't remember that 'woman' he called her........Sec Def Madam Albright.

What an asshat

Then he told the the troops they would see 'when they go there' in Ukraine bravery among citizens

Say what Joe?


The White House on Friday emphasized that the U.S. would not put any American boots on the ground in Ukraine, an administration spokesperson told Fox News on Friday.

The clarification comes after President Joe Biden's comments to a crowd of U.S. troops earlier in the day while emphasizing the might of average Ukrainian citizens.

"You're going to see when you're there — some of you have been there — you're going to see women, young people, standing in the middle, in front of a damn tank, saying, 'I'm not leaving,'" the president told the 82nd Airborne Division stationed in Jasionka, Poland.

Joe was a complete embarrassment in front of our troops of the 82nd Airborne today. Not only did he not remember his Sec Defs name he also couldn't remember that 'woman' he called her........Sec Def Madam Albright.

What an asshat

Then he told the the troops they would see 'when they go there' in Ukraine bravery among citizens

Say what Joe?


The White House on Friday emphasized that the U.S. would not put any American boots on the ground in Ukraine, an administration spokesperson told Fox News on Friday.

The clarification comes after President Joe Biden's comments to a crowd of U.S. troops earlier in the day while emphasizing the might of average Ukrainian citizens.

"You're going to see when you're there — some of you have been there — you're going to see women, young people, standing in the middle, in front of a damn tank, saying, 'I'm not leaving,'" the president told the 82nd Airborne Division stationed in Jasionka, Poland.

Hmm… not only are they going to be there - some of you have already been there. Did Biden let slip that US military personnel have already been inside Ukraine? Perhaps delivering weapons or performing other ‘support’ functions.
Does anyone remember how outraged this board was when the “Russians helping the Taliban” stories were going around?

I’m not saying don’t help Ukraine, but the hypocrisy is getting increasingly hard to ignore.....and annoying
Hmm… not only are they going to be there - some of you have already been there. Did Biden let slip that US military personnel have already been inside Ukraine? Perhaps delivering weapons or performing other ‘support’ functions.
Its a daily thing now. Reading the room in the videos I've seen, our troops looked shocked at their POTUS. Not a confidence builder I'm sure.

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