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We need to ban sex education (1 Viewer)


New member
Feb 18, 2006
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Very Conservative
It has become very clear to me that sex education is a socialist ploy to corrupt the brains of America's young people by feeding them near-pornographic material. It is for this reason I think all forms of sexual education in schools shall be banned. The punishment for teaching such things should be an automatic job loss. I know I am in a minority, but I am right.
Yes we must keep them in the dark until they find out for themselves.
We must keep them young and dumb.
In other words, you still want our children to think that babies come from a stork until--well--until they find out by themself? That's even stranger for a conservative to support since I would rather my children found out the truth rather then them finding out--elsewhere.
In my America pornography will be banned so we don't need to worry about the sexual influence. Also, a kid can research for himself if he wants to know, but we shouldn't shove it down the throats of those who do not. We were much more moral before sex education, now look at us.
In my America pornography will be banned so we don't need to worry about the sexual influence.
In your America, everything that goes against your idealogy will be banned. In other words, anything that makes you feel good is out.

Also, a kid can research for himself if he wants to know, but we shouldn't shove it down the throats of those who do not.Quote]

Then why don't you take your kids out of public school and put them in a Catholic school where they will be sexually repressed?

We were much more moral before sex education, now look at us.

You mean the fact that we start wars for no reason still?

Or the fact that people actually do things for thimself nowadays?

Or that maybe we actually can have some fun without getting arrested?
FinnMacCool said:
Then why don't you take your kids out of public school and put them in a Catholic school where they will be sexually repressed?

First, I am not Catholic, I am a Wesleyan Methodist.

Second, I am WAY too young to have kids of my own, let alone even be married.
First, I am not Catholic, I am a Wesleyan Methodist.

So then, when you get older, send them to a Wesleyan Methodist school. Or set one up yourself. If your going to send your kids to public school, you better be prepared for the fact that they might not consent to pushing religious values down peoples throats.
Just ignore him. He's clearly a troll.
If he's a troll, he would find your post more interesting than mine.

The best way to fight trolls is with intelligence. He would've wanted me to come in and yell at him. . .or saying something like what you said.
Falangist said:
It has become very clear to me that sex education is a socialist ploy to corrupt the brains of America's young people by feeding them near-pornographic material. It is for this reason I think all forms of sexual education in schools shall be banned. The punishment for teaching such things should be an automatic job loss. I know I am in a minority, but I am right.

Um, I'm not gung ho about sex education but I don't think I'd outright ban it...definitely not from private schools...
Ah, that old style porn education. Sure takes you back, don't it?

I can still recall when Frau Dagmar, our recently divorced sex ed instructer strutted into the room in her fishnets and riding chaps and informed us all that we had been very bad bad, wicked, naughty boys and we needed proper discipline if we were to ever learn about sex.

I always wondered what kind of lessons the girls got, though?

I mean, since Frau D taught both classes and all.............
Falangist said:
In my America pornography will be banned so we don't need to worry about the sexual influence. Also, a kid can research for himself if he wants to know, but we shouldn't shove it down the throats of those who do not. We were much more moral before sex education, now look at us.

You can also say that we were much more moral when women "knew their place" and stayed at home to raise the kids.

You can also say that we were much more moral before we gave women the right to vote.

You can also say that we were much more moral before granting equal rights to minorities.

You can also say that we were much more moral when the church forbade reading and all learning was controlled by the priesthood.

All of those are just a valid as your comparison. And just as narrow-minded, and just as ridiculous.
Falangist said:
.... I am WAY too young to have kids of my own, let alone even be married.

we know, it is intuitively obvious to the most casual reader....only someone very young and therefore mostly uneducated could come up with a post like yours. As you mature, you will change your views, or get some of your own. I find it very hard to believe that a very young person has such an opinion as yours. :2wave:
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You know what we need to ban? ****ing morons, that's what. They're breathing my air.
Kelzie said:
You know what we need to ban? ****ing morons, that's what. They're breathing my air.
OK, who woke up the beast?:2wave:
It's late, Kelzie, take a couple shots of bourbon and fluff up the pillows and get some sleep. You'll feel better in the morning.
UtahBill said:
OK, who woke up the beast?:2wave:
It's late, Kelzie, take a couple shots of bourbon and fluff up the pillows and get some sleep. You'll feel better in the morning.

Bourbon? Blech. Couple glasses of a nice red....from somewhere south...Argentina, Chile, doesn't matter. Then we'll be in business. And by we I mean I. :2wave:
Kelzie said:
Bourbon? Blech. Couple glasses of a nice red....from somewhere south...Argentina, Chile, doesn't matter. Then we'll be in business. And by we I mean I. :2wave:

Maybe something red from Panama? That's kind of south, isn't it?
I'm actually curious about this...he says hes the founder of the Falangist Party USA, but the website doesnt work.

Care to share your party platform?
Thats probably bullshit.


Basically they are literal Franco fascists. It's kinda like right wing christians except they actually embrace fascism rather then just support it subtely.
Kelzie said:
You know what we need to ban? ****ing morons, that's what. They're breathing my air.

Damn....Sounds like you need some one to

Start off by giving you a full body oil rub,
then a hot candle lighted bath while
sipping Cognac and being feed
chocolate dipped strawberries.
cherokee said:
Damn....Sounds like you need some one to

Start off by giving you a full body oil rub,
then a hot candle lighted bath while
sipping Cognac and being feed
chocolate dipped strawberries.

Yes please. :2wave:
Falangist said:
It has become very clear to me that sex education is a socialist ploy to corrupt the brains of America's young people by feeding them near-pornographic material. It is for this reason I think all forms of sexual education in schools shall be banned. The punishment for teaching such things should be an automatic job loss. I know I am in a minority, but I am right.

sex education has become way too political. I think that the physiology ought to be taught within a general health or anatomy class. this would include information about contraception. the psychological aspect of it is best suited for a class about relationships in general.
Kelzie said:
Yes please. :2wave:

If wasnt married and we could invite alphieb....:2razz:

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