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Watch the 21 PragerU Videos That YouTube Is Censoring (1 Viewer)

Cancer is a group of diseases involving abnormal cell growth with the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body. To use Cancer as some sort of partisan attack is beyond disgusting.

I use it for Islam too, and it is a very good comparison for both. One kills innocents one kills free thought.
Watch the 21 PragerU Videos That YouTube Is Censoring


The claim is that they have been placed in "restricted mode". So not really censoring.
And I am guessing that this restricted mode somehow interacts with software that a family or school employs restricting access, because these videos, on YouTube, are not restricted to me. So again, not really censored.
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Cancer is a group of diseases involving abnormal cell growth with the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body. To use Cancer as some sort of partisan attack is beyond disgusting.

Why? The epidemiological similarities aside, it might be because its disgusting nature that the example is apt and well chosen. After all, ideology does sometimes work that way and liberalism in its American guise has clearly overshot in many citizens views. That does not mean it is all bad. But the sentiment that free opinion is being compromised, which is the first position of the op is certainly true in this nation.

I cannot say, whether there is general censorship, which I gravely doubt. But taking the first video it seems true enough that in recent speeches Michelle and President Obama have said things that portrait a different reality and certainly make Blacks feel more victimised than the numbers warrant. This probably does lead to more discontent and aggressive behavior, which again leads the way to more violence and homicides.
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Cancer should not be used as political pawn in some idiotic throw away partisan comment. There's over 1,025,109.8 words in the english language. Find another word to use.

That's my opinion and I'm not surprised some will see it differently. I do understand that there are those who will have no problem exploiting the suffering that real Cancer sufferers endure to attempt to make some moronic point.
Cancer is a group of diseases involving abnormal cell growth with the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body. To use Cancer as some sort of partisan attack is beyond disgusting.

B.S. "Cancer" is a perfectly appropriate metaphor to use here. If you are in favor of YouTube censoring conservatives just say so.
Restricted Mode =/= Censorship

Anyone 18+ with a YouTube account can watch those videos.
So no, it's not censorship. That's just stupid hyperbole.
You do not have to have a YouTube account.

For instance, here are a few.


So apparently, these videos aren't even age-restricted like I thought. I just tested this, and the only time these videos are unable to be viewed is if you have Restricted Mode activated.

You don't even need a YouTube account to access these videos. So if you want to view any of these 21 Prager videos, just don't activate Restricted Mode.

See? No censorship whatsoever.
So apparently, these videos aren't even age-restricted like I thought. I just tested this, and the only time these videos are unable to be viewed is if you have Restricted Mode activated.

You don't even need a YouTube account to access these videos. So if you want to view any of these 21 Prager videos, just don't activate Restricted Mode.

See? No censorship whatsoever.

There is no suppression of conservative ideas on the net? Wrong.
Youtube is a company that can do what it wishes.

Why do you hate the free market, Comrade?

But no one is being censored.

It's just the fact that if you choose to activate YouTube's Restricted Mode, those 21 videos will be blocked. If one wishes to view them, just disable Restricted Mode.
But no one is being censored.

It's just the fact that if you choose to activate YouTube's Restricted Mode, those 21 videos will be blocked. If one wishes to view them, just disable Restricted Mode.

Oh, I know. It was a rhetorical question.

The OP is looking to wallow in manufactured outrage, and I consider it a civic duty to address that.
But no one is being censored.

It's just the fact that if you choose to activate YouTube's Restricted Mode, those 21 videos will be blocked. If one wishes to view them, just disable Restricted Mode.

Oh, I know. It was a rhetorical question.

The OP is looking to wallow in manufactured outrage, and I consider it a civic duty to address that.
Dailysignal is well labelled it spews the Heritage Foundation propaganda to the drones, who bring it to the masses untouched by critical thought or reason.
Cancer should not be used as political pawn in some idiotic throw away partisan comment. There's over 1,025,109.8 words in the english language. Find another word to use.

That's my opinion and I'm not surprised some will see it differently. I do understand that there are those who will have no problem exploiting the suffering that real Cancer sufferers endure to attempt to make some moronic point.

That is true. It will disturb people. On the other hand, the simile does describe the way some behavior spreads through society, the damage it does and the danger it represents to that society.

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