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Wat up (1 Viewer)


Internet Revolutionist
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
Hey, I'm -Demosthenes-. I am a member of Scienceforums.net, I do alot in the politics section, so I thought I'd look for a sight that concentrated more on politics. Over the next couple months I'm going to get a feel for this site, and see if I like it.
Hello, -Demosthenes-!:2wave:

Why Hello, I've been here a while, and I think that I'll stay a while.
You ojoined yesterday and you have 43 posts? Impressive. Tell me, what are the elephants under your name for, I've noticed similar things under people's names. I'm a member of other forums, you've had anything like that.
-Demosthenes- said:
You ojoined yesterday and you have 43 posts? Impressive. Tell me, what are the elephants under your name for, I've noticed similar things under people's names. I'm a member of other forums, you've had anything like that.

Welcome to Debate Politics! :)

The elephant, donkey, eagle, libery torch etc.. are US political parties.
If you wish to have one: USER CP > Group memberships

Else, the gavel will appear at 25 posts.
-Demosthenes- said:
You ojoined yesterday and you have 43 posts? Impressive.

Yeah well I've had the whole day off, so. :lol:

Tell me, what are the elephants under your name for, I've noticed similar things under people's names. I'm a member of other forums, you've had anything like that.

What other forums are you a member of? I checked out that science forum you mentioned, it looks pretty cool. I'm thinking of signing up.
Just the two forums. I've been at scienceforums.net for almost two years.
Welcome Home.
Glad you made it.
-Demosthenes- said:
Hey, I'm -Demosthenes-. I am a member of Scienceforums.net, I do alot in the politics section, so I thought I'd look for a sight that concentrated more on politics. Over the next couple months I'm going to get a feel for this site, and see if I like it.

Hello and welcome Demosthenes, I would have welcomed you sonner, but I was pretty busy! I have a feeling you'll like this site. It is addicting!

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