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Was there never a Biggie Bangie? (1 Viewer)

Pin dÁr

DP Veteran
Feb 23, 2014
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Did the Big Bang ever happen???

Of course not. It is a fairy take for grownups!!

But why do people still believe this utter nonsense?
Did the Big Bang ever happen???

Of course not. It is a fairy take for grownups!!

But why do people still believe this utter nonsense?

How are you typing this if the universe never came into existence.
I like using Mega Sharpedo. But I like using Milotic more because it's a ****ing tank.

I never saw the point for mega evolutions. It's just a gimmick.

Mega Swampert tho.
Did the Big Bang ever happen???

Of course not. It is a fairy take for grownups!!

But why do people still believe this utter nonsense?

Not sure about the Big Bang but there was definitely Deep Throat.

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All part of the vast, and I mean vast Jewish Conspiracy.
How are you typing this if the universe never came into existence.

I didn't say it isn't here.

I said there never was a Biggie Bangie

Ma, the flawd logic of these people! unbelievable!
Ok, so there is no proof then? ok ok I can live with that!
Did the Big Bang ever happen???

Of course not. It is a fairy take for grownups!!

But why do people still believe this utter nonsense?
But if a universe bangs without anyone around, did it still bang?
well some very strange and psychotic people call it the "Big bang"

It's hilarious.

You keep using the word psychotic.

I don't think it means what you think it means.m

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