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Was Kyle Rittenhouse acting in self-defense? (1 Viewer)

Did Kyle Rittenhouse act in self defense against the man with the skateboard?

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Minister of Love
DP Veteran
Feb 24, 2014
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Simple yes or no question. Was Kyle acting in self defense when he fired his weapon at the man with the skateboard?

Yeah, that's how self defense works. You cross state lines with an illegal weapon to go to an area rife with violence, so that you can "commit" self-defense.

Trump supporter Kyle Rittenhouse just wanted to see what its like to shoot someone on 5th ave and try to get away with it.
Yeah, that's how self defense works. You cross state lines with an illegal weapon to go to an area rife with violence, so that you can "commit" self-defense.

Trump supporter Kyle Rittenhouse just wanted to see what its like to shoot someone on 5th ave and try to get away with it.

So you believe that any Trump supporter who visits from another state deserves to be beaten into a pulp? Noted.
Simple yes or no question. Was Kyle acting in self defense when he fired his weapon at the man with the skateboard?

I predict the results of your poll will be bogus.

Please be clear...I don't think your poll is bogus. Just the results.

The reason it will be bogus is because of people like Aunt Antifa, who will respond to your poll while not knowing the facts.
Simple yes or no question. Was Kyle acting in self defense when he fired his weapon at the man with the skateboard?


There is no point in that incident were Kyle did anything wrong. He was attacked by a mob. Dumb****s died and as far as I am concerned Mr. Rittenhouse cleaned up the gene pool good riddence to the scum.
I predict the results of your poll will be bogus.

Please be clear...I don't think your poll is bogus. Just the results.

The reason it will be bogus is because of people like Aunt Antifa, who will respond to your poll while not knowing the facts.

Aunt Antifa is .... well I cant call her what she is up here, but suffice it to say she is IMO not an honest broker.
So you believe that any Trump supporter who visits from another state deserves to be beaten into a pulp? Noted.

These people were going to murder him. Make no mistake about that.
There is no point in that incident were Kyle did anything wrong. He was attacked by a mob. Dumb****s died and as far as I am concerned Mr. Rittenhouse cleaned up the gene pool good riddence to the scum.

You do know he was attacked with a skateboard because he had already killed someone and was still an active threat to the people on the street? So it may have been the skateboarder who was standing his ground against an armed assailant, which was a bit stupid but he must have hoped it would have incapacitated or disarmed him. Sadly that was not the case because he killed another person and wounded someone.

At least that is according to some reports what is known so far, we will have to wait and see if ever acted in self defense or whether he was the armed aggressor from the get go. Besides crossing interstate lines with a weapon which was already a crime in and of itself.
Simple yes or no question. Was Kyle acting in self defense when he fired his weapon at the man with the skateboard?


illogical poll with no proper options, "unknown at this time/too early to tell" is the only proper response one can give to this opinion poll question.
So you believe that any Trump supporter who visits from another state deserves to be beaten into a pulp? Noted.

Oh dear - THAT would be awesome.

Maybe I should rephrase now that you put it that way because man that's a ballot referendum I'd be curious to see how many votes it generates.
You do know he was attacked with a skateboard because he had already killed someone and was still an active threat to the people on the street? So it may have been the skateboarder who was standing his ground against an armed assailant, which was a bit stupid but he must have hoped it would have incapacitated or disarmed him. Sadly that was not the case because he killed another person and wounded someone.

At least that is according to some reports what is known so far, we will have to wait and see if ever acted in self defense or whether he was the armed aggressor from the get go. Besides crossing interstate lines with a weapon which was already a crime in and of itself.

Good Guy with a Skateboard saved others from being shot.
I answered no, but let me qualify that as saying it is based on what I know from all the stories I can find and what I understand from law.

If I understand this right to claim self defense there are 3-4 parts to the equation. The first two go hand-in-hand in that you use a reasonable degree of force in response to a reasonable fear of injury or death, but the other two is where it gets entertaining.

Most states ask that you are in some way prior to a self defense response are threatened by direct action or some circumstance where you may be facing injury or death. Like someone coming at you for some unknown reason.

The last part is where this all may fall apart for Kyle, the idea of unprovoked attack. You cannot setup a scenario where you put yourself in harms way holding an assault weapon, get into an altercation with someone, then turn around and claim self defense when things get out of hand. The prosecution is going to have no real trouble destroying the unprovoked attack part.

The stories are all over the place and I'll admit that makes this a mess. But at the end of the day you have a 17 year old who punched one girl, shot three people, killing two of them, using a weapon he should not have been wondering the streets with. A 17 year old of any minority does this and we'll get a very different narrative from the same group rushing to Kyle's defense calling him a 'hero' and a 'young man defending property.' The next time we see a 17 year old black guy wondering the streets 'protecting property' with a weapon like that, anyone calls him a 'thug' and you are a hypocrite and probably racist too.

But this debate illustrates with perfection what this nation is facing, optics of whom is doing what with no sense of equality, and our situational ethics and political spin/defense of something because of identity alone will rip the nation further apart.
There is no point in that incident were Kyle did anything wrong. He was attacked by a mob. Dumb****s died and as far as I am concerned Mr. Rittenhouse cleaned up the gene pool good riddence to the scum.

Remind me to reject you from the jury pool.
These people were going to murder him. Make no mistake about that.

We have no proof of that. The so called "MOB" looks to me like they're all running away. And I may be wrong, but hadn't the kid already shot someone else? Perhaps they were just trying to stop him from shooting again.

We do have proof however that he murdered two people.
You do know he was attacked with a skateboard because he had already killed someone and was still an active threat to the people on the street? So it may have been the skateboarder who was standing his ground against an armed assailant, which was a bit stupid but he must have hoped it would have incapacitated or disarmed him. Sadly that was not the case because he killed another person and wounded someone.

At least that is according to some reports what is known so far, we will have to wait and see if ever acted in self defense or whether he was the armed aggressor from the get go. Besides crossing interstate lines with a weapon which was already a crime in and of itself.

This is what I mean when I say "not knowing the facts". Rittenhouse didn't "cross interstate lines with a weapon" and there is no law that I know of that says crossing state lines with a weapon is a crime.

But your post, like the nonsense from Aunt Antifa, is even worse than not knowing the facts. You are spinning what few facts you do know into something that does not resemble the reality seen in the videos.

1. Rittenhouse, when he killed skateboard dude, was not "still an active threat to the people on the street". He was running down the street, ignoring the people around him (except for the group chasing him). He wasn't threatening anybody while he was running for his life.

2. Skateboard dude wasn't "standing his ground". He wasn't being attacked by Rittenhouse. Skateboard dude is the one who attacked Rittenhouse.

3. And, after Rittenhouse was successful in defending himself from the men who chased him down and attacked him, he STILL wasn't an "active threat to the people on the street". He continued to ignore the other people around him and he approached the police to turn himself in.

What I've said here are facts, shown by the various videos. The nonsense from you and Aunt Antifa are not supported by the videos. Your nonsense is nothing more than lies.
Constraining the debate down to between Kyle Rittenhouse and just the skateboard man is an unnecessary skewing of reality.
illogical poll with no proper options, "unknown at this time/too early to tell" is the only proper response one can give to this opinion poll question.

What a silly comment. This poll is about Kyle and the skateboard guy, thats it.
This poll is about Kyle and the skateboard guy, thats it.

But... why? When are we going to discuss nuance and look at the big picture instead of playing the media's divide and conquer game?
But... why? When are we going to discuss nuance and look at the big picture instead of playing the media's divide and conquer game?

Because there's too many conflicting stories, so we have to wait on that end, in the meantime we can focus on one aspect of the incident.
We have no proof of that. The so called "MOB" looks to me like they're all running away. And I may be wrong, but hadn't the kid already shot someone else? Perhaps they were just trying to stop him from shooting again.

We do have proof however that he murdered two people.

The New York ****ing Times has said this was self defense. The New York Times. They actually properly reported on the incident. Surprised the hell out of me. Damn near every lawyer on the internet is saying the same thing. Self defense. If was me at the start of that thing, there would have been a lot more people dead much faster, I would not have run, I would have attacked, pressed and kept shooting until I had cleared the area. That's the way I train. If it moved it would have been engaged. Anything that even slightly looked like a threat within 50 meters would have been serviced. I practice this at home. I can service 3 rounds per target 4 30 rd. mags in 40 seconds. 40 separate targets Mozambique style. That's slow. Very slow actually. Most service guys should be able to do that faster by about 10 seconds or so. That kid had much more restraint than most if not all military and leo types would have. I dont have near the restraint of those guys. I routinely fail the shoot, no shoots skills test. That mob was VERY lucky, they have no idea how lucky they are. None.
Yeah, that's how self defense works. You cross state lines with an illegal weapon to go to an area rife with violence, so that you can "commit" self-defense.

Trump supporter Kyle Rittenhouse just wanted to see what its like to shoot someone on 5th ave and try to get away with it.

Even if it’s true that he crossed state lines with a weapon that would still constitute a misdemeanor.

Child gun laws in Wisconsin | WisconsinWatch.org

Absent that gun how would you have defended yourself?
The New York ****ing Times has said this was self defense. The New York Times. They actually properly reported on the incident. Surprised the hell out of me. Damn near every lawyer on the internet is saying the same thing. Self defense. If was me at the start of that thing, there would have been a lot more people dead much faster, I would not have run, I would have attacked, pressed and kept shooting until I had cleared the area. That's the way I train. If it moved it would have been engaged. Anything that even slightly looked like a threat within 50 meters would have been serviced. I practice this at home. I can service 3 rounds per target 4 30 rd. mags in 40 seconds. 40 separate targets Mozambique style. That's slow. Very slow actually. Most service guys should be able to do that faster by about 10 seconds or so. That kid had much more restraint than most if not all military and leo types would have. I dont have near the restraint of those guys. I routinely fail the shoot, no shoots skills test. That mob was VERY lucky, they have no idea how lucky they are. None.

You would have been guilty of a mass shooting and would be in prison for life
Yeah, that's how self defense works. You cross state lines with an illegal weapon to go to an area rife with violence, so that you can "commit" self-defense.

Trump supporter Kyle Rittenhouse just wanted to see what its like to shoot someone on 5th ave and try to get away with it.

You could have just said yes, it was self defense.
Even if it’s true that he crossed state lines with a weapon that would still constitute a misdemeanor.

Child gun laws in Wisconsin | WisconsinWatch.org

Absent that gun how would you have defended yourself?

absent the gun or had he stayed in his own state, he would not have had any confrontations

you are not "defending" yourself when you go looking for trouble in my book
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