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Warren Buffett: $15 minimum wage will hurt the working class (1 Viewer)

Re: Warren Buffett Don't raise the minimum wage

I don't think people are understanding this like Buffet is. They are only looking at party lines. He doesn't seem like he looks at that stuff. Raising it $15 now nationwide would be horrible. In the long run it would be fine though.

not really. as in the long run 15 dollars won't be enough to live on but that is what happens when you raise the floor.
everything else raises with it and you are set at a new floor level.

just now they don't qualify for the stuff they use to they make to much money.

it is called economics of scale.
Re: Warren Buffett Don't raise the minimum wage

what better way to devalue higher education than by making it "free"?

Why is devaluing higher education bad?

Was it bad to provide near-universal access to water? Even though it devalued water? We no longer have to hike 5 miles to the well for it. It's no longer as valuable as it once was. So what? We're better off for it.

I don't understand why having everyone receive a better education is bad for the country. Sure, if everyone has it it's no longer special, but what does having a subset of our population feeling special achieve? A better educated populace is better. Full stop.
Re: Warren Buffett Don't raise the minimum wage

do you not understand how wages are determined? they are determined by the skill level of the job.

so cashier or burger flipper or whatever. very easy skills to learn do not take advanced training and pretty much there is a almost endless supply of people that can do the job.
that means the pay is significantly less.

Network admin. specialty skill that takes trainging and an education and understanding of networking and computer in general. more specialized skill more pay.

Doctor: highly specialized skill that takes years of education and training big money pay.

CEO: a jack of all trades sort of person that is able to handle multiple issues at one time and be able to solve almost every issue or have a solution. usually the owner of the company and therefore big money.

you are paid what you are able to produce. if you produce more than what is needed then the company profits and you move up. if you produce what is required then you stay where you are at. if you produce below expectations then you are fired.

the job they are doing doesn't demand more than minimum wage is the problem.
no skill requirements and a large pool of people that can do the job pretty easily.

Another example of the ultimate failing of the libertarian mindset. It's taking Econ 101 and thinking you understand the economy, which is sort of like taking Physics 101 and thinking you're an engineer. It's not that the concepts are wrong, they're just woefully inadequate to actually explaining the real world.

No, you aren't paid what you are able to produce. Your labor has excess value. That's literally the basis of all employment. If you produce more, there's absolutely no guarantee that you "move up."

Maybe the real problem with the libertarian crowd is that they still think the world is fair.
Re: Warren Buffett Don't raise the minimum wage

Why is devaluing higher education bad?...

those on the right often have an issue with jealousy. They simply don't want everyone to have what they have. An education, a decent wage, health insurance...you name it.
Re: Warren Buffett Don't raise the minimum wage

What is with liberals and them wanting the government to provide them everything?
Re: Warren Buffett Don't raise the minimum wage

What is with liberals and them wanting the government to provide them everything?

What is it with libertarians and making up bull****?
Re: Warren Buffett Don't raise the minimum wage

those on the right often have an issue with jealousy. They simply don't want everyone to have what they have. An education, a decent wage, health insurance...you name it.

I don't care what you have. :shrug: I'm just sick of people treating the government like their parents.
Re: Warren Buffett Don't raise the minimum wage

What is it with libertarians and making up bull****?

What am I making up? Why don't you name me something you people will never demand the government provide or assist in providing. If that is impossible for you to do then perhaps that should tell you something.
Re: Warren Buffett Don't raise the minimum wage

What am I making up? Why don't you name me something you people will never demand the government provide or assist in providing. If that is impossible for you to do then perhaps that should tell you something.

Sure thing. But we have to establish your threshold first.

Obviously if you go with a timeframe of infinity and a minimum number of people of 1, anything will fail your little test. Because on an infinite timeframe, at least one person is going to ask for anything you could think of.

I can just as easily ask you to name me one thing "you people" will never demand be privatized. Because I can find someone who thinks we should privatize the military to let the free market work it out in the most efficient, effective manner.

So what percentage of the population needs to ask for assistance on something, and in what future timeframe does this have to fall under?
Re: Warren Buffett Don't raise the minimum wage

Sure thing. But we have to establish your threshold first.

Obviously if you go with a timeframe of infinity and a minimum number of people of 1, anything will fail your little test. Because on an infinite timeframe, at least one person is going to ask for anything you could think of.

I can just as easily ask you to name me one thing "you people" will never demand be privatized. Because I can find someone who thinks we should privatize the military to let the free market work it out in the most efficient, effective manner.

So what percentage of the population needs to ask for assistance on something, and in what future timeframe does this have to fall under?

How about the same percentage of liberals that support UHC. What part of the economy do you think liberals will never widely support being made into a government monopoly?
Re: Warren Buffett Don't raise the minimum wage

those on the right often have an issue with jealousy. They simply don't want everyone to have what they have. An education, a decent wage, health insurance...you name it.

It seems spiteful to me. 'Oh well I had to pay for my education so the next generation should have to aswell'. Imagine if someone from medieval or Victorian times were to say 'I had to walk 5 miles for water so the next generation had to aswell' or 'my education stopped when I was 11 and I became a chimney sweep after so the next generation should have to aswell'. Sorry but hasn't the bedrock of human society be around making the future better? About succeeding and progressing as generations
go by? Throughout history civilization has been about along the next generation better. This generation seems to have skipped that lesson.

What is with liberals and them wanting the government to provide them everything?

The government is a representation of society. We the people. If we (society) have the capacity to make the lives of those who come next better and/or easier then why not? Our lives are exponentially easier than those who came before us, and life presents new challenges for us overcome. Why begrudge future generations that? Why not make it so that they do not have the same challenges as us to face, so they can face new ones?
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Re: Warren Buffett Don't raise the minimum wage

How about the same percentage of liberals that support UHC. What part of the economy do you think liberals will never widely support being made into a government monopoly?

Entertainment. Air travel. The internet. Automobiles. Beer. Farming. Electronics. Coffee shops. Do you want me to keep going?
Re: Warren Buffett Don't raise the minimum wage

Entertainment. Air travel. The internet. Automobiles. Beer. Farming. Electronics. Coffee shops. Do you want me to keep going?

I don't see much stopping liberals from supporting the internet being taken over by the government. They have already made it into a utility, so what exactly is holding them back from taking the next step? What liberals actually do is demand everything they see as an essential be provided by the government. Outside of that they want to control market activity in all outlets to make sure the market behaves in exactly the way they want. What liberals actually are is economic totalitarians and social fascists.
Re: Warren Buffett Don't raise the minimum wage

I don't see much stopping liberals from supporting the internet being taken over by the government. They have already made it into a utility, so what exactly is holding them back from taking the next step? What liberals actually do is demand everything they see as an essential be provided by the government. Outside of that they want to control market activity in all outlets to make sure the market behaves in exactly the way they want. What liberals actually are is economic totalitarians and social fascists.

Wait, before you said a government monopoly. Now you're talking about regulations.

How does this support the idea that liberals want a government monopoly on coffee shops?
Re: Warren Buffett Don't raise the minimum wage

nope not pay wall. that is called college costs money and if you want to go to college you have to PAY for it.
as stated there are plenty of affordable colleges that students can attend.

there are also scholarships, loans, and grants that can be gotten in order to attend college as well.

so your mythological pay wall is something you have simply made up to continue the appeal to emotion argument.


seriously. no paywall? look at the mother****ing chart.
Re: Warren Buffett Don't raise the minimum wage

What is it with libertarians and making up bull****?

because their theories work better in a vacuum.
Re: Warren Buffett Don't raise the minimum wage

What is with liberals and them wanting the government to provide them everything?

Just a guess, but perhaps they don't trust themselves with making decisions for themselves?
Re: Warren Buffett Don't raise the minimum wage

Since you have anecdotal evidence, I do as well. I also went to a private school (in the Midwest) for my primary education, I transferred out of it and went into the public school system. I was over 3 months behind in the teaching curriculum going from private to public(Math, English, Science). That private school was 3 months slower in teaching the same principles as the public school was.

So no, there is little difference in public/private schools depending upon where you are, and calling people stupid for going to a public school is a silly idea.

I guess that is why the affluent are sending their kids to public schools in droves (lmao), the more urban the better! Baltimore spends more per student than any other school district in the country. How is that working out? :lamo

I wonder how many Democrats in Washington are sending their kids to the public schools they support so much. None?
Re: Warren Buffett Don't raise the minimum wage

ah more proof that the Democrat party's pandering is going to lead to problems. They want unlimited immigration since many Latino immigrants-legal or otherwise-want handouts but at the same time this hurts black labor

Who said anything about unlimited immigration? That's you attempting to change the subject from one of labor costs to a political strawman. But that's to be expected...when you can't win on the issue at hand change the subject in an attempt to confuse and hope no one notices.
Re: Warren Buffett Don't raise the minimum wage

I guess that is why the affluent are sending their kids to public schools in droves (lmao), the more urban the better! Baltimore spends more per student than any other school district in the country. How is that working out? :lamo

I wonder how many Democrats in Washington are sending their kids to the public schools they support so much. None?
Far more people, regardless of affluence are using the public school system than not.

The fact of the matter is unless you have something showing how private schools are actually leading the nation in any educational standards, all you have is hearsay and nothing concrete. Since we've already shown that your claim is nothing more than personal opinion, you'll have to do better than just expressing your experience on the subject and stating it as fact.

Currently we are 1:1 for public vs private schooling in terms of personal experiences.
Re: Warren Buffett Don't raise the minimum wage

We already have the government in control of 12 years of failed public education. Leave colleges alone.

Liberals should be apologizing for what they have done to schools in this country. :(

Public schools as a whole have not failed in this country. Certain public schools in certain parts of the country have failed for multiple reasons. This has been shown before in discussions on US public education.
Re: Warren Buffett Don't raise the minimum wage

I don't see much stopping liberals from supporting the internet being taken over by the government. They have already made it into a utility...

and called it a basic human right.
Re: Warren Buffett Don't raise the minimum wage

Another example of the ultimate failing of the libertarian mindset. It's taking Econ 101 and thinking you understand the economy, which is sort of like taking Physics 101 and thinking you're an engineer. It's not that the concepts are wrong, they're just woefully inadequate to actually explaining the real world.

this tells me you have never taken econ 101 or any other finance or business course.
actually no they are fully adequate. I can't justify 15 an hour for a position that only produces 10 if that. if you want 15 an hour the position has to produce 18-20.

No, you aren't paid what you are able to produce. Your labor has excess value. That's literally the basis of all employment. If you produce more, there's absolutely no guarantee that you "move up."

I have yet to work for a company that wouldn't move people up for producing more than expected. my current company it is one of the only ways to move up.

Maybe the real problem with the libertarian crowd is that they still think the world is fair.

no we fully realize that the world is unfair and once people live with the fact and understand the life isn't fair they will be much better off for it.
Re: Warren Buffett Don't raise the minimum wage


seriously. no paywall? look at the mother****ing chart.

that isn't a pay wall. that is called what it costs to go to college, and not all colleges cost that.
if you go to a major university then yes it can cost you an arm and a leg more so if you are out of state.

however there are some really good local colleges that don't cost as much.
the reward for going to college is the ability to get a better job with better pay and more money than you can make without it.

sorry your appeal to emotion of "it's a paywall" is simply a fallacy.
then again that is why we have grants, scholarships and loans to help pay for it.
Re: Warren Buffett Don't raise the minimum wage

that isn't a pay wall. that is called what it costs to go to college, and not all colleges cost that.
if you go to a major university then yes it can cost you an arm and a leg more so if you are out of state.

look at the chart again, and the average debt incurred. that's a paywall.

however there are some really good local colleges that don't cost as much.

most of them cost a lot of money. i'm arguing in favor of debt free access to post secondary education.

the reward for going to college is the ability to get a better job with better pay and more money than you can make without it.

there's a reward for the entire country as well. we all benefit from a deep intellectual pool, and putting a paywall in front of it is stupid policy.

sorry your appeal to emotion of "it's a paywall" is simply a fallacy.
then again that is why we have grants, scholarships and loans to help pay for it.

it's not a fallacy. look at the chart.

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