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[W:91] FBI arrests man who threatened Boston Globe reporters over editorial critical of Trump (1 Viewer)


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And leading the way is Mr. President. All that divisive threatening talk from trump and looky what we get. I guy parroting the same exact words.

FBI arrests man who threatened Boston Globe reporters over editorial critical of Trump

A man was charged on Thursday with threatening to kill employees of The Boston Globe after the paper's decision to coordinate a national response to President Donald Trump's attacks on the media, according to a release issued by the Justice Department. In more than a dozen phone calls to the newspaper, Robert Chain, 68, allegedly threatened to kill Globe employees and referred to the publication as "the enemy of the people," according to the release.

"You're the enemy of the people, and we're going to kill every one of you," Chain allegedly said in that phone call, adding an expletive, according to a transcript obtained by NBC News. Chain referred to special counsel Robert Mueller, asking: "Why don't you call Mueller, maybe he can help you out buddy."​
Re: FBI arrests man who threatened Boston Globe reporters over editorial critical of Trump

And leading the way is Mr. President. All that divisive threatening talk from trump and looky what we get. I guy parroting the same exact words.

FBI arrests man who threatened Boston Globe reporters over editorial critical of Trump

A man was charged on Thursday with threatening to kill employees of The Boston Globe after the paper's decision to coordinate a national response to President Donald Trump's attacks on the media, according to a release issued by the Justice Department. In more than a dozen phone calls to the newspaper, Robert Chain, 68, allegedly threatened to kill Globe employees and referred to the publication as "the enemy of the people," according to the release.

"You're the enemy of the people, and we're going to kill every one of you," Chain allegedly said in that phone call, adding an expletive, according to a transcript obtained by NBC News. Chain referred to special counsel Robert Mueller, asking: "Why don't you call Mueller, maybe he can help you out buddy."​

so this man is a russian spy that caused hillary to lose the election right
Re: FBI arrests man who threatened Boston Globe reporters over editorial critical of Trump

We are back to every crazy loon = the whole now? Just want to make sure; it's hard to keep track of when we can blame a group for the actions of one.
Re: FBI arrests man who threatened Boston Globe reporters over editorial critical of Trump

so this man is a russian spy that caused hillary to lose the election right

Seems like a lot of work deflecting so much for trump.
Re: FBI arrests man who threatened Boston Globe reporters over editorial critical of Trump

We are back to every crazy loon = the whole now? Just want to make sure; it's hard to keep track of when we can blame a group for the actions of one.

paintbrush fallacies are the only argument people can come up with now.
the guy was a loon i am glad he is in jail just as he should be.
Re: FBI arrests man who threatened Boston Globe reporters over editorial critical of Trump

And leading the way is Mr. President. All that divisive threatening talk from trump and looky what we get. I guy parroting the same exact words.

FBI arrests man who threatened Boston Globe reporters over editorial critical of Trump

A man was charged on Thursday with threatening to kill employees of The Boston Globe after the paper's decision to coordinate a national response to President Donald Trump's attacks on the media, according to a release issued by the Justice Department. In more than a dozen phone calls to the newspaper, Robert Chain, 68, allegedly threatened to kill Globe employees and referred to the publication as "the enemy of the people," according to the release.

"You're the enemy of the people, and we're going to kill every one of you," Chain allegedly said in that phone call, adding an expletive, according to a transcript obtained by NBC News. Chain referred to special counsel Robert Mueller, asking: "Why don't you call Mueller, maybe he can help you out buddy."​

I'm surprised that he didn't settle on shooting up a softball field.

Re: FBI arrests man who threatened Boston Globe reporters over editorial critical of Trump

We are back to every crazy loon = the whole now? Just want to make sure; it's hard to keep track of when we can blame a group for the actions of one.

We are where incitement is as incitement does.
Re: FBI arrests man who threatened Boston Globe reporters over editorial critical of Trump

I'm surprised that he didn't settle on shooting up a softball field.


Just curious... was that guy screaming "Deplorables!"?
Re: FBI arrests man who threatened Boston Globe reporters over editorial critical of Trump

Seems like a lot of work deflecting so much for trump.

isnt that your narrative? alt left blames russia for making people switch their votes from hildabeast to trump lol
Re: FBI arrests man who threatened Boston Globe reporters over editorial critical of Trump

so this man is a russian spy that caused hillary to lose the election right

He was just heeding his Führer's call to action.
Re: FBI arrests man who threatened Boston Globe reporters over editorial critical of Trump

isnt that your narrative? alt left blames russia for making people switch their votes from hildabeast to trump lol

Is it? Or are you just having a hard time finding things to deflect to?
Re: FBI arrests man who threatened Boston Globe reporters over editorial critical of Trump

so this man is a russian spy that caused hillary to lose the election right

#45 is proud of all of his Soviet Sycophants
Re: FBI arrests man who threatened Boston Globe reporters over editorial critical of Trump

We are back to every crazy loon = the whole now? Just want to make sure; it's hard to keep track of when we can blame a group for the actions of one.

Lefties must have learned what you accuse from Alt-Rightists.
Re: FBI arrests man who threatened Boston Globe reporters over editorial critical of Trump

I'm surprised that he didn't settle on shooting up a softball field. :roll:

Or a Church full of African-American folks.
Re: FBI arrests man who threatened Boston Globe reporters over editorial critical of Trump

isnt that your narrative? alt left blames russia for making people switch their votes from hildabeast to trump lol

Alt-Left >> Steve Bannon and Breitbart
Re: FBI arrests man who threatened Boston Globe reporters over editorial critical of Trump

#45 is proud of all of his Soviet Sycophants

see! thank you alt leftist for provin the point
Re: FBI arrests man who threatened Boston Globe reporters over editorial critical of Trump

Seems like a lot of work deflecting so much for trump.

Seems so darn extremely desperate to slim President Trump anyway you can.
Thread after thread of the same slop!

The guy arrested is a dangerous idiot and he should be in jail.
Re: FBI arrests man who threatened Boston Globe reporters over editorial critical of Trump

Trump helping make mentally il Nut jobs great again.
Re: FBI arrests man who threatened Boston Globe reporters over editorial critical of Trump

I'm surprised that he didn't settle on shooting up a softball field. :roll:
Considering the entire meme of "press is the enemy of the people" is traced directly to Trump, and is absurd/false, I think comparing this to other attackers who have no such correlation to a specific candidates words inciting violence (enemy of the people), is silly.

Of course, this is the same Republican party that wants to make Mollie Tibbetts death at the hands of an illegal alien, a referendum on immigrants for a national election campaign issue.

Any way you cut it, mainstream Republicans are taking the low road.
Re: FBI arrests man who threatened Boston Globe reporters over editorial critical of Trump

Trumpy also said at his Indiana rally yesterday there would be "violence" if the GOP loses the midterm election.

Lol. Is he going to come here and beat me up?
Re: FBI arrests man who threatened Boston Globe reporters over editorial critical of Trump

Considering the entire meme of "press is the enemy of the people" is traced directly to Trump, and is absurd/false, I think comparing this to other attackers who have no such correlation to a specific candidates words inciting violence (enemy of the people), is silly.

Of course, this is the same Republican party that wants to make Mollie Tibbetts death at the hands of an illegal alien, a referendum on immigrants for a national election campaign issue.

Any way you cut it, mainstream Republicans are taking the low road.

Like Biden saying "they are going to put ya'll back in chains"...………………..don't freaking about high roads to me when it comes to politics.
Re: FBI arrests man who threatened Boston Globe reporters over editorial critical of Trump

And leading the way is Mr. President. All that divisive threatening talk from trump and looky what we get. I guy parroting the same exact words.

FBI arrests man who threatened Boston Globe reporters over editorial critical of Trump

A man was charged on Thursday with threatening to kill employees of The Boston Globe after the paper's decision to coordinate a national response to President Donald Trump's attacks on the media, according to a release issued by the Justice Department. In more than a dozen phone calls to the newspaper, Robert Chain, 68, allegedly threatened to kill Globe employees and referred to the publication as "the enemy of the people," according to the release.

"You're the enemy of the people, and we're going to kill every one of you," Chain allegedly said in that phone call, adding an expletive, according to a transcript obtained by NBC News. Chain referred to special counsel Robert Mueller, asking: "Why don't you call Mueller, maybe he can help you out buddy."​

The man is arrested and charged. He deserves that.
And while that's going on, perhaps this might be a good time to reflect on the level of vitriol that passes for news, discussion and debate.
Can we honestly say that the MSM has declared a war of words with Trump? Ya...I think that's a pretty safe thing to say.
Is Trump justified in calling the MSM "enemies of the state"? Well, when the 5th estate begins a common slander campaign against the POTUS, the half of the nation that voted for the POTUS, are likely to get a tad pissed. This causes the natural rift in the USA, to widen and become more pronounced, more aggressive, and much more dangerous. So ya...I don't think its much of a stretch to call the MSM, "enemies of the state".

What Lefties don't seem to have in abundance is brains. The capacity to do something that's not damaging to the nation as a whole, yet target the thorn in their collective foot. What is Donald J Trump? Well...he's a shady real estate guy, marketer, and most importantly...an attention freak. So how does one go about driving such a person to distraction WITHOUT insulting half the nation?


But the left has already gone to far for that...so it'll get worse. Just watch.
Re: FBI arrests man who threatened Boston Globe reporters over editorial critical of Trump

Just curious... was that guy screaming "Deplorables!"?

He targeted Republicans. That's all that matters.
Re: FBI arrests man who threatened Boston Globe reporters over editorial critical of Trump

Like Biden saying "they are going to put ya'll back in chains"...………………..don't freaking about high roads to me when it comes to politics.

Which crime did someone get arrested for in pursuing a black with chains? None.

You can't show which Democratic leader said words that incited a specific crime, the way Trump clearly did with his "press are the enemy of the people" nonsense.
There may be some, but you haven't shown it, so your argument is bunk until you do.

Trump personally made that inflammatory, anti-american remark, and a guy took that specific soundbite and acted on it. This is your dear leader, embrace it.
Re: FBI arrests man who threatened Boston Globe reporters over editorial critical of Trump


You want the press to stop doing their job, because Trump incites violence half the time he opens his stupid yap?
How about suggesting Trump tone it down? He's the source, root cause (his supporters).

Nah, too easy to blame "Everyone but FOx news and Trump loyalists!!", because that's not obviously stupid or anything.

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