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[W:390]Ok here is evidence for my theory of brain and mind (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 24, 2018
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Slightly Conservative
Not my theory actually, but the one that makes the most sense to me.

There are a small number of atheists at this forum who hijack any thread I start on the subject of spirituality and science. They are a specific kind of atheist -- the kind that believes mind is created by matter.

Most atheists are actually open to spiritual ideas, but these materialist atheists are not. And their arguments are almost always -- "You are wrong because I don't believe in what you are saying." That is not a logical argument.

The materialist atheists here also demand evidence, without having to provide scientific evidence or logic themselves.

So here you are. This Scientific American blog article gives some pretty good reasons for thinking the brain is not the kind of organ you think it is. As neuroscience and imaging technology advance, the evidence is increasing that the brain is NOT a generator of consciousness and cognition.

According to what I know, and what makes sense to me, the brain allows the mind to interact with the world that is perceived by the physical senses. It allows us to process time, to interpret physical sensations, and to communicate.

Read this carefully and try to be unbiased. Even though it is from one of those wacko new age websites.

Re: Ok here is evidence for my theory of brain and mind

the brain allows the mind to interact with the world that is perceived by the physical senses.
This makes sense to me too.

The closed mind of atheist materialism is a closed mind, not a closed brain.
Re: Ok here is evidence for my theory of brain and mind

This makes sense to me too.

The closed mind of atheist materialism is a closed mind, not a closed brain.

So we'll see how they deal with this. Maybe they will say it isn't evidence because it isn't double blind controlled experiments. That's one of their tricks. Or they will say it's just one scientist's opinion, they need to see a hundred more articles like this.

Or sometimes they say "Ok, but so what? That doesn't prove Jesus Christ lived on earth and rose from death and will be coming back to save you." No ... it doesn't prove that ... no one said it does.

We'll see what kind of lame arguments they come up with.
Re: Ok here is evidence for my theory of brain and mind

Most atheists are actually open to spiritual ideas, but these materialist atheists are not. And their arguments are almost always -- "You are wrong because I don't believe in what you are saying." That is not a logical argument.
That is indeed a bad argument but it flies in both directions. I personally don't think the terminology is at all helpful, the whole idea that any phenomena has to be seen as material or spiritual, (like natural or supernatural). I don't see why. Things either are or are not. Anything that exists is part of the same whole regardless of what you call it.

So here you are. This Scientific American blog article gives some pretty good reasons for thinking the brain is not the kind of organ you think it is. As neuroscience and imaging technology advance, the evidence is increasing that the brain is NOT a generator of consciousness and cognition.
I don't see that. It demonstrates that we don't understand exactly how the brain creates thoughts and consciousness, with the idea that "more" neural activity necessarily means "more" consciousness being too simplistic. Every example given describes changes to the physical brain coinciding with changes in thought and experience though. Not definitive proof of correlation but certainly not evidence against it.
Re: Ok here is evidence for my theory of brain and mind

That is indeed a bad argument but it flies in both directions. I personally don't think the terminology is at all helpful, the whole idea that any phenomena has to be seen as material or spiritual, (like natural or supernatural). I don't see why. Things either are or are not. Anything that exists is part of the same whole regardless of what you call it.

I don't see that. It demonstrates that we don't understand exactly how the brain creates thoughts and consciousness, with the idea that "more" neural activity necessarily means "more" consciousness being too simplistic. Every example given describes changes to the physical brain coinciding with changes in thought and experience though. Not definitive proof of correlation but certainly not evidence against it.

You have interpreted the evidence wrong. We know that changes to the physical brain coincide, correlate with, changes in conscious experience. That in no way implies that the brain generates conscious experience.

Conscious experience also correlates with changes in brain activity. Yet you materialists never infer that conscious experience generates changes in the brain.

You will have to try harder.
Re: Ok here is evidence for my theory of brain and mind

Not my theory actually, but the one that makes the most sense to me.

There are a small number of atheists at this forum who hijack any thread I start on the subject of spirituality and science. They are a specific kind of atheist -- the kind that believes mind is created by matter.

Most atheists are actually open to spiritual ideas, but these materialist atheists are not. And their arguments are almost always -- "You are wrong because I don't believe in what you are saying." That is not a logical argument.

The materialist atheists here also demand evidence, without having to provide scientific evidence or logic themselves.

So here you are. This Scientific American blog article gives some pretty good reasons for thinking the brain is not the kind of organ you think it is. As neuroscience and imaging technology advance, the evidence is increasing that the brain is NOT a generator of consciousness and cognition.

According to what I know, and what makes sense to me, the brain allows the mind to interact with the world that is perceived by the physical senses. It allows us to process time, to interpret physical sensations, and to communicate.

Read this carefully and try to be unbiased. Even though it is from one of those wacko new age websites.


What has this to do with the idea that the brain is not the organ that creates the mind?

In a recent study, CT scans of more than one hundred Vietnam war veterans showed that damage to the frontal and parietal lobes increased the likelihood of “mystical experiences.”15

Yeah, so?

The ancient Americans often drilled holes in their fore heads which caused them to get all floaty and see into the spirit world. Yep, damaging your brain makes your mind less trustable. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trepanning
Re: Ok here is evidence for my theory of brain and mind

You have interpreted the evidence wrong. We know that changes to the physical brain coincide, correlate with, changes in conscious experience. That in no way implies that the brain generates conscious experience.

Yes it does.

Conscious experience also correlates with changes in brain activity. Yet you materialists never infer that conscious experience generates changes in the brain.

Yes we do.

You will have to try harder.

For pitty's sake! The changes in activity in the brain are changes in the physical nature of the brain. When we think of typing with our minds a particular part of the brain will be more active.
Re: Ok here is evidence for my theory of brain and mind

Yes it does.

Yes we do.

For pitty's sake! The changes in activity in the brain are changes in the physical nature of the brain. When we think of typing with our minds a particular part of the brain will be more active.

We all know about these correlations. When you think about something, a particular brain area becomes more active. How can you be sure the thought didn't cause the brain area to be more active? How do you know the brain activity caused the thought?

You need some basic instruction in science research methodology.
Re: Ok here is evidence for my theory of brain and mind

Why did you need to post this physically on a physical forum using a physical device? Next time, just use your non-material mind to send a non-material message to all our non-material minds. It will be much easier and much more convincing.
Re: Ok here is evidence for my theory of brain and mind

And saying "Yes it does," "Yes we do" is not a scientific argument.

Your non-arguments will be ignored.
Re: Ok here is evidence for my theory of brain and mind

Why did you need to post this physically on a physical forum using a physical device? Next time, just use your non-material mind to send a non-material message to all our non-material minds. It will be much easier and much more convincing.

If you read the article, you completely misunderstood it. Good job. Please don't comment again until you read and understand the article.
Re: Ok here is evidence for my theory of brain and mind

We all know about these correlations. When you think about something, a particular brain area becomes more active. How can you be sure the thought didn't cause the brain area to be more active? How do you know the brain activity caused the thought?

You need some basic instruction in science research methodology.

Do thoughts exist without brains?
Re: Ok here is evidence for my theory of brain and mind

I want to announce right here that stupid distractions and hijackings will be ignored in this thread. If you want to read the article and make intelligent comments, fine. If you disagree, even better, as long as you fire up at least one brain cell before commenting.

Time is not going to be wasted on stupid dogmatic nonsense.
Re: Ok here is evidence for my theory of brain and mind

If you read the article, you completely misunderstood it. Good job. Please don't comment again until you read and understand the article.

Like I said, use your mind to send it to my mind and skip the middle man.
Re: Ok here is evidence for my theory of brain and mind

Do thoughts exist without brains?

I said, read the article or stop commenting.
Re: Ok here is evidence for my theory of brain and mind

I want to announce right here that stupid distractions and hijackings will be ignored in this thread. If you want to read the article and make intelligent comments, fine. If you disagree, even better, as long as you fire up at least one brain cell before commenting.

Time is not going to be wasted on stupid dogmatic nonsense.

Brain cells don't fire up. They are passive receptors for the mind.
Re: Ok here is evidence for my theory of brain and mind

Brain cells don't fire up. They are passive receptors for the mind.

This is the last time I respond to idiocy. I said YOU (meaning your mind) fire up a brain cell.
Re: Ok here is evidence for my theory of brain and mind

If you read the article, you completely misunderstood it. Good job. Please don't comment again until you read and understand the article.

The article is an opinion piece about some nonsense called self-transcendence. Maybe if I choked the author to near death he could enjoy that experience.
Re: Ok here is evidence for my theory of brain and mind

The article is an opinion piece about some nonsense called self-transcendence. Maybe if I choked the author to near death he could enjoy that experience.

The article is about new evidence from neuroscience. You have no argument against it so good bye give up.
Re: Ok here is evidence for my theory of brain and mind

And saying "Yes it does," "Yes we do" is not a scientific argument.

Your non-arguments will be ignored.

Your puerile insults will be ignored.
Re: Ok here is evidence for my theory of brain and mind

The article is about new evidence from neuroscience. You have no argument against it so good bye give up.

No, it isn't. There is no new evidence from neuroscience indicating any evidence for the non-scientific concept of self-transcendence.
Re: Ok here is evidence for my theory of brain and mind

Not my theory actually, but the one that makes the most sense to me.

There are a small number of atheists at this forum who hijack any thread I start on the subject of spirituality and science. They are a specific kind of atheist -- the kind that believes mind is created by matter.

Most atheists are actually open to spiritual ideas, but these materialist atheists are not. And their arguments are almost always -- "You are wrong because I don't believe in what you are saying." That is not a logical argument.

The materialist atheists here also demand evidence, without having to provide scientific evidence or logic themselves.

So here you are. This Scientific American blog article gives some pretty good reasons for thinking the brain is not the kind of organ you think it is. As neuroscience and imaging technology advance, the evidence is increasing that the brain is NOT a generator of consciousness and cognition.

According to what I know, and what makes sense to me, the brain allows the mind to interact with the world that is perceived by the physical senses. It allows us to process time, to interpret physical sensations, and to communicate.

Read this carefully and try to be unbiased. Even though it is from one of those wacko new age websites.


What you're referring to is physicalism. Some are eliminitivists and other are reductive physicalists.
Re: Ok here is evidence for my theory of brain and mind

Re: Ok here is evidence for my theory of brain and mind

What you're referring to is physicalism. Some are eliminitivists and other are reductive physicalists.

WHAT?? This author is specifically criticizing physicalism. That is so obvious, how could you get it backwards?
Re: Ok here is evidence for my theory of brain and mind

No, it isn't. There is no new evidence from neuroscience indicating any evidence for the non-scientific concept of self-transcendence.

Read the article before commenting.

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