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[W:#23,579]Ukraine War Thread (3 Viewers)

No doubt Ukraine will try to disrupt as much as possible
If it is not a full mobilization speech, I wonder what else it could be.
Maybe its a withdrawal speech? LOL I know, I know, Im being too optimistic. ;)

Calling for general mobilization will probably plunge Russia into chaos and possible civil war, I think. Plus, it probably wont affect the outcome of the war either even if he does order it.
Maybe its a withdrawal speech? LOL I know, I know, Im being too optimistic. ;)

Calling for general mobilization will probably plunge Russia into chaos and possible civil war, I think. Plus, it probably wont affect the outcome of the war either even if he does order it.

My #1 guess is announcing the annexation referendums, possibly with mobilization.
Some pro-Kremlin figures framed the referendums as an ultimatum to the West to accept Russian territorial gains or face an all out war with a nuclear-armed foe.

"Encroachment onto Russian territory is a crime which allows you to use all the forces of self–defence," Dmitry Medvedev, a former Russian president and now hawkish deputy chairman of Putin's Security Council said on social media.

My #1 guess is announcing the annexation referendums, possibly with mobilization.
Mobilization will be a powder keg. From what Ive read, the main population centers like Moscow and St Petersburg are mostly indifferent or supporting the war because they arent directly affected by it since most of the soldiers who are dead were from the poorer far-flung regions, but if they get drafted, this could cause some major unrest in those cities.

Then again, training even conscripts takes months or even years. If they just throw them into battle it will be a massacre. Plus how will they equipt them? The Russians are already buying artillery shells from North Korea, which shows that theyre out of ammo. Either way it wont work.
Okay, been a little out of touch lately, so this might already been discussed and moved away from but I am worried about the election Russia has announced in Cherson and Luhansk already this weekend. Why the rush?

Is it a way to flush out resistance and pinpoint people that are forceable against Russia? Will mass murder come in its wake?

Okay, been a little out of touch lately, so this might already been discussed and moved away from but I am worried about the election Russia has announced in Cherson and Luhansk already this weekend. Why the rush?

Is it a way to flush out resistance and pinpoint people that are forceable against Russia? Will mass murder come in its wake?

Read that it could be used for a partial mobilization??
But that is a double edge sword.
Brings the war to the major population centres who have sent few troops to Ukraine.
Partial / full mobilization will have blow back for Putin as more see fathers, sons, brothers come home dead
Mobilization will be a powder keg. From what Ive read, the main population centers like Moscow and St Petersburg are mostly indifferent or supporting the war because they arent directly affected by it since most of the soldiers who are dead were from the poorer far-flung regions, but if they get drafted, this could cause some major unrest in those cities.

Then again, training even conscripts takes months or even years. If they just throw them into battle it will be a massacre. Plus how will they equipt them? The Russians are already buying artillery shells from North Korea, which shows that theyre out of ammo. Either way it wont work.


Regardless, RU mobilization would make me uneasy. And, the West would have to redouble their aid.
Three countries remain to approve Sweden and Finland’s NATO applications:

Slovakia, Hungary and Turkey.

Erdogan's actions in connection with him being in the United States suggests that he wants to use the application in order to get favors from the US

(Okay, need to say: sometimes I hate the English language: YOU LACK WORDS!!!!! (It feels like I get the translation "actions" for about every second word I try to translate on Google... the words in Swedish meaning totally different things. This time the translated word actions means something like: when someone makes a calculated speech in public.....)Hate english or google translate..... )
Three countries remain to approve Sweden and Finland’s NATO applications:

Slovakia, Hungary and Turkey.

Erdogan's actions in connection with him being in the United States suggests that he wants to use the application in order to get favors from the US

(Okay, need to say: sometimes I hate the English language: YOU LACK WORDS!!!!! (It feels like I get the translation "actions" for about every second word I try to translate on Google... the words in Swedish meaning totally different things. This time the translated word actions means something like: when someone makes a calculated speech in public.....)Hate english or google translate..... )

Put your words into reverso context, if your language is supported by that website. You'll get a number of sentences that use your word in English in a variety of contexts, so that you can choose the English version that is best for you. Google translate is not very good.

There are two predominate hypothesis floating around the Tweet's commenting thread:

1] Wagner is trying to prove themselves to Putin.
2] There's a washing machine factory there!
Okay, been a little out of touch lately, so this might already been discussed and moved away from but I am worried about the election Russia has announced in Cherson and Luhansk already this weekend. Why the rush?

Is it a way to flush out resistance and pinpoint people that are forceable against Russia? Will mass murder come in its wake?


Annexing those regions will give Putin the justification to put conscripts in the Donbass and refill Russias depleted formations.
Okay, been a little out of touch lately, so this might already been discussed and moved away from but I am worried about the election Russia has announced in Cherson and Luhansk already this weekend. Why the rush?

Is it a way to flush out resistance and pinpoint people that are forceable against Russia? Will mass murder come in its wake?

No it's a way to say russia is being attacked if these annexed areas are attacked. Gives an excuse for mobilization or even the threat of tactical nukes.

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