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Vast majority of Republicans think country better off than 4 years ago? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 10, 2016
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3 in 4 Republicans say US is in better shape than four years ago: poll | TheHill
Polls show that 75 % of people who vote GOP think the country is better off now than 4 years ago. Now I will not question the sanity of those Americans, BUT ARE THEY CRAZY? Four years ago we had a growing economy and things were looking and moving UP with a 4.5% unemployment rate and employment growth in 80 straight months. People were optimistic about the future. Now we have over 170 thousand Americans dead from a virus that the president says is just going to magically going to disappear and an economy in free fall with probably 100 small businesses never going to return with their jobs gone. So do you think we are better off as a country than four years ago and if so, WHY?
3 in 4 Republicans say US is in better shape than four years ago: poll | TheHill
Polls show that 75 % of people who vote GOP think the country is better off now than 4 years ago. Now I will not question the sanity of those Americans, BUT ARE THEY CRAZY? Four years ago we had a growing economy and things were looking and moving UP with a 4.5% unemployment rate and employment growth in 80 straight months. People were optimistic about the future. Now we have over 170 thousand Americans dead from a virus that the president says is just going to magically going to disappear and an economy in free fall with probably 100 small businesses never going to return with their jobs gone. So do you think we are better off as a country than four years ago and if so, WHY?

People base such decisions on their personal situation and apparently 75% of them are doing better. Sucks to be a democrat I guess.
People base such decisions on their personal situation and apparently 75% of them are doing better. Sucks to be a democrat I guess.

Nope, it is a LIE. They are FAKINg doing better.
many are so invested in supporting this debacle that they'll never back down.
3 in 4 Republicans say US is in better shape than four years ago: poll | TheHill
Polls show that 75 % of people who vote GOP think the country is better off now than 4 years ago. Now I will not question the sanity of those Americans, BUT ARE THEY CRAZY? Four years ago we had a growing economy and things were looking and moving UP with a 4.5% unemployment rate and employment growth in 80 straight months. People were optimistic about the future. Now we have over 170 thousand Americans dead from a virus that the president says is just going to magically going to disappear and an economy in free fall with probably 100 small businesses never going to return with their jobs gone. So do you think we are better off as a country than four years ago and if so, WHY?

Right wing propaganda is very effective

American billionaires got $434 billion richer during the pandemic
It's a cult.
3 in 4 Republicans say US is in better shape than four years ago: poll | TheHill
Polls show that 75 % of people who vote GOP think the country is better off now than 4 years ago. Now I will not question the sanity of those Americans, BUT ARE THEY CRAZY? Four years ago we had a growing economy and things were looking and moving UP with a 4.5% unemployment rate and employment growth in 80 straight months. People were optimistic about the future. Now we have over 170 thousand Americans dead from a virus that the president says is just going to magically going to disappear and an economy in free fall with probably 100 small businesses never going to return with their jobs gone. So do you think we are better off as a country than four years ago and if so, WHY?

I don't think 4 years ago we had widespread protesting, trade wars, over 1000 people/ day dying from our own stupidity and not wearing masks, this level of unemployment

So I am not sure what metric they are basing this on, perhaps their emotions or something.
Nope, it is a LIE. They are FAKINg doing better.

LOL. Most people do better year over year regardless of who is in charge until they plateau somewhere in their 50's. There is no faking it. It is just how life works.
3 in 4 Republicans say US is in better shape than four years ago: poll | TheHill
Polls show that 75 % of people who vote GOP think the country is better off now than 4 years ago. Now I will not question the sanity of those Americans, BUT ARE THEY CRAZY? Four years ago we had a growing economy and things were looking and moving UP with a 4.5% unemployment rate and employment growth in 80 straight months. People were optimistic about the future. Now we have over 170 thousand Americans dead from a virus that the president says is just going to magically going to disappear and an economy in free fall with probably 100 small businesses never going to return with their jobs gone. So do you think we are better off as a country than four years ago and if so, WHY?

They’re a niche cult now. They have nothing in common cause with this country or the majority that live here.

We just need to vote them out of existence and let the Lincoln weirdos figure out what a post-Trump GOP looks like, or even if it’s needed. My own take is conservatism is a failed ideology that has nothing to offer the country anymore. Conservatives pretty much agree, which is why they’re so vehemently an anti-democratic organization now.

They didn’t even bother producing a platform for 2020, their entire plea is that they simply should keep power cause they want it.
People base such decisions on their personal situation and apparently 75% of them are doing better. Sucks to be a democrat I guess.

The day after Trump was elected, Republicans went from believing that the economy was in the crapper to believing the economy was great. I have a hard time thinking that the day after he was elected Republicans got a free $50k in their bank accounts.
3 in 4 Republicans say US is in better shape than four years ago: poll | TheHill
Polls show that 75 % of people who vote GOP think the country is better off now than 4 years ago. Now I will not question the sanity of those Americans, BUT ARE THEY CRAZY? Four years ago we had a growing economy and things were looking and moving UP with a 4.5% unemployment rate and employment growth in 80 straight months. People were optimistic about the future. Now we have over 170 thousand Americans dead from a virus that the president says is just going to magically going to disappear and an economy in free fall with probably 100 small businesses never going to return with their jobs gone. So do you think we are better off as a country than four years ago and if so, WHY?

7 months ago we were much better off than 4 years ago because of policy, but what happened to every country over the last 7 months was not caused by policy.
Most thinking people recognize that.
Right wing propaganda is very effective

American billionaires got $434 billion richer during the pandemic

Guess people spent their Covid fun money on toilet paper instead of weed. Maybe next time the democrats will get a few drops of the trickle.
Well, I mean, that's a pretty rosy take on things. We're in middle of a pandemic, unemployment is high, the economy is in the tank, 1/3 of the country is on fire, there's riots everywhere, Louisiana is getting read to be hit with 2 hurricanes, the mid-west got hit my a land-cane, and we have an incompetent boob of a President who cannot seem to pull anything together.
3 in 4 Republicans say US is in better shape than four years ago: poll | TheHill
Polls show that 75 % of people who vote GOP think the country is better off now than 4 years ago. Now I will not question the sanity of those Americans, BUT ARE THEY CRAZY? Four years ago we had a growing economy and things were looking and moving UP with a 4.5% unemployment rate and employment growth in 80 straight months. People were optimistic about the future. Now we have over 170 thousand Americans dead from a virus that the president says is just going to magically going to disappear and an economy in free fall with probably 100 small businesses never going to return with their jobs gone. So do you think we are better off as a country than four years ago and if so, WHY?

They have lost all reason. The "connected" top-percenters getting lots of money will do that, but I don't see what's in it for the rural voters that support this lie. Where is Trump's replacement for the ACA? What will the rural red-staters say when he cuts their social security?
Well, I mean, that's a pretty rosy take on things. We're in middle of a pandemic, unemployment is high, the economy is in the tank, 1/3 of the country is on fire, there's riots everywhere, Louisiana is getting read to be hit with 2 hurricanes, the mid-west got hit my a land-cane, and we have an incompetent boob of a President who cannot seem to pull anything together.

And the United States Post Office no longer works and the country isn't sure an Presidential election will function.

But aside from that, yeah, we're better off than we were four years ago.
The day after Trump was elected, Republicans went from believing that the economy was in the crapper to believing the economy was great. I have a hard time thinking that the day after he was elected Republicans got a free $50k in their bank accounts.

Yeah, none of it is based on data with many of them. Its just emotion.
i think most republicans remember how successful the country was before the pandemic hit.
i think most republicans remember how successful the country was before the pandemic hit.

I'm sure a lot of people remember how nice their homes were before they burned down.
7 months ago we were much better off than 4 years ago because of policy, but what happened to every country over the last 7 months was not caused by policy.
Most thinking people recognize that.

What policy? I mean trump got a rapidly growing economy from the OBama years and all he had to do was watch it grow. The only policy changes were dropping all kinds of regulations that would take maybe 5-10 years to actually move the economy. Just so you know I have a degree in economics and an MBA, so I know how the economy works. The other change was to give the wealthy a trillion dollar tax cut which increased the deficit, but the only effect it had on our economy was to boost the stock market. The stock market no longer tells us the direction of the economy, but does reflect how much money is available to the wealthy to invest and they have no place else to go with all of that money. So exactly what policies are you talking about?
People base such decisions on their personal situation

If you understood anything about psychology you would know this is not true.

It's all perception...
3 in 4 Republicans say US is in better shape than four years ago: poll | TheHill
Polls show that 75 % of people who vote GOP think the country is better off now than 4 years ago. Now I will not question the sanity of those Americans, BUT ARE THEY CRAZY? Four years ago we had a growing economy and things were looking and moving UP with a 4.5% unemployment rate and employment growth in 80 straight months. People were optimistic about the future. Now we have over 170 thousand Americans dead from a virus that the president says is just going to magically going to disappear and an economy in free fall with probably 100 small businesses never going to return with their jobs gone. So do you think we are better off as a country than four years ago and if so, WHY?

Trump did not cause the Wuhan virus....newsflash, it came from China. The left loves it....as they use it for political purposes, a truly sickening thought. There are 90% of Americans who have not stopped working, going to work everyday, yet the democrats want to keep the country closed as long as they can.....after the election, watch it all fade away. This is just another of the daily "bad orange man" threads....gotta have that daily opium.
They’re a niche cult now. They have nothing in common cause with this country or the majority that live here.

We just need to vote them out of existence and let the Lincoln weirdos figure out what a post-Trump GOP looks like, or even if it’s needed. My own take is conservatism is a failed ideology that has nothing to offer the country anymore. Conservatives pretty much agree, which is why they’re so vehemently an anti-democratic organization now.

They didn’t even bother producing a platform for 2020, their entire plea is that they simply should keep power cause they want it.

Hell far righties are banking on the dumbing down of America that they brought about to resurrect the horrors of the early 20th century.
Trump did not cause the Wuhan virus....newsflash, it came from China. The left loves it....as they use it for political purposes, a truly sickening thought. There are 90% of Americans who have not stopped working, going to work everyday, yet the democrats want to keep the country closed as long as they can.....after the election, watch it all fade away. This is just another of the daily "bad orange man" threads....gotta have that daily opium.

If you understood anything about psychology you would know this is not true.

It's all perception...

LOL as if people's personal situations do not affect their perceptions, Dr. Freud. :lol:

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