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Vandals Deface Vietnam War Memorial In Venice (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 16, 2012
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Tucson, AZ
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Vandals Deface Vietnam War Memorial In Venice « CBS Los Angeles

The Los Angeles Police Department said it is not investigating the case.

The vandalism I can understand. Some people are just plain idiots and vandalism is how they express themselves. When they do it you find them and punish them.

The refusal to investigate is what I have a hard time digesting. That, in my opinion, is FAR more disturbing than the tagging.
that was a ****ty thing to do.
Okay, what do they do to investigate? It's pretty easy to see that they have no real clues here. Unless some snitch comes forward, any investigation is going to entail asking a few people if they did it or know who did it. It would be different if there was a camera there. A couple spray paint cans with fingerprints. Witnesses. Not every crime can really be investigated.
That was not just quick spray of paint. Someone took some time to do all that. Someone must have seen them doing this or somebody knows their graffiti tag.

That is just despicable. No excuse.

There use to be a "code of honor" for graffiti artists that they would never harm a memorial or an outdoor wall mural.

Put a sizeable reward out and someone will talk.
That was not just quick spray of paint. Someone took some time to do all that. Someone must have seen them doing this or somebody knows their graffiti tag.

That is just despicable. No excuse.

There use to be a "code of honor" for graffiti artists that they would never harm a memorial or an outdoor wall mural.

Put a sizeable reward out and someone will talk.

Not if they are gang tags. Besides even if someone does talk, we are looking at a misdemeanor. How much of the sheriff's department resources should be allocated toward this?
That is pretty bad... on a big street too. Manners just get worse and worse as time goes on. Standards, for even scumbags, is dropping off.

Bad guy cowboys would still tip a hat to a woman and say ma'am. Now it is just thuggery.
Vandals Deface Vietnam War Memorial In Venice « CBS Los Angeles

The vandalism I can understand. Some people are just plain idiots and vandalism is how they express themselves. When they do it you find them and punish them.

The refusal to investigate is what I have a hard time digesting. That, in my opinion, is FAR more disturbing than the tagging.

A really reprehensible thing to do and if at all possible the police should investigate. But maybe nobody has filed a criminal complaint yet but if one has been made, the police should investigate it vigorously at least. That is what the soldiers deserve for whom this memorial was created.
A really reprehensible thing to do and if at all possible the police should investigate. But maybe nobody has filed a criminal complaint yet but if one has been made, the police should investigate it vigorously at least. That is what the soldiers deserve for whom this memorial was created.

How do you purpose they investigate this misdemeanor?

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How do you purpose they investigate this misdemeanor?

You mean other than them doing their job?

You are aware that loads of businesses and private individuals have CCTV/camera devices hanging on the streets/shops/homes around most areas?

Police should just try to find these hoodlums. Is there a chance they will not? Sure, that is also a likely outcome of this case, but that doesn't mean they should not try to find the perpetrators.
You mean other than them doing their job?

You are aware that loads of businesses and private individuals have CCTV/camera devices hanging on the streets/shops/homes around most areas?

Police should just try to find these hoodlums. Is there a chance they will not? Sure, that is also a likely outcome of this case, but that doesn't mean they should not try to find the perpetrators.

As I asked, how do you want them to go about it? How much of their resources should be exhausted pursuing this misdemeanor? Even if someone snitches, what proof do they have? No one has come forth with any video of the vandalism, have they? Get some paint thinner, clean it up. Mount a few cameras to prevent future vandalism.
As I asked, how do you want them to go about it? How much of their resources should be exhausted pursuing this misdemeanor? Even if someone snitches, what proof do they have? No one has come forth with any video of the vandalism, have they? Get some paint thinner, clean it up. Mount a few cameras to prevent future vandalism.

It is not the level of damage that is an issue, it is the object they defaced. And remember, I think this warrants investigation even though I am not even an American citizen. I just think that the memory of fallen soldiers should not be defaced and if it is, investigations have to be started into finding the culprits.
It is not the level of damage that is an issue, it is the object they defaced. And remember, I think this warrants investigation even though I am not even an American citizen. I just think that the memory of fallen soldiers should not be defaced and if it is, investigations have to be started into finding the culprits.

Okay, great. Since you are an expert on this. How do you think they should go about this investigation of a spray painted monument? How many resources dedicated to it? What crimes should be pushed aside while they go to work on this misdemeanor? Should they start grabbing people off the street and questioning them? Kicking in doors? It's some spray paint on a monument. Clean it up, and work to prevent it from happening again.
If there was ever a need for public shaming, this is it.
If there was ever a need for public shaming, this is it.

If those that did it are under 18 years old, their names would not even be published in the local paper. They'd get probation. Our laws protect juveniles. Let's say they are adults. Exactly how do you shame someone who paints gang tags on monuments? Post their name on a website? Their mugshot? Hopefully, you realize this would be a badge of honor to their peers and they really don't care what you and I think.
If those that did it are under 18 years old, their names would not even be published in the local paper. They'd get probation. Our laws protect juveniles. Let's say they are adults. Exactly how do you shame someone who paints gang tags on monuments? Post their name on a website? Their mugshot? Hopefully, you realize this would be a badge of honor to their peers and they really don't care what you and I think.

People with integrity and gratitude for our men and women in uniform still outnumber mindless thugs and their peers.
Every self respecting American should turn their backs when these low lives approach, and their parents should paddle them all the way to town square.
May be some think it is ok to be this low and disrespectful, some may even find excuses for them. They should be shamed alongside them.
People with integrity and gratitude for our men and women in uniform still outnumber mindless thugs and their peers.
Every self respecting American should turn their backs when these low lives approach, and their parents should paddle them all the way to town square.
May be some think it is ok to be this low and disrespectful, some may even find excuses for them. They should be shamed alongside them.

Our justice system does not allowing shaming of juveniles. There sheriff's department is right, it would be a total waste of time to spend resources investigating this. Much better to clean it up, and then take steps to prevent a reoccurrence. Yes, I think it is a pretty bad thing for someone to do.
Yes...it was despicable. Judging by the overall picture, graffiti on that wall mural has been going on for quite some time. I think there is a distinction...its a wall mural that someone painted to memorialize vitenam veterans...not an official veterans memorial. Thats probably splitting hairs...but still.

As a veteran and the son, grandson, great grandson, great great grandson and father to veterans...stuff like that does not insult me. It doesnt hurt me. It doesnt make me mad. Disappointment at the stupidity of some folks. Sure...but then...surely there is no surprise that some people are the way they are. Maybe the community finds a way to turn this incident into a positive. Maybe tomorrow as a memorial day becomes for at least a few hours truly about Memorial Day.
Okay, great. Since you are an expert on this. How do you think they should go about this investigation of a spray painted monument? How many resources dedicated to it? What crimes should be pushed aside while they go to work on this misdemeanor? Should they start grabbing people off the street and questioning them? Kicking in doors? It's some spray paint on a monument. Clean it up, and work to prevent it from happening again.

I already said what they could do. Have you never seen a police investigation show?

And you may just call it a misdemeanor, I still think it is very worthy of investigating. And don't be unreasonable, nobody's door needs to be kicked in.

And it is defiling a monument, that is a crime that needs investigating.
I would bet money that the person who did this was not alive during the war and probably doesn't even know what kind of memorial it was. It was probably just another flat surface to them. Still sickening, though.
I already said what they could do. Have you never seen a police investigation show?

And you may just call it a misdemeanor, I still think it is very worthy of investigating. And don't be unreasonable, nobody's door needs to be kicked in.

And it is defiling a monument, that is a crime that needs investigating.

Yes. A monument was defiled. The sheriff's office has a finite amount of resources. How much of their resources should be dedicated to this misdemeanor? Should they spend $5,000? $10,000? Will you support the sheriff's office if they nab some juvenile offender and decide to make an example out of them and try them as an adult? If it is an adult and they decide to give them max sentence? You could start a crowdfunding to pay for an investigation. You could put up a reward. It's easy to criticize a sheriff's office. But they have made the right decision. Send someone out to help clean up the mess, suggest some security improvements, maybe increase patrols.
Yes. A monument was defiled. The sheriff's office has a finite amount of resources. How much of their resources should be dedicated to this misdemeanor? Should they spend $5,000? $10,000? Will you support the sheriff's office if they nab some juvenile offender and decide to make an example out of them and try them as an adult? If it is an adult and they decide to give them max sentence? You could start a crowdfunding to pay for an investigation. You could put up a reward. It's easy to criticize a sheriff's office. But they have made the right decision. Send someone out to help clean up the mess, suggest some security improvements, maybe increase patrols.

So burglaries with no monetary values stolen? Also no investigation? Pick pockets? Shop lifters? Should all crimes with little monetary value be ignored?

It is the job and the duty of the government to catch criminals and investigate crimes. I think it is really telling that people want to put a "prize" of how much security, safety and respect may cost. You might think in that manner, I do not.
So burglaries with no monetary values stolen? Also no investigation? Pick pockets? Shop lifters? Should all crimes with little monetary value be ignored?

It is the job and the duty of the government to catch criminals and investigate crimes. I think it is really telling that people want to put a "prize" of how much security, safety and respect may cost. You might think in that manner, I do not.

It's not the monetary value. It's a misdemeanor probably done by a juvenile. It ties up investigative resources and really isn't likely to accomplish anything even if the person gets caught.
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It's not the monetary value. It's a misdemeanor probably done by a juvenile. It ties up investigative resources and really isn't likely to accomplish anything even if the person gets caught.

You may be right, but I still think it should be investigated. There may not be tremendous effort to be spent on that investigation but one detective should be the very least they could have investigate it.
I have family that have lived in Venice since the early 1950s. I have visited there in 1960, 1962, 1968, and 1986. The first three visits showed a quaint town with canals, Venice Beach, and baseball diamonds near their home. When I visited in 1986, the Marina Del Ray condos were standing where the ball diamonds had been, and every flat surface had been tagged.

As a kid, I used to skateboard around the whole neighborhood, then down Washington Street to the pier. I was 31 on my last visit. The gang tagging was quite intimidating to me as I wasn't used to it. None of it bothered my kinfolk. I guess it was applied over time and they just got used to it.

I have a feeling that now (30 years later) that memorial is probably the only flat surface that hadn't been graffitied, until now.

I drove down to LA from the Bay area. Up there, all of the tagging is done in Oakland, not SF.

I feel another visit is in the cards. I'd like to ride my motorcycle out there, next year when I'm retired.
Vandals Deface Vietnam War Memorial In Venice « CBS Los Angeles

The vandalism I can understand. Some people are just plain idiots and vandalism is how they express themselves. When they do it you find them and punish them.

The refusal to investigate is what I have a hard time digesting. That, in my opinion, is FAR more disturbing than the tagging.

It's easier to just frame people on bogus charges than to actually investigate criminal behavior. It's the LAPD after all.

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