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VA a train wreck (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 20, 2012
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Political Leaning
So I'm a 60% disabled vet (scar count can still get around quite well)

Been reading what a cluster **** our 'new' VA administration has become. Obama got slammed for the ACA rollout computer failure, got attacked for the VA struggle with healthcare (I love my VA Healthcare- far superior to the private insurance care I got before finally going to the VA to be rated)

Anyway it appears Trump's team is a total failure trying to implement a far smaller program than the ACA. The new 'Forever' VA Bill has crashed the VA IT system (and it isn't like there wasn't plenty of warning) Rather than support veterans working to get what they were promised the Trump team cut staff positions that were the conduit for Vets to lobby for assistance. Hundreds of thousands of vets have lost their housing stipends, and education payments, soon to be homeless and out of school...

Where is the outrage from the rabid right now that their team is failing those who serve our nation???? :peace
So I'm a 60% disabled vet (scar count can still get around quite well)

Been reading what a cluster **** our 'new' VA administration has become. Obama got slammed for the ACA rollout computer failure, got attacked for the VA struggle with healthcare (I love my VA Healthcare- far superior to the private insurance care I got before finally going to the VA to be rated)

Anyway it appears Trump's team is a total failure trying to implement a far smaller program than the ACA. The new 'Forever' VA Bill has crashed the VA IT system (and it isn't like there wasn't plenty of warning) Rather than support veterans working to get what they were promised the Trump team cut staff positions that were the conduit for Vets to lobby for assistance. Hundreds of thousands of vets have lost their housing stipends, and education payments, soon to be homeless and out of school...

Where is the outrage from the rabid right now that their team is failing those who serve our nation???? :peace

This is very sad. One area where I wish Trump would actually get something right.

I left the GOP because their hatred for Obama stopped them from working with him to help veterans. It had sounded like now that Obama is out of the way, they were actually going to start serving veterans again.

It is very sad to hear that they're still screwing veterans over.

Hopefully the publicity will shame them into fixing this.
I don’t understand;

This is Trump’s tagline for all of his “endorsements” in the mid-term:

“He/She is tough on crime, strong on borders, loves our Military, and our Vets! “

I don’t understand;

This is Trump’s tagline for all of his “endorsements” in the mid-term:

“He/She is tough on crime, strong on borders, loves our Military, and our Vets! “


They passed the legislation. They delivered a whole lot of funding. But Trump is a complete eff-up.

What a snow job it was to convince so many of us that he had organizational skills. The nation elected someone who thinks that the most important resume item anyone could have is a willingness to suck up to him. Beyond that, there's nothing but rot as far as the I can see.
The most messed up agency on the Cabinet, and has been for some time. Why can’t anyone get it right?
Let's see here Trump has insulted POWS, insult the
GOLD star families, insulted vets, and let a little rain stop him from honoring vets in France. Now it seems the VA is even worse shape than it's ever been..

But the Republican base that use to honor and respect veterans and the military is so far up Trumps ass they don't care.

The hypocrisy of the Trumpsters knows no bounds.
This is very sad. One area where I wish Trump would actually get something right. I left the GOP because their hatred for Obama stopped them from working with him to help veterans. It had sounded like now that Obama is out of the way, they were actually going to start serving veterans again. It is very sad to hear that they're still screwing veterans over.

Hopefully the publicity will shame them into fixing this.

Oh you think they feel shame??? :confused:

I just wish those who looked the other way and then went on to 'serve' our country at the public trough would be as eager to give the vets their EARNED benefits as they were to send them overseas to bleed... :peace

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