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Utah judge removes lesbian couple’s foster child, saying she’ll be better off [W:226] (2 Viewers)

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Re: Utah judge removes lesbian couple’s foster child, saying she’ll be better off wit

I fail to see what their orientation has to do with it. Considering how many straight people have proven that they are incapable of that.

Have they proven it or not? There should be a government investigation into this matter.
Re: Utah judge removes lesbian couple’s foster child, saying she’ll be better off wit

I agree with you to a point, but, we are talking about children here. It's not a case where we can let people live the lives they want because minors can't be assumed to know what they want.

Children need to be protected from the abnormal...
Re: Utah judge removes lesbian couple’s foster child, saying she’ll be better off wit

Have they proven it or not? There should be a government investigation into this matter.

Many straight people have proven to be terrible parents, yet we don't question whether they have "proven" it.

Considering the lesbian parents I have known, they most certainly have proved that a person can be gay and capable of providing a good environment for children. Just as it is possible to be heterosexual and be a complete POS.
Re: Utah judge removes lesbian couple’s foster child, saying she’ll be better off wit

They are called Little People and they have a big village somewhere in L.A. and another great one in China although that one is caves and little houses.
I have never heard anything about red heads that would lead me to beleive that they warranted isnpection.

Been one or two that I've thought deserved closer inspection. But I'm biased.
Point is, I bet umpteen children have been raised by lesbians and no-one even knew it. No reason the fact of lesbianism should enter into the equation.
Re: Utah judge removes lesbian couple’s foster child, saying she’ll be better off wit

Children need to be protected from the abnormal...

I agree. Since so many straight people differ from the "normal" in some way, we should take all children and raise them in government run institutions where they will be shielded from anything different.
Re: Utah judge removes lesbian couple’s foster child, saying she’ll be better off wit

Children need to be protected from the abnormal...

Don't worry. Nobody going to make you adopt.
Re: Utah judge removes lesbian couple’s foster child, saying she’ll be better off wit

Have lesbians proven, under watch, that they are capable of caring and raising for a child yet?

Only about a billion times now. Also, wtf does "under watch" mean?

Heterosexuals never need to prove that heterosexuals, as heterosexuals, are capable of child rearing. For some people, homosexuals need to prove it for every single adoption.
Re: Utah judge removes lesbian couple’s foster child, saying she’ll be better off wit

Don't worry. Nobody going to make you adopt.

I have adopted but nobody made me...
Re: Utah judge removes lesbian couple’s foster child, saying she’ll be better off wit

Only about a billion times now. Also, wtf does "under watch" mean?

Heterosexuals never need to prove that heterosexuals, as heterosexuals, are capable of child rearing. For some people, homosexuals need to prove it for every single adoption.

Heterosexuals can have babies... lesbians can't. At least not with each other. Big difference.
Re: Utah judge removes lesbian couple’s foster child, saying she’ll be better off wit

Been one or two that I've thought deserved closer inspection. But I'm biased.
Point is, I bet umpteen children have been raised by lesbians and no-one even knew it. No reason the fact of lesbianism should enter into the equation.

Do we know if those raised by Lesbians have been adversly affected? Is there research that shows that they do not make up a large portion of future homosexuals?
Re: Utah judge removes lesbian couple’s foster child, saying she’ll be better off wit

Heterosexuals can have babies... lesbians can't. At least not with each other. Big difference.

Like, you just...blew my mind, man.
Re: Utah judge removes lesbian couple’s foster child, saying she’ll be better off wit

Only about a billion times now. Also, wtf does "under watch" mean?

Heterosexuals never need to prove that heterosexuals, as heterosexuals, are capable of child rearing. For some people, homosexuals need to prove it for every single adoption.

I think there's a nagging suspicion that homosexuals are potential paedophiles. People will mistrust a gay teacher around boys, for example, but not worry about a straight one around girls.
Re: Utah judge removes lesbian couple’s foster child, saying she’ll be better off wit

Like, you just...blew my mind, man.

So what qualifies a lesbian to raise a child? There should at least be monitoring, social welfare visits, etc. maybe live feed cameras in the house.
Re: Utah judge removes lesbian couple’s foster child, saying she’ll be better off wit

I think there's a nagging suspicion that homosexuals are potential paedophiles. People will mistrust a gay teacher around boys, for example, but not worry about a straight one around girls.

Absolutely correct. If the logic were consistent a man would never be allowed to have a classroom full of girls. Yes, I know I just reworded your post, but it needs to be requoted for truth.
Re: Utah judge removes lesbian couple’s foster child, saying she’ll be better off wit

So what qualifies a lesbian to raise a child? There should at least be monitoring, social welfare visits, etc. maybe live feed cameras in the house.

Go back and read the last infinity threads that covered this topic. It's over, as this judge will be soon to discover.
Re: Utah judge removes lesbian couple’s foster child, saying she’ll be better off wit

Do we know if those raised by Lesbians have been adversly affected? Is there research that shows that they do not make up a large portion of future homosexuals?

Not that I know of. I know of one anecdotal situation that's irrelevant to this, but, far as I know, homosexuality isn't a learned behaviour. I mean, how many homosexuals with lesbian mothers would it take to raise a flag? Hell, there's no way of knowing even how many lesbians are raising kids now, or homosexuals for that matter, never mind what their children's orientation is.
One thing I know- this subject is far too ambiguous and the worries 'way too nebulous to make it a matter of policy. Vet the candidates case-by-case and be glad that an unwanted child has found a home.
Re: Utah judge removes lesbian couple’s foster child, saying she’ll be better off wit

So what qualifies a lesbian to raise a child? There should at least be monitoring, social welfare visits, etc. maybe live feed cameras in the house.

What qualifies a government agency to raise a child? If it's a choice between the two, I mean. Yeah, we all want Ward and June Cleaver to adopt every unwanted waif but if they're too busy bombing abortion clinics and the other choice is an institutional orphanage...
Re: Utah judge removes lesbian couple’s foster child, saying she’ll be better off wit

Not that I know of. I know of one anecdotal situation that's irrelevant to this, but, far as I know, homosexuality isn't a learned behaviour. I mean, how many homosexuals with lesbian mothers would it take to raise a flag? Hell, there's no way of knowing even how many lesbians are raising kids now, or homosexuals for that matter, never mind what their children's orientation is.
One thing I know- this subject is far too ambiguous and the worries 'way too nebulous to make it a matter of policy. Vet the candidates case-by-case and be glad that an unwanted child has found a home.

The EU has had this policy for quite some time, same as Canada, studies up the hoop, many state, due to higher income levels, education as well and a loving family, the children turn out quite well.
Re: Utah judge removes lesbian couple’s foster child, saying she’ll be better off wit

It's Utah, where they still have polygamy.

Lady's and gentlemen I think we have a clash of culture and religion...

Hoagland told KUTV Johansen said “through his research he had found out that kids in homosexual homes don’t do as well as they do in heterosexual homes.” She added that, when the judge was asked to show the research, he wouldn’t.

“I believe it’s a religious belief,” Peirce said.

Though there were no reports of his religious affiliation at press time, Johansen went to law school at Brigham Young University, operated by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, otherwise known as the Mormon church. The church voted to exclude the children of same-sex couples until they are adults just last week, a decision now facing wide protest from within the church.

Agree with the Judges decision?
Re: Utah judge removes lesbian couple’s foster child, saying she’ll be better off wit

The EU has had this policy for quite some time, same as Canada, studies up the hoop, many state, due to higher income levels, education as well and a loving family, the children turn out quite well.

I forgot that aspect, that homosexual couples (male and female) are often better educated and higher income than average. Good point.
Re: Utah judge removes lesbian couple’s foster child, saying she’ll be better off wit

From the article.

A copy of the court order by Judge Scott Johansen, a juvenile judge in Utah’s Seventh District, was not immediately available, though the Salt Lake Tribune confirmed its contents. Hoagland told KUTV Johansen said “through his research he had found out that kids in homosexual homes don’t do as well as they do in heterosexual homes.” She added that, when the judge was asked to show the research, he wouldn’t.

I'm sure the judge was just protecting everyone, because the research was so scientific it would have blown everyone's minds.
Re: Utah judge removes lesbian couple’s foster child, saying she’ll be better off wit

It's Utah, where they still have polygamy.

Lady's and gentlemen I think we have a clash of culture and religion...

Agree with the Judges decision?

Yes there is a sect there, as well as we have in BC.
The judge is a dick head.
Just my opinion
Re: Utah judge removes lesbian couple’s foster child, saying she’ll be better off wit

Have they proven it or not? There should be a government investigation into this matter.

This couple have four other children, all apparently healthy and happy. That should provide sufficient proof that they are both capable and experienced in raising children.

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