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Utah judge removes lesbian couple’s foster child, saying she’ll be better off [W:226] (1 Viewer)

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Re: Utah judge removes lesbian couple’s foster child, saying she’ll be better off wit

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This thread is NOT in the Religion Forum. Focus on the topic. Anymore proselytizing or comments on proselytizing will be met with a thread ban.
Re: Utah judge removes lesbian couple’s foster child, saying she’ll be better off wit

The judge never said that "an entire class of citizenry is unfit to raise children." His decision was based on what was in the best interest of the child. He did his job. Since it's impossible for a lesbian couple to create a child, it's safe to assume their biological children have fathers who are hopefully, involved in raising them. It's wrong to deprive this foster child of the opportunity to be raised in the optimum environment....an environment with a mother and a father.

That would be her mother and father's fault. If they aren't around, or willing. The so called "optimum environment" isn't possible. If it was the child wouldn't be in foster care.
Re: Utah judge removes lesbian couple’s foster child, saying she’ll be better off wit

Over 1,000 Mormon's just resigned from the LSD church in protest.

More Than 1,000 Mormons Resign From The LDS Church In Protest : The Two-Way : NPR

The Utah governor disagreed with the judge's decision, too. Look's like Gary's getting a spine.....

Utah governor says judge who ordered child removed from same-sex couple should ‘follow the law’ | fox13now.com

Thanks for this. I've never been particularly clear on how the beliefs of Mormons and the heads of the Mormon Church line up.

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