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USA Dr's bribes to now be made public and published on the web (1 Viewer)

Bout time. Pharmacy reps spends millions every year wining and dining Drs in order to put their brands as the suggested prescription.
USA Dr's bribes and back door payments to be made public under OBAMACARE..................

Doctors brace for scrutiny of payments, gifts as part of Obamacare - Atlanta Business Chronicle

Question is, will they even know how t o make a medical decision without thinking of money first?

What federal power allows (selectively) requiring doctors (or any citizen) to publically disclose such "perks", or outside income, while other businesses have no such disclosure requirements? Offering "perks" for making large purchases, or switching to a new service/supplier, is a common sales/marketing practice. What is next publically disclosing all doctor's investments as well?
What federal power allows (selectively) requiring doctors (or any citizen) to publically disclose such "perks", or outside income, while other businesses have no such disclosure requirements? Offering "perks" for making large purchases, or switching to a new service/supplier, is a common sales/marketing practice. What is next publically disclosing all doctor's investments as well?

Same reason why doctors are always on military reserve and janitors aren't.

They have the skill set to manipulate the line between life and death.
Same reason why doctors are always on military reserve and janitors aren't.

They have the skill set to manipulate the line between life and death.

All the more reason to not impose additional gov't paperwork nonsense upon them. ;)
All the more reason to not impose additional gov't paperwork nonsense upon them. ;)

You can not deny the value of government oversight though.
You can not deny the value of government oversight though.

What value is that exactly? If my doctor takes a $2K perk for swtiching from wheelchair company (or pill maker) [unknown] to wheelchair company (or pill maker) ABC then what difference does that make to me?

If I am savy enough to research my doctor's private finances then I am also savy enough to determine if there is an equivalent cheaper wheelchair (or drug) to that made by ABC which was recommended to me by the doctor.
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Are you actually saying that there is no corruption in American health care, TT?

Or that corruption in health is fine?

Which is it?
Doctors routinely make life and death decisions. Their patients have a right to know whether those decisions are influenced by any factor other than what is best for the patient´s health. Similar disclosure rules are also appropriate for other professionals and businesses making such important decisions.
What value is that exactly? If my doctor takes a $2K perk for swtiching from wheelchair company (or pill maker) [unknown] to wheelchair company (or pill maker) ABC then what difference does that make to me? If I am savy enough to research my doctor's private finances then I am also savy enough to determine if there is an equivalent cheaper wheelchair (or drug) to that made by ABC which was recommended to me by the doctor.
So then why do we need Drs?

If its so easy to self diagnose, lol.
Are you actually saying that there is no corruption in American health care, TT?

Or that corruption in health is fine?

Which is it?

I believe the default libertarian position is that corruption is OK as long as it doesn´t involve government coercion. :lol:
So then why do we need Drs?

If its so easy to self diagnose, lol.

If you read on the federal website that your doctor got $2K from the Mega Pharmacy Group, and $2K from Joe's Janitorial Service do you have any idea how to make use of that information? I certainly know that if my doctor says I have [ABC]itis and recommends that I take 10mg of XYZ three times per day for it, that I can fairly easily determine what (if any) competing treatments/medications are compatable with that.
Are you actually saying that there is no corruption in American health care, TT?

Or that corruption in health is fine?

Which is it?

Neither, but telling me (should I visit the federal doctor tell all site) that Dr. Bigbucks got $2K to speak at the Mothers Are Good People convention, $3K for swithcing to Hotwheels Medical Scooters or got $1K in bonuses for selling 20,000 candy bars for Kids With Cancer is hardly going to make me question my need for a poison snakebite shot now is it?
If you read on the federal website that your doctor got $2K from the Mega Pharmacy Group, and $2K from Joe's Janitorial Service do you have any idea how to make use of that information? I certainly know that if my doctor says I have [ABC]itis and recommends that I take 10mg of XYZ three times per day for it, that I can fairly easily determine what (if any) competing treatments/medications are compatable with that.

And don't feel like it, that's what I pay my Dr for. Bottom line, is it a Drs job to act in the best interests of their patients, or in the best interest of their wallet? Not a lot of middle ground here, man.
Simply put, any form of socialized health care or insurance is absolutely going to require legislation like this in order to keep costs low.
And don't feel like it, that's what I pay my Dr for. Bottom line, is it a Drs job to act in the best interests of their patients, or in the best interest of their wallet? Not a lot of middle ground here, man.

You assume that the two are mutually exclusive. If Dr. Regulardude needs to make $2K more for a hunting/fishing trip am I better off if he gets it from a medical supplier or by padding my bill a bit? ;)
You assume that the two are mutually exclusive. If my Dr. Regularde needs to make $2K more for a hunting/fishing trip am I better off if he gets it from a medical supplier or by padding my bill a bit? ;)
Neither because neither serve to make you better.
True, but only one will make me poorer for sure or have to see a more stressed out doctor. ;)

So now your argument is, without corruption, Drs don't make enough?
So now your argument is, without corruption, Drs don't make enough?

I have no idea what my doctor makes and this law will likely not change that one bit, but it could add overhead in added income reporting costs.
Bout time. Pharmacy reps spends millions every year wining and dining Drs in order to put their brands as the suggested prescription.

In the past pharma reps did spend a lot of money--doubt it was millions, but that is not the case now.
What value is that exactly? If my doctor takes a $2K perk for swtiching from wheelchair company (or pill maker) [unknown] to wheelchair company (or pill maker) ABC then what difference does that make to me?

If I am savy enough to research my doctor's private finances then I am also savy enough to determine if there is an equivalent cheaper wheelchair (or drug) to that made by ABC which was recommended to me by the doctor.

The problem lies more with medications. If your doctor makes decisions on what to prescribe you or is more inclined to prescribe you medications period because of incentives he receives from a pharmaceutical company there is the potential for him to put those incentives before patient interest. The problem is not only the risk this poses to patients but it also opens the door to corruption (which equals increased prices to patients ) on business end of healthcare. Example: Pharm Co A has a generic drug that is just as effective as one produced by Pharm Co B but half the price, your Doctor goes with Pharm Co B, because Pharm Co B books him to speak at their events for big bucks. There are also hidden costs to insurance companies (including Medicare or Medicaid) .

Here is an article if you are interested:
Our Patent System Incentivizes Drug Companies To Pay Doctors Kickbacks - | Intellihub.com
The problem lies more with medications. If your doctor makes decisions on what to prescribe you or is more inclined to prescribe you medications period because of incentives he receives from a pharmaceutical company there is the potential for him to put those incentives before patient interest. The problem is not only the risk this poses to patients but it also opens the door to corruption (which equals increased prices to patients ) on business end of healthcare. Example: Pharm Co A has a generic drug that is just as effective as one produced by Pharm Co B but half the price, your Doctor goes with Pharm Co B, because Pharm Co B books him to speak at their events for big bucks. There are also hidden costs to insurance companies (including Medicare or Medicaid) .

Here is an article if you are interested:
Our Patent System Incentivizes Drug Companies To Pay Doctors Kickbacks - | Intellihub.com

So why make the one getting the check (or as the article stated a "free" dinner) do the reporting and not the one writing/paying the check? How much does one report that a "free" dinner was worth? This will simply allow the big pharma sales reps to give non-cash benefits, like box seat tickets to sporting events, airline/cruise ship tickets and etc. that are not easily tracable to anyone.
What federal power allows (selectively) requiring doctors (or any citizen) to publically disclose such "perks", or outside income, while other businesses have no such disclosure requirements? Offering "perks" for making large purchases, or switching to a new service/supplier, is a common sales/marketing practice. What is next publically disclosing all doctor's investments as well?

the power to enforce corruption laws.

I would have RICO apply to the AMA.......

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