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US Won’t Rule out Military Action if China Establishes Base in Solomon Islands (2 Viewers)


DP Veteran
Nov 22, 2015
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So if the US invades the Solomon Islands to prevent a Chinese military base from being established there, then how is that morally any different from Russia invading Ukraine to prevent NATO from establishing its presence there?

US Won’t Rule out Military Action if China Establishes Base in Solomon Islands

One of the most senior US officials in the Pacific has refused to rule out military action against Solomon Islands if it were to allow China to establish a military base there, saying that the security deal between the countries presented “potential regional security implications” for the US and other allies.

Ambassador Daniel Kritenbrink, assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, was part of a high-level US delegation to the Pacific country last week.

He said the US team, which also included the National Security Council coordinator for Indo-Pacific affairs, Kurt Campbell, had a 90-minute “constructive and candid” meeting with prime minister Manasseh Sogavare in which the US team detailed concerns about its recently signed security deal with China.
I mean, yeah. That would be bad. It would literally start WWIII lmao.
It’s not. Would that stop us? Nope. We don’t hold ourselves to the standard we hold the rest of the world and get very upset about when called out on it.

On the other hand, China’s a genocidal dictatorship, so such a war would probably have the support of at least some of the neighbors.
We aren't going to go to war with China over the Solomon Islands.
Isn't this exactly what Russia said in Ukraine? lol.
We aren't going to go to war with China over the Solomon Islands.

Of course we aren’t. It’d just be called a “police action” or a “liberation”.
So if the US invades the Solomon Islands to prevent a Chinese military base from being established there, then how is that morally any different from Russia invading Ukraine to prevent NATO from establishing its presence there?

Totally different. We are the United States.
So if the US invades the Solomon Islands to prevent a Chinese military base from being established there, then how is that morally any different from Russia invading Ukraine to prevent NATO from establishing its presence there?

There were 10k Americans killed driving the Japs out during the Solomon Islands campaign in WW2. If the Chicoms we're to establish military bases there, I'm unsure what military strategy is on the books to deal with it with minimal loss of life, if we took action.
We aren't going to go to war with China over the Solomon Islands.
^^^ This...

Now, if it was Tahiti or something, that might be different.
There were 10k Americans killed driving the Japs out during the Solomon Islands campaign in WW2. If the Chicoms we're to establish military bases there, I'm unsure what military strategy is on the books to deal with it with minimal loss of life, if we took action.
The Japs?
Why does the US government think it has the right to try to control who has military bases where?
I believe the Solomon Island leader is just posturing for leverage, but he is playing a dangerous game. He should consider how Cuba's increased ties to the USSR in the 60s kept Cuba as a very backward and isolated place. But if they invite China to build a base then that is their right, but there WILL be an American, British, Austrailian, New Zealand, and possibly Japanese push back to that if China goes too far.

Personally, I say go for it China, and then we will just establish a military base in Taiwan in response. Maybe even encourage Japan and South Korea to seek their nuclear deterrent forces too.

Bring it China! Your stock is down around the world already after your strong backing of Russia in the war there. China wants to see a strong and more united NATO, and possibly a new SEATO like alliance too, then keep pushing.
So if the US invades the Solomon Islands to prevent a Chinese military base from being established there, then how is that morally any different from Russia invading Ukraine to prevent NATO from establishing its presence there?
Good question.

I guess that an American invasion would not be so brutal.

Did the Russians have to destroy so many civilian buildings? Did they have to shoot dead so many civilians in the street? Did they have to rape the women? Did they have to stop safe passage for refugees?
So if the US invades the Solomon Islands to prevent a Chinese military base from being established there, then how is that morally any different from Russia invading Ukraine to prevent NATO from establishing its presence there?

I thought they invaded because of nazis?
The Japs?
Yes, that's what they are. That's what my dad as an infantryman in the 25th Tropic Lightning Division, who fought them in Northern Luzon, and in other campaigns in WW2 called them. That's what I call them and countless others. What's the problem?
We have no business with whatever happens on the Solomon Islands.
If the Solomon Islands want to invite the devil in, that's none of my concern.
We aren't going to go to war with China over the Solomon Islands.
We won't. At the same accord we can't say that we won't, that would just green light China's actions.

Russia and China appear to be getting rather grabby.
Logistically, the Solomons are convenient to Australia and closer than Hawaii to Taiwan……..
We won't. At the same accord we can't say that we won't, that would just green light China's actions.

Russia and China appear to be getting rather grabby.

That is one hell of a view of it.

It looks more to me like the US/West grabbed Ukraine and cried about Russia going to war over it.
Now, the US is crying about China grabbing the Solomons.

What in the holy hell is the difference other than the amazing level of hypocrisy?
That is one hell of a view of it.

It looks more to me like the US/West grabbed Ukraine and cried about Russia going to war over it.
Now, the US is crying about China grabbing the Solomons.

What in the holy hell is the difference other than the amazing level of hypocrisy?
Well SOME of us aren't Putin and Xi enablers who are just excusing communist grabs at other nations. SOME of us.
Well SOME of us aren't Putin and Xi enablers who are just excusing communist grabs at other nations. SOME of us.

It is just very interesting when you call Russia grabby for doing precisely what the US is doing now.

Oh look, a sovereign country is buddying up to another sphere of influence <threaten military intervention>.

One is bad, another is good?
Chek out how many locations the Chinese and Russians have on a map of South America.

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