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US Won’t Extradite Wife of Diplomat Who Killed British Teen in Wrong-Way Crash (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 15, 2009
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The U.S. government has declined a request to extradite a U.S. diplomat's wife who killed a 19-year-old motorcyclist while driving on the wrong side of the road in England, a State Department official said.
Anne Sacoolas, 42, returned to the United States three weeks after the August crash near RAF Croughton in Northamptonshire that killed motorcyclist Harry Dunn.
The U.S. State Department has said Sacoolas cannot be extradited because she is covered by diplomatic immunity

I understand the original intent of diplomatic immunity was to protect a foreign diplomat with safe passage in a foreign country. But it is the most abused privilege.
Diplomat and family do not have to pay parking violations or not responsible to pay rent or other debts. On a more serious side, in NYC there was a son of a foreign diplomat listed as prime suspect in a chain of rapes was allowed to waltz back to his home land untouched years ago.

Anne Sacoolas killed a young 19 year old man and was able to walk away without having her hand slapped. What a system,

US Won’t Extradite Wife of Diplomat Who Killed British Teen in Wrong-Way Crash – NBC 6 South Florida
I'm disappointed and a little surprised. This was hardly a traffic ticket; a young man is dead. :(
Spend a year or two living and working in Washington, DC and you will get a chance to see how diplomatic immunity works up close and personal, like the day when you're crawling down New York Avenue near M Street, and suddenly a souped up Mercedes or Porsche jumps the curb and zooms down the sidewalk, narrowly missing shoppers, then runs three red lights in succession and floors it to 130 as they pick up Hanson Highway on the way to a weekend in Chesapeake Bay where they will again drive on sidewalks, hit cyclists, run others off the road and brandish weapons at anyone who challenges them.

This is a license plate you should FEAR.


The "DPL" means "diplomat", which means they get away with pretty much anything they want.

Many others, like "CONSUL CORPS", too many to list but the short story is, the dreaded DPL plate is the most common.

They can and will put your life in danger...because...they CAN.

Jeff H, native of the DC suburbs of Maryland
By the way, sadly...our own diplomats are pretty guilty of similar behavior in other countries, because they too generally enjoy much the same level of impunity over there.
I'm disappointed and a little surprised. This was hardly a traffic ticket; a young man is dead. :(

The OP story is not quite the smear job on the woman as earlier reporting was. They tried painting it like she fled in the middle of the night right after the wreck to escape prosecution. She was interviewed by police multiple times and only returned to the US when her husband was reassigned stateside, presumably because having a spy on the front page of the paper makes them not so secret agenty.
The OP story is not quite the smear job on the woman as earlier reporting was. They tried painting it like she fled in the middle of the night right after the wreck to escape prosecution. She was interviewed by police multiple times and only returned to the US when her husband was reassigned stateside, presumably because having a spy on the front page of the paper makes them not so secret agenty.

So, the local police didn't do what they should right away because of confusion over diplomatic status but should Sacoolas face justice or not?
The OP story is not quite the smear job on the woman as earlier reporting was. They tried painting it like she fled in the middle of the night right after the wreck to escape prosecution. She was interviewed by police multiple times and only returned to the US when her husband was reassigned stateside, presumably because having a spy on the front page of the paper makes them not so secret agenty.

Actually she was interviewed TWICE and then claimed diplomatic immunity BEFORE leaving the UK.
I understand the original intent of diplomatic immunity was to protect a foreign diplomat with safe passage in a foreign country. But it is the most abused privilege.
Diplomat and family do not have to pay parking violations or not responsible to pay rent or other debts. On a more serious side, in NYC there was a son of a foreign diplomat listed as prime suspect in a chain of rapes was allowed to waltz back to his home land untouched years ago.

Anne Sacoolas killed a young 19 year old man and was able to walk away without having her hand slapped. What a system,

US Won’t Extradite Wife of Diplomat Who Killed British Teen in Wrong-Way Crash – NBC 6 South Florida

The English are terrified of upsetting the Americans. I notice how quickly a British citizen will be sent to the USA when requested by American prosecutors, even when the person is a child or someone with a mental disorder having played on their computer in their English bedroom. On the other hand, Americans do not allow their citizens to face the music in England. Now that England is about to leave the European Union in a week's time, their tails are between their legs for fear they will not get reasonable trading treaties with the Americans. No one messes with the Americans, especially not a twopenny-ha'penny former colonial country now reduced to lonely European offshore island status.
The English are terrified of upsetting the Americans. I notice how quickly a British citizen will be sent to the USA when requested by American prosecutors, even when the person is a child or someone with a mental disorder having played on their computer in their English bedroom. On the other hand, Americans do not allow their citizens to face the music in England. Now that England is about to leave the European Union in a week's time, their tails are between their legs for fear they will not get reasonable trading treaties with the Americans. No one messes with the Americans, especially not a twopenny-ha'penny former colonial country now reduced to lonely European offshore island status.

That is so unfair. The English, along with Canadians and Australians, have been our staunchest allies throughout my lifetime. They have unfailingly supported us, fought beside us, bled for us. The least we can do is honor our extradition treaty, and treat their people with the dignity they deserve.

This honestly pisses me off. :(
That is so unfair. The English, along with Canadians and Australians, have been our staunchest allies throughout my lifetime. They have unfailingly supported us, fought beside us, bled for us. The least we can do is honor our extradition treaty, and treat their people with the dignity they deserve.

This honestly pisses me off. :(

Idiotically, our dumbbell-in-chief recently brushed this tragedy off.....
Trump says accidents '''happen''' in crash by diplomat'''s wife

From the story.....

“The woman was driving on the wrong side of the road,” Trump said. “And that can happen.”
Of course accidents can happen.
Extortion also happens.
That doesn't mean there shouldn't be any consequences.
Yeah, it was a tragic. But it was a accident with DUI or other attached charges involved.

They want to jail her for 14 years?

However, Sacoolas' lawyer Amy Jeffress said in the statement that her client "will not return voluntarily to the United Kingdom to face a potential jail sentence for what was a terrible but unintentional accident."

"A potential penalty of 14 years imprisonment is simply not a proportionate response," she said. "We have been in contact with the U.K. authorities about ways in which Anne could assist with preventing accidents like this from happening in the future, as well as her desire to honor Harry’s memory."

Re: US Wonâ€[emoji769]t Extradite Wife of Diplomat Who Killed British Teen in Wrong-Way Crash

Yeah, it was a tragic. But it was a accident with DUI or other attached charges involved.

They want to jail her for 14 years?

However, Sacoolas' lawyer Amy Jeffress said in the statement that her client "will not return voluntarily to the United Kingdom to face a potential jail sentence for what was a terrible but unintentional accident."

"A potential penalty of 14 years imprisonment is simply not a proportionate response," she said. "We have been in contact with the U.K. authorities about ways in which Anne could assist with preventing accidents like this from happening in the future, as well as her desire to honor Harry’s memory."

Wife of U.S. diplomat charged with causing death of U.K. teen
Up to 14 years. Most get far less.

Plus Americans talking about disproportionate responses is hilarious when you can get life for stealing a slice of pizza in the US.

Sent from my Honor 8X
Re: US Wonâ€[emoji769]t Extradite Wife of Diplomat Who Killed British Teen in Wrong-Way Crash

Up to 14 years. Most get far less.

Plus Americans talking about disproportionate responses is hilarious when you can get life for stealing a slice of pizza in the US.

Sent from my Honor 8X

Facing up to 14 years?

I don't care what some Euro thinks about UK - US relations
Re: US Wonâ€[emoji769]t Extradite Wife of Diplomat Who Killed British Teen in Wrong-Way Crash

Facing up to 14 years?

I don't care what some Euro thinks about UK - US relations
Yea up to.. So say it was an accident and she admitted it, then she could get say... 2 years suspended. But since she fled the country then chances of getting the suspended sentence is most likely off the table... Thats how stuff works even in the US (for white people that is).

Sent from my Honor 8X
I understand the original intent of diplomatic immunity was to protect a foreign diplomat with safe passage in a foreign country. But it is the most abused privilege.
Diplomat and family do not have to pay parking violations or not responsible to pay rent or other debts. On a more serious side, in NYC there was a son of a foreign diplomat listed as prime suspect in a chain of rapes was allowed to waltz back to his home land untouched years ago.

Anne Sacoolas killed a young 19 year old man and was able to walk away without having her hand slapped. What a system,

US Won’t Extradite Wife of Diplomat Who Killed British Teen in Wrong-Way Crash – NBC 6 South Florida

Trump would be screaming now had the wife of a British diplomat jumped bail and fled to the UK after killing someone.
Yeah, it was a tragic. But it was a accident with DUI or other attached charges involved.

They want to jail her for 14 years?

However, Sacoolas' lawyer Amy Jeffress said in the statement that her client "will not return voluntarily to the United Kingdom to face a potential jail sentence for what was a terrible but unintentional accident."

"A potential penalty of 14 years imprisonment is simply not a proportionate response," she said. "We have been in contact with the U.K. authorities about ways in which Anne could assist with preventing accidents like this from happening in the future, as well as her desire to honor Harry’s memory."

Wife of U.S. diplomat charged with causing death of U.K. teen

Why is DUI considered such a minor offense in the US especially when it results in death? Someone is dead directly because of this woman's decisions. Why is 14 years inappropriate?
Why is DUI considered such a minor offense in the US especially when it results in death? Someone is dead directly because of this woman's decisions. Why is 14 years inappropriate?

It was a tragic accident, but she wasn't drunk or under the influence.

14 years is BS.
Sad scenario, and one that shouldn't be taken lightly. As a Christian, I firmly believe that she will have to answer for her deeds, and not only that, she will have to live with what she did. She is a public figure, and I am pretty sure she is aware of what others think of her.
But this goes farther than just this one case. It is a give and take between countries. If we make exceptions, who else will, and for what reasons?

There is no allegation she was drunk. Rather, she was driving on the wrong side of the road. I bet that's not rare for Americans since in UK this is reversed.

Why they won't extradict? They want 14 years in prison, that's why. Read the article. What our State Department is doing (NOT Trump is doing) is trying to negotiate a more reasonable potential punishment. In the USA, an accident that is an accident - nothing deliberately done - isn't even a crime, although your ass can be sued.

I have seen people mistakenly driving the wrong way on a one way street or on the wrong side of the road merely as a mistake HUNDREDS of times. The UK is seeking more prison time than rapists get in most places in the USA. I agree. She is going to be subjected to Anti-American hatred and prejudice for which a fair trial is not possible and the potential punishment is grotesquesly excessive. There also may be concerns for her physical safety.

If I were calling the shots, I'd say no to extradiction too until the UK agreed to certain personal protection and trial/judge/jury safeguards including maximum penalty and a fair trial against an American, potentially making it high prejudicial against her.
Many times a year here, motorcylists are killed. 95% of the time it is the other vehicle's fault. USUALLY this is by an elderly person who pulls out in front of the cyclists because it is difficult for elderly to turn their head 90 degrees and they can be absent minded.

They get a ticket and lose their driver's license, not a decade in prison, and they get sued.
It was a tragic accident, but she wasn't drunk or under the influence.

14 years is BS.

It's manslaughter. Driving down the wrong side of the road and killing someone is a serious crime. In an extreme case of manslaughter 14 years is absolutely appropriate, but this doesn't sound extreme to me. Does it to you?
You're just upset because it was an American.
It's manslaughter. Driving down the wrong side of the road and killing someone is a serious crime. In an extreme case of manslaughter 14 years is absolutely appropriate, but this doesn't sound extreme to me. Does it to you?
You're just upset because it was an American.

Now Grand Mal is a lawyer?

Who would have thought?:2wave:
Now Grand Mal is a lawyer?

Who would have thought?:2wave:

Someone drives down the wrong side of the road in the town you live in and kills someone. They should walk? No trial, no record, no jail time, just walk away?
Re: US Wonâ€[emoji769]t Extradite Wife of Diplomat Who Killed British Teen in Wrong-Way Crash

Up to 14 years. Most get far less.

Plus Americans talking about disproportionate responses is hilarious when you can get life for stealing a slice of pizza in the US.

Sent from my Honor 8X

Someone drives down the wrong side of the road in the town you live in and kills someone. They should walk? No trial, no record, no jail time, just walk away?

Nobody said that they would walk away.

Extradition to face 14 years for a non DUI related accident is BS.

Your hyperbole is noted, but then again, you seem to do this a lot anyways.

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