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US to notify Congress on Saudi arms deal in next week (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
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(Reuters) - The Pentagon said on Monday it expects to notify Congress about an arms deal to Saudi Arabia within "the next week or so," but declined to comment on details of the proposed package.

I have 2 comments to make here:

1) Our technology is the best in the entire world, and other nations still flock to the United States to buy our weapons, which are superior to anything that any other nation puts out. If we can do this for weapons of war, then we should be able to do it in other sectors, such as green energy. All it takes is a little will power and American ingenuity. We have the ingenuity, we just need the will.

2) Selling 60 billion dollars of weapons to Muslims? Yes, and Bush sold weapons to Muslims, and so did Clinton, and so did Bush Sr., and so did Reagan. Evidently, our leaders don't see Islam as the threat that some of the extremists in our country are telling us it is. Could it be that our leaders, past and present, know something that the extremists here don't know? I believe so.

Article is here.
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I don't think our government should be allowed to sell arms to these sorts of terrorist supporting, aggressive, and volatile countries. It seems like a very bad idea to arm crazy folk.
I have 2 comments to make here:

1) Our technology is the best in the entire world, and other nations still flock to the United States to buy our weapons, which are superior to anything that any other nation puts out. If we can do this for weapons of war, then we should be able to do it in other sectors, such as green energy. All it takes is a little will power and American ingenuity. We have the ingenuity, we just need the will.

2) Selling 60 billion dollars of weapons to Muslims? Yes, and Bush sold weapons to Muslims, and so did Clinton, and so did Bush Sr., and so did Reagan. Evidently, our leaders don't see Islam as the threat that some of the extremists in our country are telling us it is. Could it be that our leaders, past and present, know something that the extremists here don't know? I believe so.

Article is here.

Of course out technology is and has been the best in nearly all categories for very long time but today the will to produce clean energy is located in individuals not Major Corporations that currently create or supply power.

It is also as I have said an endless amount of times opposed by Environmental Groups at the top of their structure because it would put them out of business ans cost those big wigs their jobs.

As to selling Muslims any arms I am dead set against selling first line weapons to any outside of England, Australia, and Canada, and sometimes France. Saudi Arabia sponsors Medrasas in many countries and teach Wahhabism that is currently preaching against the enemy. It was once the Soviet Union in Afghanistan today it's the U.S.A.

We nned a solid law prohibiting the sale of any weapon to anyone other than the few I mentioned unless we have an effective way to defeat that weapon.

This sale is a mistake and should never have happened and is rooted totally in oil sales to us.
I have 2 comments to make here:

1) Our technology is the best in the entire world, and other nations still flock to the United States to buy our weapons, which are superior to anything that any other nation puts out. If we can do this for weapons of war, then we should be able to do it in other sectors...
Article is here.
I read the following and was intrigued as to where you were going.

Here is my finish to your start:

...If we can do this for weapons of war, then we should be able to do it in other sectors... such as spreading democracy, human rights, liberating women beyond dog status in many countries, defeating terrorists and their enablers.

Green energy? What for? We have ample supplies of coal, gas, oil and nukes to exploit.

As one African man stated about the Greenie Solution, for it is the Final Solution for Africa if the enviromaniacs have their way, and for what?

One clear thing that emerges from the whole environmental debate is the point that there's somebody keen to kill the African dream. And the African dream is to develop.

The question would be how many people in Europe, how many people in United States are already using that kind of energy ? And how cheap is it ? You see, if it's expensive for the Europeans, if it's expensive for the Americans, and we are talking about poor Africans, you know, it doesn't make sense. The rich countries can afford to engage in some luxurious experimentation with other forms of energy, but for us we are still at the stage of survival.

The challenge we have when we meet Western environmentalists who say we must engage in the use of solar panels and Wind Energy, is how we can have Africa industrialised. Because I don't see how a solar panel is going to power a steel industry. How a solar panel, you know, is going to power some railway train network. It might work maybe to power a small transistor radio.

James Shikwati, Economist and Author

1) Our technology is the best in the entire world, and other nations still flock to the United States to buy our weapons, which are superior to anything that any other nation puts out. If we can do this for weapons of war, then we should be able to do it in other sectors, such as green energy. All it takes is a little will power and American ingenuity. We have the ingenuity, we just need the will.

And a trillion dollars per year of government spending
I have 2 comments to make here:

1) Our technology is the best in the entire world, and other nations still flock to the United States to buy our weapons, which are superior to anything that any other nation puts out. If we can do this for weapons of war, then we should be able to do it in other sectors, such as green energy. All it takes is a little will power and American ingenuity. We have the ingenuity, we just need the will.

2) Selling 60 billion dollars of weapons to Muslims? Yes, and Bush sold weapons to Muslims, and so did Clinton, and so did Bush Sr., and so did Reagan. Evidently, our leaders don't see Islam as the threat that some of the extremists in our country are telling us it is. Could it be that our leaders, past and present, know something that the extremists here don't know? I believe so.

Article is here.

This a response to Iranian nuclear developments and arms build up in the region.

Things in that area are going to get far worse. Once the iranians announce their "nuclear deterrant", even more countries in the region will request arms to whoever can deliver them.
This a response to Iranian nuclear developments and arms build up in the region.

Things in that area are going to get far worse. Once the iranians announce their "nuclear deterrant", even more countries in the region will request arms to whoever can deliver them.

And we'll be more than happy to supply them, as long as we haven't offshored the manufacturing to China. LOL.
Personally I do not think the US should be trading arms with any country seeing friends can sometimes turn into enemies and the fact the US government does not allow any of the American people the right to some of those arms through unconstitutional bans.
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I know that the night vision equipment that we manufacture where I work cannot be sold to: Libya, Cuba, North Korea, Iran, Syria, Sudan, or Iraq. I'm pretty sure that this is the list of the seven deadly nations that we cannot sell arms to.

Saudi Arabia is an ally, as are several other Arab nations. Arms sales to the Saudis are perfectly legal.

As for making the world's best weapons, if you check you will find that most of the parts vendors are over seas. We just assemble them here.
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I know that the night vision equipment that we manufacture where I work cannot be sold to: Libya, Cuba, North Korea, Iran, Syria, Sudan, or Iraq. I'm pretty sure that this is the list of the seven deadly nations that we cannot sell arms to.

Yes, but they end of getting their hands on some our weapons anyway. That's the point.

Saudi Arabia is an ally, as are several other Arab nations. Arms sales to the Saudis are perfectly legal.

I don't think anyone is speaking differently on the legality of it right now, only that it should be prohibited because of reasons already stated.
Yes, but they end of getting their hands on some our weapons anyway. That's the point.

I don't think anyone is speaking differently on the legality of it right now, only that it should be prohibited because of reasons already stated.

You have to trust your allies. Spy on them a little. If they are shifting weapons to the bad guys, liberate the Saudi people from the Royal family.

The Saudis are very 'westernized', much to the chagrin of the extremist Mullahs. I believe that their weaponry will stay with them as a protection against the extremist.

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