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US and Venezuela expel diplomats (1 Viewer)

Great, this should have been done long ago, this dictator is not mentally stable, and is a convicted killer, who knows all to well about "over throwing governments" We should not allow any person in his government to enter this country, that would send the wrong message, especially after just jailing another known dictator.

I can't wait till Kelzie comes to this mans aid again, this should be fun.;)
Deegan said:
I can't wait till Kelzie comes to this mans aid again, this should be fun.;)

Be careful for what you wish -- I noticed next to several links some little notations that appeared for all the worls to be little arrows pointing down.

Should take at least 100 postings to finally determine that they don't actually mean that Venezuela has entered into a utopian nirvana certain to last an eternity.

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